Getting a LAWFUL gun back from police in MASS?

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If the police have your gun (or any other evidence) and you had home owner's insurance at the time the taking took place, check your policy. For me, I would file with insurance, they would pay the value (not the replacement cost), and then follow up with getting the property back or not.

Good luck with that. Insurance payouts on "contraband" siezed by the cops would never in a gazillion years happen.
Yes, insurance companies make all of the promises in the world until you've paid your premiums. Then, when it's time to claim, it's like pulling teeth. I would never, ever make any claim, legit or not, legal or not, for ANYTHING that was under a grand, because it'll just show a claim on your policy when it's time to renew and you'll pay them back three or four times over in the next few years for whatever the claim costs. Buy the state min insurance, and keep a savings account for yourself. You'll come out WAY ahead in the end.
As for voting with my feet, and relocating? YES, you are right!. I started looking for a place to live online today. With the money I save on the cost of living expenses I should be able to go huntnig and shooting more. And be legal to carry when I do. Plus, I can give less taxes to less liberals, and more taxes, to more conservatives. Win, win, win, win, win........ why aren't my bags packed yet?
Roman 10:13
I had a gun taken by the St Paul PD as 'evidence'... never charged with anything.... they laughed at me when I asked for it back... I made a lot of stink with the right folks and got it back (without an attorney).... it took a long time and a lot of "talk to this guy", "Oh, you need to talk to that guy", "you'll need a letter from the chief"- "Hmmm, not sure who you talk to now".... you get the idea...

Stick to your guns.... so to speak... lol... good luck getting it back
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