Ever Have the Hair on the Back of your Neck Stand on End?

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yea ive had feelings like that. the one time i needed it, it failed me terribly. i was at a Dropkick Murphy's concert and got in a bit of a tussel with a drunk skinhead. after the show, im in the parking lot walking to my car and as i round a corner i was grabbed and beaten up pretty bad by friends of the skinhead i tangled with earlier. got a great reminder of it too, every time i look in the mirror and smile i can see where my front 4 teeth are all chipped from a skinheads ring.
When the little voice(s) in you head is (are) really screaming loudly at you...PAY ATTENTION. Something really wrong is happening...time to get outta Dodge.

Yeah, I have had the "Back of the neck feels like a porcupine creepy-crawlies" a few times.
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Only Once

For some reason I was spooked by a "thump", waking from a sound sleep at 3 am. Not the type of noise from the somewhat noisy med student who lives above me (I live in a ground floor apt) but something more local.

The sound of somebody coming over the fence onto my patio? Of my patio window trying to be forced? All I remember grabbing a flashlight and slipping out of bed, not grabbing the SP 101 by my bedside but my G19 on a bookshelf by my bedroom door (said G19 has a set of Trijicons on it glowing briskly in the dark so it was easy to grab and level).

When I peered around the corner into my living room I was pretty spooked, sort of cold all over. To think I was in fear of my life enough to grab my nine
(this was after Katrina and all sorts of nastiness was going on in Houston/Galveston) was pretty telling.

However the room was empty, the doors and window untouched and still firmly locked and nobody was on the pastio. Probably all I heard was somebody's car door slam.

In fact, that is the ONLY time in 10 years of CHL and gun ownership I had ever grabbed a piece fully prepared to fire it in anger. Took a while to get to sleep after that.
I've posted this here before I think, but I'll tell it again. I was at a mall in Durham, NC about 8 or 9 years ago doing some Christmas shopping. I came out of the mall into the parking deck and leaned into my car from the driver's side to put the packages I'd bought in the passenger seat. The mall was non-CHL friendly at the time and my carry weapon (Ruger P89) was under the seat where I'd left it before going into the mall. As I'm leaned into my car I get that "feeling". Call it hairs standing up, spider-sense, whatever, but I happened to turn and catch this guy sneaking up on me. I dropped into a defensive crouch and put my left hand on my holstered gun and unsnapped the retention snap. He startled like he'd just been busted in the act. He immediately started on some spiel about being robbed the day before right in that very parking lot and needing gas money to get back to VA. He kept saying "it happened right over there" pointing with his left hand behind me like he wanted me to look away again. All the while he's inching forward and his right hand is behind his hip. My hand is still on my weapon but I have not drawn it yet. Also his wife/girlfriend/partner in crime is in their idling car stopped right behind me blocking me in. I'm pinned in my open door and have no retreat other than trying to get into the car real fast. At this point he is within 5 or 6 feet of me. There's no way I would have made it into the car without being stabbed or shot depending on what was in that hand. I yelled "STOP" just as loud as I could which shocked him into immobility and got the attention of other shoppers (it was moderately busy in the parking lot at the time). I told him in a very calm but very direct tone, "Turn around slowly and return to your vehicle. I have nothing for you that you want."

I guess he got the point that my left hand was out of sight and probably for a reason. He backed away slowly and got in his car and they peeled out. I spun into my car quickly and locked the doors. I sat there for a good 10 minutes or so waiting for my heart rate to come back to normal.

I never saw what was in his hand but I imagine if I hadn't sensed him there I would have been stabbed or shot, my bet is stabbed, but I'd just as soon avoid either thanks.
I've got one or two...

hAbout two months ago, I was on vacation at my Grandfather's. Rural North Carolina. This is out in the middle of nowhere, just rednecks and animals. I'm laying on the hammock outside. Its getting a bit dark, and I thought I'd watch the sunset. Just for the hell of it, I had a full-sized 8 shot, 8" barrel .357 mgnum revolver in my belt and Mossberg 88 in my hands. About 15 minutes before dark, I hear coyotes howling bout 12-16 feet away. Adrenaline makes rapid-fire and running real quick. I cut down a few trees and got inside in under 2 minutes.

Last week, some scary looking guy (Green flanel shirt, Blue jeans, Tennis shoes; looked like a serial murderer or something like that), was following me around in a thrift store. It took 4 laps around the store before I lost him. Scared the hell outta me.

BTW, lanternlad1, my mother does the EXACT same thing. It's scary as hell and always right.
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I've been lucky and only had a couple of Old Senses moments, one of which had the potential to get really ugly.

Back when I was 18-19 I used to do occasional pest control on a friends/bosses farm with my airgun, a Weihrauch HW77 (this is back in the UK). I would bait a patch of the open end of his storage barn with treats and lay down in a ditch across the way in my home made hide and shoot rats all day.

