Days Like This...


Mar 7, 2011
2 miles past the end of the earth
that make me wonder what it would be like to live in Arizona. I hear February is beautiful there. It seems there are several U-tubers live there and shoot in the desert and the country looks really interesting. Never been there but I think I would love to spend part of my winters in Arizona. In Montana I am surround by national forest and can go out and shoot on hundreds of thousands of acres. Hunting is wonderful here. I don't ever see myself moving away. At my age my biggest outdoor winter activity is shoveling snow. And, frankly, I don't like it that much any more. So maybe snowbirding sounds like a funner option.

So, in the context of where you can go to shoot and what you hunt what is it like this time of year?
Awwww, whats a little snow? :)


The wind starts blowing in February in the south west. It kinda messes things up especially on those 60 mph or more days. February's in the southern climes is not all roses and petunias by a long shot. Texas is still trying to get a wild fire mopped up the last few days, Over 500 structures, a half million acres burned, and two deaths the last I saw in the news but no snow to deal with.
At my age my biggest outdoor winter activity is shoveling snow. And, frankly, I don't like it that much any more.

I'm just down the road from you (in the little Belts), with same current outdoor scene. Buying a snowblower a few years ago was a big improvement (which I resisted too long).

Getting a good airgun (pistol or rifle as you desire) allows indoor shooting year round with very little backstop needed.
We have a typical mix of "seasons" here. Summers are up into the mid to upper 90's a lot and usually with fairly high humidity. Sweat pours off you just having a thought. :)

Winter is usually in the 20's to 30's during the day, with the occasional dip below zero for couple of days here and there. Some years it snows a lot, other years we don't see a flurry.

Fall and spring are generally pretty nice. Fall and winter have always been my favorites, but I like them all. It would be boring not to have that change of seasons.

Not that it really matters, any day you get to be out and shoot a bit is a good day. :)
We have a couple of inches of snow here today as well. By the time March comes around, I'm pretty much done with it.

I'm thinking that when I retire, summer in Utah and winter in Florida.
All fun till its 200deg and your still not shooting because of weather. Choose your poison.
I've been to both Florida and Arizona in the winter. I much prefer Arizona. Florida is a neat place, but where we were, it's wall to wall traffic and people.

Most likely we'll just stay in Colorado. Today it's 73, tomorrow, cold again.
South Florida is pretty crazy, as well as Orlando area. North Florida is where I want to be.
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that make me wonder what it would be like to live in Arizona. I hear February is beautiful there. It seems there are several U-tubers live there and shoot in the desert and the country looks really interesting. Never been there but I think I would love to spend part of my winters in Arizona. In Montana I am surround by national forest and can go out and shoot on hundreds of thousands of acres. Hunting is wonderful here. I don't ever see myself moving away. At my age my biggest outdoor winter activity is shoveling snow. And, frankly, I don't like it that much any more. So maybe snowbirding sounds like a funner option.

So, in the context of where you can go to shoot and what you hunt what is it like this time of year?
I live in FL and just took this today during my weekly stroll along the beach. I live less than ten minutes from the coast.


Today, the high was 80°F with a nice breeze. As for shooting. The local county run range is open and raccoon is available for hunting.
the brass is mostly unrecoverable.
Been there! :D
Maybe I should start classifying my revolvers as "snow" guns, and my semi autos as "fair weather" guns. :)
Now don't go getting all worked up all you semi auto lovers - I'm not saying you are "fair weather" shooters. All I'm saying is that post-holing around in a foot of snow searching for brass isn't much fun, and it's usually a waste of time.
BTW, I like semi-autos too. In fact, my usual CCW is a semi-auto. However, if I ever have to use my CCW, I don't expect I'll be searching for the brass afterwards. ;)
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The area around Sedona, AZ is lovely without the winter extremes of Flagstaff nor the summer extremes of Phoenix. The problem is that land prices are ridiculous and, like most of the state, they have a drinking water problem.
If you lived in Arizona you would be wishing you had days like those in your picture. Arizona is hotter than Texas and where I live we had more than 80 days of triple digit temps during the summer. A couple of times I was afraid to shoot my cast bullets when temps reached over 105ºF thinking they might melt in the 34" barrel of my Sharps before it exited. Know that 105º in Arizona is a cool day. 😁
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I lived in KY (cold winter) for 54 years and I do not miss it.
This version of "winter" is much better. Yes, it gets hot in the summer but it got hot in KY during the summer too, just lasts longer here.
I go shooting at a indoor range, so weather is not a factor; the weather is however conducive to driving a convertible or motorcycle year round. :cool:
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Awwww, whats a little snow? :)


You made a mess of that white snow on the berm.


It's been unseasonably warm and dry here in Illinois. I did a little shooting su day afternoon. My wife and daughter in law joined me for a ccw shootaround in the back yard.
I never see myself moving away as I am encircled by family and friends. We have long and strong ties with the land here.
I do however, have the perfect job to be a snowbird. Our fieldwork is either done or rained out by Thanksgiving and doesn't begin until about April 1st. That leaves quite a bit of opportunity for travel. As long as I dont have a big project underway like the one in the picture above..
We have been to Florida for a week....
...and are leaving in the am for @ms6852 land (Texas) for a week of honky-tonkin' and live music scene with some friends from our area about 40 minutes north of San Antonio in the Canyon Lake area.
As far as shooting goes... years ago we always packed our trap guns and found a shoot somewhere. I have been out of the loop so long now, that I'm not sure if the little hometown gun clubs still exist in the numbers we enjoyed in the 70s and 80s.?
The only guns going to tx with us are our ccws.
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