Found on Glock Talk Forum:Slide Slam on 1911

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Colt Manual Directive

Maybe Colt is just buildin' tougher pistols than it was 12 or 15 years ago... :rolleyes:

In the interest of keepin' the discussion goin' in a purely technical direction...
I might suggest another experiment that anybody can do without goin' to the extremes that I have.

Since we can assume that the barrel lug is made of the same stuff and with the same heat-treatment as the rest of the barrel...we can also assume that
it will suffer the same stresses if the slide is stopped on a different area than at the lug feet/slidestop pin.

Take an old slidestop and grind the inner lug off so that it will be flat. (You need to keep apples to apples with identical hardness of the stop mechanism.) Lock the slide back and insert the flattened arm into the ejection port. Trip the slide. When it comes forward, the slide will be stopped by the top of the breechface and rear of the barrel hood. The impact will be slightly less
due to the fact that the slide won't travel quite as far....but it won't be enough to make a practical difference.

Do this repeatedly without stopping to assess the effect...about 200 times should do. Strip the gun and look closely. Be sure to look at the front faces of the locking lugs too...and report back.

Standin' by...
I really do not know why anyone would want to do your experiment, other than to prove that Colt and Dave Sample are wrong. One thing that I didn't mention is that my "Race Guns" have Shok-buffs in them and if you know anything about"what hits what", you may want to reconsider this added factor. When the slide is dropped, it has no way to hurt the barrel lugs link, or the slide stop. It stops on the rear of the recoil spring tunnel and the inside of the frame. Food for thought, Tuner. The buff takes the hit and cushions it.

Quote from the Captain:

>>I really do not know why anyone would want to do your experiment, other than to prove that Colt and Dave Sample are wrong.<<

Naw Cap'n...I was actually handin' YOU the chance to prove ME wrong. If
the materials are the same, and the dynamics of the event are the same...
and the steel to steel impact really won't hurt the lower lug, then it shouldn't hurt anything if the slide is stopped by the barrel hood either.

It'll only take about 10 minutes, and you can use a junk barrel and slide. Oh yeah...If ya use a Norinco barrel, it might take 300 times. The Nork barrel is hard-chromed and will take more impact than ordnance steel.

Another quote:

>>One thing that I didn't mention is that my "Race Guns" have Shok-buffs in them and if you know anything about"what hits what", you may want to reconsider this added factor. When the slide is dropped, it has no way to hurt the barrel lugs link, or the slide stop. It stops on the rear of the recoil spring tunnel and the inside of the frame.<<


Now, Cap'n...I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the first thing about raceguns...but I'm afraid that you're gonna hafta go into some detail on that one. The buff cushions the frame and slide in recoil on non-raceguns...but it
ain't gotta thing to do with stoppin' the slide when it goes to battery. Unless
raceguns are completely redesigned...I'm a little confused here.
Cap'n Bling;
One thing that I didn't mention is that my "Race Guns" have Shok-buffs in them and if you know anything about"what hits what", you may want to reconsider this added factor. When the slide is dropped, it has no way to hurt the barrel lugs link, or the slide stop. It stops on the rear of the recoil spring tunnel and the inside of the frame. Food for thought, Tuner. The buff takes the hit and cushions it.

I'm a little confused here.

A little confused..........I think just about everyone in the 1911 world is confused on that statement there 'bling!

Yes, I find most folks here do know "what hits what"........

At this point I think you're just stirring the pot and nothing else.........
Flame Not - Saith I

Please Dave do tell us "what hits what" in a 1911 during cycling. Walk us thru it step by step, so we don't miss anything.
Dave said
One thing that I didn't mention is that my "Race Guns" have Shok-buffs in them and if you know anything about"what hits what", you may want to reconsider this added factor. When the slide is dropped, it has no way to hurt the barrel lugs link, or the slide stop. It stops on the rear of the recoil spring tunnel and the inside of the frame. Food for thought, Tuner. The buff takes the hit and cushions it.
Are you talkin' about these: ???
Staying out of trouble

I surely don't have anything like the experience with pistols that any of the others here have.

I have had some experience with simpler tools like hammers. Doesn't pay at all to hit two hammers together - especially in arcs in front of the face - and if you're going to do that wear good eye protection. Fortunately I was able to learn that from second hand experience, somebody else in the shop just keeping his hands busy in an idle moment without even thinking about what he was doing - hammers are pretty simple things aren't they?

I've noticed I have a deplorable tendency to forget that my target guns, my sporting firearms, have an awful lot in common with my weapons. I once in a while begin to think of my target guns as long distance one hole paper punches not killing machines. I once caught myself not paying enough attention to muzzle control - it's not a weapon it's a game toy. These days I try to treat all guns alike with no special considerations and no distinctions that might haunt me - so I never ever put my finger on the trigger unless I intend to drop the hammer. Doesn't mean I knowingly abuse my guns by slamming the slide any more than I flip the cylinder shut on a revolver.
I have had a serious talk with My Evil Twin and we aren't going to tweak you anymore. I promise. I just have to give up on the backward stuff I do to you once in a while and I apologize profusely. I guess the Devil makes me do it and it isn't right. Sorry that I just can't help myself sometimes. You all know I like Dat Tuner a bunch. Hang in the one and all and I will see you in the Fall.
In the Fall

Cap'n...I understand what's goin' on. Beggin' the Cap'ns pardon sir...The Gunn'ry Sargeant suggests that the Cap'n get it squared away and come on back...and Godspeed sir.

Stand at attention! There's an officer on deck!

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