Gang Banger Sign Language Interpreter?

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I dress in what i'm comfortable in. I really don't worry about what others think of me. Anybody who is put off by how someone looks or dresses I don't want to know anyway. I have absolutely no use for the Fred Phelps of the world. Reading this thread it is of little wonder why the anti's win so often.
I guess I missed the part where it was any of your or my business how somebody paid for his gun. "Property beyond his means?" When the only clue you have as to the man's means is your personal opinion of the taste of his dress and your personal opinion of the state of his grammar, that sounds like awfully thin justification treating people like criminals.

I wear a tie and pressed slacks and shirt to work. I don't wear 'em to shoot. When I have the chance to go shooting, it's usually in old pants and an old t-shirt. I bet I don't look like someone with the "means" to have my P220. Luckily for me, I'm white and my accent marks me as a local.
According to some of these people, you'd think black or hispanic people who happen to dress a certain way shouldn't be allowed to carry weapons.

You mean like members of a criminal group? Perhaps you think these folks wear colors, hats w/ the tag on, etc. because they saw it on MTV? The other way around - the gang culture on the street drives the fashion. It helps that a lot of the hip-hop artists have a background with gangs.

I suppose that gang members now wear Brooks Bros. suits? They INTENTIONALLY wear clothing that IDs them for each other. Why do you think kids were getting killed for wearing red or blue colors in LA? Those colors ID'd the Bloods and the Crips, respectively.

Don't dress like a criminal, don't have people treat you like a potential threat.

No matter how they dress, they have a right to own a weapon, unless, of course, they actually ARE criminals.

When the only clue you have as to the man's means is your personal opinion of the taste of his dress and your personal opinion of the state of his grammar, that sounds like awfully thin justification treating people like criminals.

You are oversimplifying.

People who can't speak English aren't going to earn the same as someone who does. That's pretty common sense. They have problems with directions, they can't interact effectively w/ co-workers, same with customers, neither are they going to do the paperwork effectively.

I also suggest you read up a bit more on those who speak "ebonics." While a dialect of English, it is considered a liability, not an asset by employers. Probably because the majority of those who speak standard English have difficulty understanding it. People who can only connect with 12% of the population aren't as valuble to employers as those who can communicate with 90+%.

Lastly, we can take literacy. Illiterate individuals can't follow written directions, can't communicate except orally and can't do paperwork. Not a recipe to earn a great deal.

Now couple likely economic disadvantage with clothing worn by criminals and expensive hardware and you have some questions, to say the least.

I guess I missed the part where it was any of your or my business how somebody paid for his gun.

If they committed a crime to acquire it, maybe? Either stealing it, selling drugs, or not meeting the necessary citizenship and background qualifications. Of course, I could just let them go, possibly to create another "gun crime" statistic.
You forgot color of skin and spoken language.

Above was said by someone about my post.

I did not forget anything.

One thing the seems to follow on tamara's post is that if these guys spend so much of their money on nice guns, I would expect them to take care of that gun as well. The unloading method is what bothers me in the original post and it would be the first problem I have. But maybe I am assuming too much when someone works to make payments for several months.
If they committed a crime to acquire it, maybe? Either stealing it, selling drugs, or not meeting the necessary citizenship and background qualifications. Of course, I could just let them go, possibly to create another "gun crime" statistic.

cz-75, soooo..... aside from riling up hordes of THR'ers because of your bias, what do you do about those who by appearance and speech shouldnt have the luxury of owning high-quality-even-higher-price boomsticks? are you investigating their backgrounds and criminal history deeper than NICS does? collecting evidence that they earn their money in less than moral ways?
I think we've tagged into the root issue here. The way you look is a statement. It's a form of communication, and it's the first thing you tell somebody when you meet them. Because of that, it affects the way you're treated by others.

Walk almost anywhere in "clean cut" business attire and carrying any gun you want. Assuming you're acting like you belong there, and you're being safe with your gun, people will assume you're either licensed, an LEO, or otherwise on the up. They may still check if you're carrying say, an MP-5, but they won't be nearly as threatened as if you're, a swarthy man in a turban with an AK.

