Excitement around the homestead this AM.

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Fred Fuller

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 26, 2004
Looked at the weather radar first thing upon getting up this AM, could see we had some showers moving inland from down Myrtle Beach way. So when my wife got up a bit later I warned her it looked as if we were due some rain. So she took the dogs out for a morning romp in the dry while I started working on home fries and a ham and cheese omelette for breakfast.

She got the dogs back in and fed, meanwhile I had the home fries sizzling away in the big cast iron skillet, the ham and cheese cubed up and ready, an onion coarse chopped and some fresh garlic standing by. The other skillet was warming to get ready for the omelette as soon as the 'tatersnonions got nearly done.

There commenced a ruckus outside which set our dogs to barking and caused my wife to check outside the door. Sounded like some critter was getting killed. Sure enough, our neighbor's pair of bulldogs and a couple of little yappers had beset one of said neighbor's goats and were trying to drag it down, about 150 yards away in his pasture across the fence. Wife commenced to orbit at high speed, and I told her to get on the phone to the neighbor's while I donned rain gear (it had started drizzling) and put on shoes. Before I got there she went and opened our gate, then hopped in her car and took off down there.

Meanwhile I grabbed the little single shot 20 gauge from behind the door and scooped up a handful of 7 1/2s from the box by the gun. Soon as I got within sight of the ruckus, I fired into the air and commenced yelling at the dogs. No use, so I reloaded the gun and drew down on them and fired again. Too far away to have any effect so I got in my truck and bailed off down there too. Note that all our fences are electric and so are the neighbor's, you want to go somewhere around here, you go through the gates unless you like getting your eyeballs fried.

Got down there right behind my wife, who had grabbed her trusty Cold Steel sjambok on the way out and was yelling at the dogs to let go the goat and get home. I reloaded the gun just in case and followed her into the pasture, also yelling at the dogs. Neighbor's goat, neighbor's dogs, couldn't very well shoot the dogs so we scared them off, got the injured goat penned up where the dogs couldn't get to it and got it a bucket of water. It was losing some blood from shredded ears and a couple of bites on its nose but seemed in reasonably good shape all things considered, we had gotten there soon enough to do it some good.

Meanwhile it had started raining briskly. I did what I could to shelter the little shotgun under my jacket but it did little good. By the time I got back to the truck water was beaded all over the gun and running off in streams. But this little gun had gotten the usual heavy coat of Johnson's paste wax before getting propped behind the door the last time. When I got it home I wiped it down with a clean dry towel and field stripped it, drying as I went- it was still beading water. Then I finished cooking breakfast.

After we ate, I spent a few minutes with the hair dryer and got the little gun's insides bone dry. I put a smidgen of Ballistol in the necessary places and put it back together, ran an oily mop down the bore and wiped down the exterior with another coat of wax. Then behind the door it went, ready for the next small pest to appear (the 870s are for BIG pests and are kept out of sight).

Y'all still running blued steel guns, ought to get yourselves a can of Johnson's paste wax at the supermarket. I've been using it on wood and blued steel for better than 40 years now, since my gran'daddy told me to. It works good as a preservative and polishes up nice when you want things shiny.

Oh My!

Are the Tater's & Onions okay? The Omlette didnt' get bruised did it?

Goat Ropers needin' sex too bumper sticker... :D

Darn, I missed out on a great breakfast, I hurry I can make lunch maybe.

The goat: aw goats are resilent critters, anything that can eat beer cans and clothes pins bags - can bounce back from anything.

The shotgun: All I've ever owned are Wood & Blue. Been used in downpours, sleet, snow, tornados (I was running a straight, Ref figured to let me run 'em) Lightening ( again a straight, just asked to shoot faster was all) as boat paddles, and taken swimming. Need a bar ditch found - I'm your man.

Johnson's Paste Wax and RIG Grease is what I have used all MY years. Not as old as Lee, catching up to him tho'. :p

Yep, Yep, gots a single shot 20 ga handy as I type. I gots slugs for mine, I have a different breed of Goat in my parts....

Now back to that omlette...
Well, the lunch menu is not likely to feature in any restaurant outside the Deep South. It includes fried collards... definitely something _I_ never ran across anywhere else I've ever lived, and I been a redneck all my life. You'd be surprised how good fried collard greens are tho. And no, Steve, I am _not_ saying that just to pick on you. I DO like turnip and mustard greens too. They just didn't come up well either time we planted them this year.

