Communist Infiltration?

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IMHO, the only difference between a socialist and a communist is that a socialist has not actually tried to implement his system and make it work. The communists couldn't do it without becoming dictatorial and allowing people like Stalin to rise to power.
Wrong. Socialists have been steadily implementing their concepts for over a hundred years, in governments all over the world. Communists were simply more reckless and violent in their policies, and less flexible in their governance.
Communism as most of us grew up with is dead. The old Soviet ideals are long gone with only Cuba and North Korea left as the remaining examples (both of which are on the brink of collapse). The only other two remaining "communist" countries China, and Vietnam are growing more and more capitalistic in nature every day.

We have a winner here!

You guys need to STOP listening to the talk shows. They could care less about spreading facts, or spreading ideologies. Their primary interest is

I've said it before and I've said it again, the major threat of communism died
in 1991. Communist paranioa is not tin foil hat stuff, it's tin foil hat with a little propeller on top stuff.

I respectfully disagree. People need to understand that communism is not solely an economic system, but a political system as well. Yes, Russia, China and Vietnam have moves very far towards a capatalistic economic system, but they are still very much dictatorships that limit your civil rights, tell you how many children and dogs you can have, what religions are outlawed and what books are banned. And of course, you may not own weapons.

Our assumption that capitalist economy and a free society of being synonomous has been proven false. The communists of the world have learned that their original idea for an economy doesn't work so they are allowing many capitalist functions to operate. Politically, however, not much has changed.
What thirty-thirty said.

And it seems that people can not be reminded often enough that the downline of the oligarchs who fronted the first communist regimes still front the regimes. Whatever flavor of communism it happens to be.

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