So, I've been at it a few hours when I hear a loud, firm voice telling me to "lay down my weapon and put my hands behind my head". I'm about to jump up and holler something about never taking me alive (my friends and I used to yank each others chains with "cop voice" all the time) when I get that feeling and just do exactly what I'm told.

Good thing I did, because when I'm turned around to see who's issuing orders, it's two cops with MP5's, as some tresspassing "rambler" had called an Armed Response Unit to deal with a "man in camo with a gun" they had seen lurking in the bushes. Which is annoying as I was rightly on private land, so the only people who had a legal right to be there were me, the landowners and the police. My boss got everything sorted out, but I swear, if I hadn't gone with my gut....

The other time was here in the US, when my wife and I lived in a sketchy apartment complex in a crappy neighbourhood. I woke up around 2am one night, sat bolt upright in bed and had the weirdest feeling. Our dogs weren't making a sound (chihuahuas make pretty good alarm systems) and I couldn't hear anything wrong but everything just felt wrong and I was totally awake, which is weird for me as I take -forever- to wake up usually.

I decided to give the apartment a once over, just in case so I got my SKS (all I had at the time) out the closet and my flashlight and checked all the doors and windows even though we lived on the third floor. Nothing was wrong, but I still had that twitchy feeling, so I camped out on the couch for a bit, in the dark with the rifle close to hand. My wife never even woke up (she's a heavy sleeper, has to be to live with me!) and I didn't get back to sleep till gone 4am, but I didn't mind missing the sleep one bit.....
Then Again...

...when you are driving to El Paso and have to stop at night for gas at an isolated statio on I-10 in Nowheresville. Then while filling your truck, an odd distant howling arises from the desolate landscape. A coyote? The wind?

A sound to definitely raise the hackles on the back of your neck - and makes you touch the .357 on your hip loaded with silvertips for comfort :evil:
A sound to definitely raise the hackles on the back of your neck - and makes you touch the .357 on your hip loaded with silvertips for comfort
man the TV stations know what size TV I have and you know I have silvertips in the .357 on my hip.the hair is standing on the back of my neck.LOL
Well, ya, outside of walking home thru the swamp at 10 years old after watching "The Creature from the Black lagoon.."

Once in NYC, 18 years old, I stopped in a little store for a pack of gum or something. The butcher stepped out from behind the counter and every single hair on my body stood straight up. No reason at all, no warning- it was like a switch had been thrown. I left pronto.

Second time was a 3am near miss of my trailer by a carload of tweakers, way out in the country, snow covered ground, they came down my 100 yd drive, stereo cranked, swerved about five feet from my bedroom , drove out into the pasture did a donut and came back past on the way out. My hair stood up then too. These guys screamed "unpredictable doped up freak" on a subliminal level-as well as the overt behavior.
My friend the thief

I have a buddy who is a former thief, he's gone legit and works for a security company and occasionally works as a bouncer, he's short and stocky and was a wrestler in high school. well in all the time I've known him he has never simply walked through my front door but has always snuck in, of course he would call ahead and tell me he was coming over but even then I would not know he was in my apartment until he sat down next to me or I heard him digging into my fridge, well needless to say hes startled more than a few guests with his antics but once his surprise appearance really saved my behind, the guy who was renting the apartment next to me was obviously not someone to be trusted and one evening not long after my buddy had called to say he was coming over this guy starts pounding on my door, I opened it a crack to talk to him but he pushed past me and starts yelling "where is she! if that B**** is in here your dead!" well I was shocked I had no idea what he was talking about but I was obviously not happy about what he was saying, my pistol and shotgun were in my bedroom and this guy was now between me and them, I did however have my knife a kershaw "blackout" I drew it and told him to get out or be gutted, well he starts babbling incoherently and general acting like a rabid dog well about that time an arm just "appears" around this guys neck in a figure 4 choke hold, well of course my buddy had snuck in heard the goings on and choked the guy out in record time we turned him over to the police and found out there were several warrants out on him for various drug charges.
now in this case I didn't really have time for the hairs to rise but if it wasn't for my friend's constant sneaking I might have been in some serious trouble
21B, ya might suggest to you friend that someday he may end up with some unwanted holes in him pulling these antics- many years ago I came within a fraction of a second of hurting a friends wife when she thought it would be a lark to jump out of an alley at night and run at me screaming. Only at the very last second did I realize who it was.
Three times. First was when I was younger, about 14. Walking down the hall between classes when suddenly something just didn't feel right. I made the mistake of ignoring it. Pulled into an empty classroom and beaten pretty badly by 4 guys who didn't like me much. Used a padlock as a brass knuckle.

