Ex-Wife and a Gun

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Dec 24, 2002
Venice, FL
Well, I just did something I thought I'd never do. And, a lot of the guys out there will probably think I'm nuts.

I just told my ex to get a gun.

She came home yesterday and found a woman in one of the bedrooms. She freaked, screamed and the woman high-tailed it. She called the police; they kept her on the phone till they arrived. She was shaken, but OK.
She lives in a large Northern city in a decent, but older, neighborhood.
I told her it's time to get a gun. Recommended a used S&W Mod. 10, training, and lots of practice.
I only did this because I live 1,200 miles away and a .38 Spl. won't carry this far. If I lived closer, I'd buy a vest.
When my ex moved out, she took two handguns with her. Just because she left didn't mean she forfited her right to self defense.
Will she carry it?
If not, next time she comes home and someone is there how can she and you be sure she won't get shot with her own gun.
How would the idea of a larger sized canine go over. It's a hassle but what in life worth having isn't?
A dog will also alert to things at night when she's home before she is aware someone is about.

Lots of casual thiefs and punks will pass on a house if they can hear a good sized dog in on duty....and barking!

Before I met her, she was a ban-the-guns leftist extremists. When we went our separate ways five years later—amicably—she was packing her own .357 magnum revolver with a concealed carry license. I've missed that Colt Trooper Mark III more than a few times, but a.) maybe it's done her some good, and b.) she was appreciative enough that she didn't make too many unreasonable demands.
When I attained unmarried status, I actually gave my former wife one of my guns. Before and during our marriage, she had no interest in guns and didn't own any guns. After having an armed bodyguard for many years, I guess the thought of not having a gun was frightening. So I took her to the range, taught her to shoot and gave her a .38 special.
Selfdefenz --
She did get a dog. After mu old pal Charlie (shepherd/lab mix) had to be put down she got another dog for home protection. Get this, she got a Basengi (Sp?) -- the dog that does not bark!!!
If she does get a gun and carries it, she'll probably load it with blanks. Just sort of follows.:banghead:
My ex of 20 years sent word via our youngest 26 year old that she wants to take up target shooting and wants a good .22 target pistol, being she didn't get a piece of my $200k gun collection. I put a C-more on a Stainless Ruger MK2 I had knocking around with 2 mags and sent it to her with a note wishing she would have decided to take up interest 15 years ago being her big complaint was 'lack of common interests'.:)
Mike I.



Well, there's just so much you can do. She has to realize there is nothing to keep the bad person from coming back and SHE has to do something about it. Second dog or 6 shooter or both.....you don't have a obligation to cover her 6 any longer.

- - EXs and guns- -

My ex shot husband number 5 ( I was was husband #1 FWIW) 3 times w/a .38 special, hovered over him all night long while he bled out, and stabbed at him w/a butcher's knife every time he made a move to phone 911. Come morning, when she sobered up, she loaded him in the front seat of the van, drove to the hospital,,and not wanting to answer any questions about it,,,slowed down just enough,, and pushed him out the door @ the emergency entrance.

Oops, forgot this tidbit. Seeings how it was the AM, she had to stop for coffee on the way to the hospital. Left him all gurgling and bubbling in the front seat while she went into the "Slurpy shop" for a cup of hot Joe.

This was in '93. She got turned down for parole last year. Next parole date is 2008. Hopefully she'll end up serving the entire 25 years she was sentanced to.

Me give my EX a gun? ......yeah right,,,,then again,,,,hmm felon in posession??? nah. Ain't worth the trouble.
Hal, it looks like you wised up in time! :D

My 1st ex had as many firearms as I did at the time - one! (or did I have two ...)
She came home yesterday and found a woman in one of the bedrooms. She freaked, screamed and the woman high-tailed it.

Sorry, but I thought you were going to say that she caught you in bed with the other woman after you told her to get a gun ... that could be REAL bad!
My wife had her own pistol when we met (Taurus PT92), and I've bought her 2 in the 4 years since we've wed... 1 as a gift, one just because.

If we were ever to split (Goodness forbid) I would expect her to take both, and demand that she take at least 1... She's got "my girl" after all :) and I'd fully expect her to protect her if I'm not around.

If, on the other hand, we didn't have a child, I'd still insist that she took the "gift" (a Kahr MK9) for her protection... if she wanted to leave the Walther P99 (that she didn't ask for or think she needed) to me, that'd be OK though.
ummm... Charlie?

>Get this, she got a Basengi (Sp?) -- the dog that does not bark!!!
If she does get a gun and carries it, she'll probably load it with blanks. Just sort of follows.<

Dude... a basenji would be more like using a silenced Automag for CCW, as opposed to a typical .38...

Standard "guard dog": intruder opens window, starts to climb in. Dog goes ballistic, barking, yapping, and carrying -on.

Basenji: intruder opens window and starts to climb through. Dog rips leg off, and beats tango to death with the bloody stump...

My parents have owned several basenjis. They're a small dog, and can't bark (they do have a yodle though). They are also (usually) well-behaved with kids, and just this side of psychopathic with anyone who "isn't family"...
Nope. Not my song to sell. Husband #5 can feel free to cash in on the royaltys though if he's a mind too. Me? I'll give the cow a wide berth.
(3 shots @ less than 5 feet from a .38sp and #5 made a full recovery in a couple of months = .38sp can have less than stellar stopping power(not sure of the loading, but since the gun used was my ex's "service revolver" and the loading used during her stint as a Cuyahoga Cty. Sherrif's deputy was a 158gr. LRN, my guess would be 158 gr lrn):what: (yep another LEO gone bad)
If the ex can get back even one of many of MY weapons she [ahem] loaned to 'friends' that never brought them back, or any of the other ones she managed to lose......:banghead:

Otherwise, she can just buy her own. No more from me...besides, the current Mrs. Foghornl would have several things to say about that, NONE of which i would want to hear. :cuss: :cuss:
No, I would never give my ex a gun. But I've got a few bullets she can have.:D :D :D :D :D

Just kidding....maybe.

I have tried to talk my last girlfriend into buying one though since she lives in a bad neighborhood and I'm no longer their. No luck yet but she likes her cell phone.

If I had a spare handgun I may LOAN it to her. But I only have my carry pistol a shotgun she couldn't handle and an AK she's afraid of Nothing to loan.

Guess it's not my problem anymore.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make her think.
It only took me 11 years after the divorce to get a Ruger Security Six back from my 2nd Ex. Funny thing about was that I only got it back because she didn't want it around the house for her 10 year old to find!

Rough lady there, eh! Good move getting out.

If the wife were an ex it would depend on what terms we parted.
In order to protect ones kids it sounds like a good idea. If the wife is like Hal's ex, alias the "demon bride", well, I'd have to take a pass.
My EX asked me for one of my pistols to protect herself with. I gave her a Beretta .25 I had bought for a c-note. Good riddance to both!
I left my prized three screw Ruger Black Hawk with my ex when I moved out. I could have taken it, but she needed the means to protect herself. I figured she needed it, because she was such a (insert vulger term for female dog here), that somebody somewhere, sometime would try to snuff her!!! :evil:

I miss that gun!!!! :banghead: :rolleyes:
Gordon has a $200k gun collection? :eek: May we come over to play and we promise to wipe up our drool and wipe down the fingerprints when we're finished.:cool:
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