George Clooney said what?

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Dec 24, 2002
Caught part of the O'Riley factor tonight, something about George Clooney making fun of Charlton Hestons alzheimers.
Anyone hear about this or have a link to what he said?
Actors are sissies!

Go to World Net Daily; that is where I heard the story from.

There's really no surprise here. Another liberal Hollywood dolt who thinks he knows everything.
GAWD, these people and what they say are so cliche it is boring. George Clooney!? Give me a break. If there's one thing I don't have any respect for it is a person who makes his living play-acting. Can you think of a less manly job? What a bunch of ****************************.

The real problem is the asinine celebrity worship that the men and women of the world lavish upon these fools. They defecate just like the rest of us. In fact, they often defecate ON the rest of us.

P.S. If he uses bodyguards, do you think they carry guns?
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Pulled this from Fox News - O'Rileys "Talking Points Memo",2933,76145,00.html

We'll begin with Mr. Clooney. Columnist Liz Smith is reporting the actor knocked Charlton Heston's medical condition in remarks at a National Board of Review event. Said Clooney, "Charlton Heston announced again today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's." Ms. Smith then asked if he went too far. Clooney replied, "I don't care. Charlton Heston is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him."

Now, I believe most Americans would find these remarks to be mean-spirited, even as the entertainment press continues to give Clooney a pass. Just imagine if someone had mocked the paralysis of Christopher Reeve. The Hollywood press would go nuts and so would the elite media here in New York. But very little has been said about Clooney's insensitivity.

So, why did Clooney do it? I believe it's because he has contempt and possibly hatred for those with whom he disagrees. He doesn't like the NRA, so anything he says about Heston is justified in his mind. This kind of extremism is practiced by both the far left and the far right, but it is un-American and vicious. And clear-thinking Americans know it.

Sincere beliefs based on the law should be respected in America. Hating someone for their opinions is contemptible in itself. If this had been Clooney's first mistake, I would just mock him and forget about it. But this guy's clearly out of control. Just today, he compared the Bush administration to The Sopranos, and he wasn't kidding. Alec Baldwin found out the hard way that irrational rantings and despising others for their beliefs does not go down well with the American public. Mr. Clooney will now learn the same lesson, I'm afraid.

The part I did see tonight O'Riley read a statment released by the NRA. It wasn't included on the web site, it was something like
"Unfortunately for Mr. Clooney, class skips a generation".
The thing that gets me about Clowney and Baldwin and Stallone is the hypocracy. I would think that if you're anti-gun then you wouldn't want to use all. Other than the Rocky movies, has Stallone ever made a movie where he wasn't killing innumerable people with guns? Clowney's best movie had him using guns. I guess they figure it doesn't count because they aren't real.
What annoys me most about them is that they are always first in line to protect freedom of speech when some yahoo is putting crosses in jars of urine, or burning American flags on the steps of the Whitehouse, or allowing 12 y/o girls to have abortions without their parents knowing about it, or... Never mind, my soapbox is starting to sag from the strain.:cuss: :fire: :banghead:

If there's one thing I don't have any respect for it is a person who makes his living play-acting. Can you think of a less manly job? What a bunch of p*****s.

Out of curiousity, does that include Mr. Heston?
When it comes to actors, Tom Selleck doesn't strike me as being in the same boat with "Looney", nor does Kurt Russell, although they do the same job. Kinda like politicians-the few we like vs the most we don't, all in the same profession.
Tamara, good point. We shouldn't attack the man's profession but the deplorable statement he made. The really bad part is that Clooney will get a pass (or pat on the back) from most of the media that O'Reilly rightly points out and a gun advocate wouldn't. But we all know that. I think what we constantly see on this and other boards is a sense of frustration that "our" message is either ignored or distorted. The media in this country and others is a powerful force, another blinding flash of the obvious, and we are at a decided disadvantage in some respects.
If there's one thing I don't have any respect for it is a person who makes his living play-acting. Can you think of a less manly job? What a bunch of p*****s.

That would also include Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Audie Murphy, Clint Eastwood, Jack Palance, Randolph Scott, Ted Nugent, Tom Selleck, et. al. You know, you may be on to something here.
With rare exceptions, most people in the entertainment business, particularly actors, are just idiots. Let's face it, who else would get paid as much and still b---- about how they've been so ill treated and poorly respected? The main petty problem is "His trailer is closer to the shooting site than my trailer. His has air conditioning, it's bigger than mine,etc." PLEASE! If actors had a real job, they wouldn't know how to handle being treated like s--- and paid s--- to boot. Why would anyone in their right mind give a damn about what actors have to say about religion, politics, or the meaning of life? :neener: Clooney insensitive? Why am I not surprised?

Interestingly, a lot of this anti-gun Hollyweirds earn their millions with viciously gun-wielding movie roles.

Sheds a light on their IQ
Did I not make myself clear the first time around?

I'd like to refer some of you to Oleg Volk's thread on Expressingly Yourself Obscenely.....
It is easy to be angry with Mr. Clooney, however...'s quite embarrassing that people like him get so much attention. It's as if a person (and a few others) believes that he is somehow "automatically an intellectual" because he's a public figure. (Quite the contrary, in this case.) This is America and you are allowed to feel any way you please. Clooney is WAY out of line here. He doesn't like guns..fine by me. He's mad because Gore didn't get the big chair..OK too. However, making unkind remarks about a person in the early stages of Alzheimers, and because he is president of the NRA shows the true character of Clooney. (Or lack thereof.)
Clooney has reduced himself to "name calling".
Frankly, I'm embarrassed for Clooney. No class, no good manners. Somehow, he seems to think it's HIS way or NO way.

Kentucky Rifle
Mr.Clooney's remarks show a lack of decency. I guess that is what we have come to in our political discourse in this country.

I for one will not watch, rent, buy tickets to, or in any way support a production involving Clooney. I vote with my wallet. I encourage others to do the same.
Maybe he is trying to get attention now because his Father didn't take him shooting.

I don't watch much tv and I don't think we are as dumb as they( hollywood ) think we are, but I may be wrong.

You have to remember they are actors even bad publicity is better than none.

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