If you dress like an identifiable group (gangsters) people will often assume you are a member of that group and act accordingly until they know otherwise. If that group is known for poverty, it will be assumed that you are poor. If that group is known for violence, expect folks to shy away from you.

I dress like a business person these days. People tend to treat me with normal respect when they notice me, which isn't often. When I was in the army over in Germany, there were a bunch of us who hung out together on weekends. We didn't have any hair, wore too much black leather, and despite being polite educated people, we had trouble getting taxis to stop for us at night. Then again, we NEVER got jumped downtown by the local Turks either, unlike some of the other soldiers. Go figure.
cz-75, soooo..... aside from riling up hordes of THR'ers because of your bias, what do you do about those who by appearance and speech shouldnt have the luxury of owning high-quality-even-higher-price boomsticks? are you investigating their backgrounds and criminal history deeper than NICS does? collecting evidence that they earn their money in less than moral ways?

Nothing of the sort.

I just wanted to make a point that, should this person have acquired their gun illegally, it damn well is my business, along with LE, every other law-abiding gun owner, and even soccer moms.

To say that it is nobody's business is asinine.

One more point, which is I freely admit my bias. I wonder how many of the offended put their money where their mouth is.

Oh, and biere made a good point about people who do actually work hard to save for a nice gun wouldn't abuse it. But that's just some wild assumption I made based on their language skills and skin color. :rolleyes:

I've never felt that I was going to have to shoot a black or hispanic guy dressed in dress casuals or wearing a suit. Same for minority members with their kids and family. Or females of the same groups. Or the elderly of same.

Usually males 15-45, skewing lower in that age range. Flashing gang signs and wearing gang-type clothing don't help. Crime statistics bear this out, so who's living in a pipe dream?

Fortunately, I never had to shoot, so I guess I have a ways to go before I'm as scared as has been implied. In fact, the closest I've ever come to shooting anyone, twice even, have been white redneck-types.
I'm following ya CZ, And I am glad your out there. Obviously a job where statistics and numbers dictate probability would be difficult not to use experience to predict outcome. After 9/11, all the PC poo went out the door. I am OK with it. Another point, The bad guys in Pulp Fiction wore suits and ties which made them less obvious. Physical attributes and attire have come to indentify a person more than education, integrity, character, conviction, compassion etc. and other virtues that predict moral compass in an individual or group. By using the lax language and manner of dress, a person displays lax morals and ethics. It's a fact of life, deal with it or check out.
Really, I don't care and am unrepentant.

I just wanted to make sure you didn't bring this down to your level with race-baiting.

If you want to know why I react with more caution to minorities who look like thugs, I'd have to say that I think you and your fellow "educators" and their own "poverty pimps" have filled their heads with reinforcement for their feelings of resentment (justified and imagined) to the point that my skin color makes me a target of opportunity to "redress" those feelings, one white racist oppressor at a time.

I do so love the attempt to talk down to us. I couldn't have guessed you were an "educator" otherwise

Your participation in this thread has been invaluable. Some of the other members who read your posts may have asked themselves "Do I sound like this?" and given some thought to their own attitudes and why they hold them. Please accept my thanks for serving as such a fine example of your type.
If you frequently find yourself being a target, maybe it has less to do with the color of your skin than it does with you antagonizing those around you. If, in fact, you haven't been a target then you're just talking out of your behind, aren't you?
As for me, I'm a teacher and proud of it. If you don't like my profession, then I'd say "score one for the educators." Having an endorsement from someone who presents himself as you did in this thread wouldn't be something about which to boast.
BTW, I'll never stereotype you again. You've already made yourself such a caricature of the fearful white guy that it would be pointless...
Your participation in this thread has been invaluable. Some of the other members who read your posts may have asked themselves "Do I sound like this?" and given some thought to their own attitudes and why they hold them. Please accept my thanks for serving as such a fine example of your type.



If you frequently find yourself being a target, maybe it has less to do with the color of your skin than it does with you antagonizing those around you. If, in fact, you haven't been a target then you're just talking out of your behind, aren't you?


Yeah, I should just wait until I become a victim so I can be justified.

"You don't have to think too hard when you talk to a teacher."

- JD Salinger
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