Second time was earlier in 2006. I'd been bouncing around a bit and was doing a few shifts at a Drop in Shelter. Pretty much where they send the homeless who refuse to take the drug test/psych test. There were some rough around the edges guys in there. I was doing a walk around about 4:30am and I get to one of the rooms. Hand on the door handle and just stopped... Dead stop. Hair on the back of the neck standing, cold flush and a shudder. Skipped that room and called a buddy of mine. We both checked that room, found a pretty nasty looking knife and slightly warped individual talking about blue ants.

3rd time was last night. Was down in the basement loading up some bullets for my Yugo Mauser. Had just gotten in some Barnes Triple Shock. Anyhow I had the yugo down there with me so I could test cycling and my new Trench Gun, was looking it over putting some oil down the bore. It was about 10:50 at night. My basement windows sit at 6 foot inside and ground level out. I've got a door that I go in and out of frequently around the back of the house. Rainy cold night and a I hear an odd and muffled thump. Most times I would have ignored it but the hair on the back of my neck feeling made me think into it a little more. I picked up the shotgun and put in 4 of the 00 buckshot rounds I had laying on the bench. Opened the back door quietly and walked out under my back porch. dark out but there's a street light right in front of my house. I peered around the corner and saw... Nothing. Walked the side yard for a minute, checked the back yard, nothing. Went up to the front and about 3 or 4 houses down saw some brakelights come on, car start and take off, but don't know if that could have been the muffled thud. Think I'll be watching tonight and tomorrow night just in case though.
Ever Have the Hair on the Back of your Neck Stand on End? Not since I fled my psycho wife :barf: 8 years ago, she made Glenn Close look normal.
One day when I was 10 years old, I was walking home from school, and a car pulled-up next to me. The male driver offerred to give me a ride home. I remember that it was a beautiful spring day, and there was no reason why I'd need a ride. Also, this was in the 1950's, and everyone lived within a few blocks of their neighborhood school. I can still remember the feeling I had when he approached me. I told him I didn't need a ride, and he drove away.

To this day, I wonder what would have happened if I had accepted his ride.
I was staying in NYC (Manhatten) for about six weeks one time. As I was walking the six blocks from my favorite night spot to the hotel, I came upon a group of younger guys playing basketball. They were across the street and about 100yards ahead of me. In between me and them was a firehouse with a few of the firefighters standing around outside. They looked at me and back at the guys playing hoops and went inside and closed the door. Every hair on my body went straight up. Took me all of 1/10th of a second to turn around and go back the way I came. I figured if even the firefighters saw it coming, I didn't need to second guess them...
There is nothing like being woken in the dead of night by your dog growling softly at your open bedroom door. She stands there stiff legged with her hackles straight up (exactly the same phenomenon actually) with this deep rumbly growl staring out into the hallway. It scares the living crap out of me. So far it has always been nothing, but I always check the house really well, because I know that the one time I write it off as doggy nerves is when its going to be for real. She leads the way around the house and when we're done I make sure to praise her.
I've had several of those moments. :)
The latest being last deer season. I had climbed a big sweet gum tree with my treestand around 5:00 one morning (still dark) and had just got settled in when all of a sudden, about 15ft behind me a Screech Owl let's loose with a long loud screech. :eek: Definately got the old ticker in high gear.
sorry to revive a old thread, but i have another story that just happened to me. there are these little local ponds at some of the city parks that are stocked with fish. its close to my house, so i go fishing there more often than the big lakes about an hour away. anyhow, im at this park, Cortez park for those of you in phoenix, alone. im 17 and i have a large fillet knife in the tackle box and a smaller bait knife on top of the tackle box. this park is bad mojo. if you have ever read some of my other tales from the inner city, you know what i mean. bout 8 years ago they drained the lake and found multiple bodies at the bottom, but im comfortable there cause i grew up around that kind of stuff. im catfishing, trying to get a few more before trout get stocked, and its around 8:30. im sitting by the edge of the water and this group of young "gentlemen" arrive and decide to sit on the bench directly behind me. so im sitting there and i smell smoke. not tobacco or weed, but something chemical. my guess is meth or crack, both are prevolent in the area. long story short, i end up not only getting threatened by these punks, but one attempted to throw a rather large wad of lit paper in my lap to see what i would do. the entire time my hand was gripping that baitknife like it was made of gold. finaly they ended up leaving when a cop showed up. said cop was looking for a place to eat, so im thankfull that cop was hungry. might have ended up like the others at the bottom of the lake if he hadnt shown.
Dealing with a water moccasin. I approached a spring in the middle of the woods and the snake slithered down into the water and I began fishing. 10 minutes later "my hairs stood up at the back of my neck" I turned around and there he was 3' away with his head up and looking directly at me. I yelled MOMMA and dropped that pole and scatered outta there! I was 11 years old.:D
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