The home fries were fine and the omelette turned out great- I turned off the stove before I headed out the door and after we got back I reheated the skillet before I broke any eggs.

Was telling my wife that I gotta pick up a box of buckshot and a box of slugs for the NEF next time I run across some... she wants a butt cuff on it too 8^).

One never knows the where or when of next encounter-CRSam

Lee Lapin and I are good friends, as am I with many others on this Forum. I figure you folks had that figured out already...

Folks dismiss the single shot shotguns, many of us never have - nor will we ever.
Proven, affordable, reliable, and handy to have for many reasons.

Mine is the Youth Sized in 20ga. Came with a real nice recoil pad. I added a Koplin elastic cuff, held in place with electrical tape. It does not slide around with recoil or handling. fixed Modified choked bbl, tosses the prettiest patterns with various pellet loads - even better than the monies some folks spent for razzle dazzle chokes and such, which cost more than a complete shotgun. With slugs, awesome results.

Factory means - it is legal and PC for a truck gun and whatnot. No mis-measureing, no legal hassles because the ruler was wrong...no getting a bead back on,

If'n one wanted another bbl for rim-fire or centerfire can be had...these are nice, handy and work very well. Off to NEF and back comes the bbl in choice of caliber you wanted.

Low Maintanance. Mine - I took the wood off, treated the bolt screw with RIG Grease, slathered the wood with Johnson's Paste Wax, re-assembled. Then this one got the Johnson's paste wax treatment on metal and wood. Oh I cleaned the innards all real good, hinge gets a dab of RIG +P grease, the rest is lubed with Dexcron II ATF fluid, it is what my truck uses if it ever needs any...that quart costs me $1.59 I think. Don't recall putting any in the truck - lubed a LOT of firearms tho'.

Mine is loaded with slugs, just the type of critter I'm most likely to need for.

Not that is has not had its share of Popcorn loads for kids, or critter control in a barn. Taken a limit of 15 doves with 12 shells, because I wanted to and can. Heavier pellet loads for whatever the reason, small game to bigger game with 00...slugs, yeah well I still like to lob slugs with a single shot, keeps the paint cans at bay.

Real easy to see if safe , easy to use, and well - darn things work and just plain fun.

Kinda funny to have the game warden see you take a double, then come over to check for plugs..."no sir, my gun is NOT plugged" . Older officer just a grinning, as the younger one is kinda in the Twilight Zone. Well young'un got to learn sometime, so I felled another pair...older fella grinning, younger one...he rode shotgun, he had been driving so I understand.

Quite a folks like Lee can check on critter control in the rural setting with a single shot. Most folks grew up with at least one behind the door of the house, the barn, tool shed...everyone knew how to use it, just grabbed what needed from a coffee can of shells...

Now one of the most fun hunts I ever was part of was rabbit hunting in the snow with kids. Adults HAD to use a single shot only, this hunt was for the kids. Had to wait until all snowballs got tossed, dogs petted, and hot chocolate drank...then writing names in snow...eventually we got to hunting...

Kids shoots, pumps another shell, misses again, "daddy - shoot'em...he is getting away". I watch 4 adults shoot and miss, and every darn one tried to pump the forearm and or pulled the trigger again.

Something about a red-headed girl , with rosy cheeks "You guys suck, and you are supposed to be teaching". *grin*.

Lot of fun, took wabbits, kids got into the groove, watching the beagles, and when it was all over the red-headed girl with moms help, got to write her name in the snow too.

Oh, after the hunting and game field dressed, kids wanted to shoot some more "we have shells left".
Using snowballs for targets against a snow bank - the kids saw how patterning boards worked.
Kids were facinated by this...many I am told had to have adults get Brister's book and be read and shared with...that was really neat.

Them popcorn loads will get a critter out of the garden and not mess up the Greens too. :p
Gladeverything turned out ok. that goat makes better eating than a lot of folks think :) Oh, and fried collards are not that unusual, I thought everyone first boiled, then simmered, then fried them :)
I too have an single barrel, an old Stevens 20ga. I took my first deer with it, using a slug. I know I have killed more squirrels with that shotgun than with any other I have owned.
Good story, and the moral is universally applicable.

One shot beats none all to heck.

In the long lost days of my "Yute", the shotgun behind the kitchen door was a H&R 16 gauge single. For a while two shells were masking taped to the stock, one was 6s like the chambered round and the other was 3s.

Next time I'm at the Auto store I may pick up some wax....
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