Giuliani to consider presidential run

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In fact, in this nightmare scenario, a Prez. Hillary ( :barf: ) might be less damaging, as the GOP House & Senate might, just might, start to behave like Republicans again.

Maybe, if the Congressional Republican leadership would stop rolling over every time the National Media farts in the wind.
heck if McCain ran, i might actually vote REp. has to be better than Hillary.

Guiliani- NO. you screwed up my city you jerk.

he whitewashed NYC, i don't like it one bit.
I would never vote for the G man!

However, I don't think he will run. He will toy with the idea, talk about it, be coy with it, raise a ton of money, and finally 'reluctantly' decide against it.

This will increase his image, allow him to charge more money for 'consulting' and for 'speeches', and just generally keep him up there in the Celebrity ranks and high on the cocktail circuit.

But I think he knows that if he tried to run a serious national campaign he would lose badly -- conservatives far and wide would fight him. I think he knows this, and he is one that would rather stay out of the fight than get thumped badly.

Now McCain, on the other hand -- also cannot get the nomination, but I think his ego will force him to try, no matter what.
I think it all depends who the Democrats run as to how viable Giuliani would be.

All the Republicans who are complaining about him right now would run out and vote for him (at least once) if his adversary was Hillary. There would be a few who would vote for a third party, but the rank and file would vote for him. The third party defectors may be enough to allow Hillary to win.

I see the same situation with McCain.
If those were my choices I think I would throw my vote away to a 3rd party. whats the point. like chooseing Castro, Stalin, Hitler, or Hillary.

Id just fall back on the house at that point.

I think anyone running for president anymore is going to be "mainstream" IE spineless or a liberal.

And for all those Democrat and Republicans forever people they weren't the orginal parties. Someday maybe people will stop rationalizeing their defeatist attiudes and do something. that being said the Republican party isn't a total loss yet, so I understand voteing for some of them but eventually somethings gotta give. Voteing for the Republican that doesn't represent you at all and is in all intensive terms less appealing than a possible Democrat is throwing your vote away in my opinion.
Thinking about this thread for a bit...

I've come to the conclusion that Bush is about the most conservative President we'll see any time soon.

I'm still thinking Frist will get the nomination, though.
Frist might get the nomination, assuming the Democrats aren't successful in having him serving time in Federal prison @ election time.
Remember to make the distinction between nomination and general election -- while both Gulianni and McCain might win a general election, I find it unlikely that they will ever win the Republican nomination. They are rather cordially hated by the base, as a matter of fact.
I hate to say, "Never!" But I just can't see supporting Rudy, unless he's running against a Democrat. I just can't fathom a Democrat being worse than any Republican. If those are my choices, I'll probably write in Zell Miller for Prez.

I got to give credit when it's due. Rudy didn't "whitewash" NYC, He cleaned up the cesspool left to him by that idiot, Dinkins. NYC is a better place (but not one in which I'd choose to live) having had Rudy as mayor.
Bush is a conservative?
Nope, he ain't. But when was the last time a real conservative ran for President? Reagan comes to mind, but that was a generation ago. Alan Keyes tried for the nomination in 2000, but he didn't come anywhere close. Can you think of any others?

One thing that always perplexes me is how otherwise intelligent people can consider Bush to be a conservative. He isn't. He never was.

Another thing that perplexes me is the fact that some people expect to see a better choice than Bush. Bush is as close to conservative as we're gonna see for a while. He isn't ideal, but he's a far better than a Giuliani or McCain. We should count our blessings.

Unless someone else steps up, the next presidential election looks bleak.
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Why would anyone think McCain or Guiliani could get nominated? Remember, voters have to vote for you in order to win.
Once the republicans got hold of two of the levers of power (the white house and congress) they stopped acting like Republicans should. They acted like since the let the AWB expire, they were good as far as Gun Right are concerened. They are wasting their chance to get ahold of the third lever for another generation (sigh) and are not really moving their agenda (either conservative or republican). They have taken us for granted (like the Democrats did, to their peril) but they managed to acomplish it in five years. :banghead: They have three more years to get something done and then, if they don't, they will end up giving up what it took them 50 years to gain. Idiots! :banghead: :banghead:

+1 H.t.g.!

"Bush is as close to conservative as we're gonna see for a while. He isn't ideal, but he's a far better than a Giuliani or McCain. We should count our blessings."

"Dubya" was our best electable choice out of a dismal field for 2000 and 2004.

But the repugs will be exceeding my "lesser of two evils"
tolerance limit if Rudy or McCain are on the ticket. :barf:
Giuliani is probably the best shot for the... democratic ticket... :p

I seriously doubt he could get the republican nomination. Certainly he wouldn't see a cent from me... I'd rather support Harry Reid!

Getting back to Richardson, I do seem to recall that he recently signed a bill to make it easier for residents of New Mexico to carry handguns, and that he released statements suggesting he was thrilled to sign it.

Of course, how beholden would he be to Ted Kennedy once he becomes president?

Still, I'd have to take someone who signed CCW into law over Giuliani. Maybe Richardson understands that the Democrats' anti-gun mania has hurt them to no social benefit.

Well, here's to hope. If it gets to Clinton vs. Giuliani, I'm going to be mighty angry.
I suffered under his dictatorship

No way I would vote for a New Yorker. A conservative New Yorker would be a yellow dog commie where I'm from

No way will he be on the ticket...fuhgedaboutit!
I think a lot of you guys will be surprised about Giuliani. I think he will very likely be on the ticket, but probably as VP not President.

I think there is a very good chance McCain will get the nomination, despite what people here think. He has great name recognition, and comes across as moderate to many voters. The only people who won't like him are the real conservatives of the Republican party, and we are a dying breed.

If you are OK with George Bush, I am not sure why you wouldn't like McCain.
The only thing that might remotely qualify Giuliani as a Republican is that he wears checkered golf pants to the country club. By 2008, the Republican party will have turned far enough left to line up with him, so it's a possibility.

'Conservatism' is dead. Its self proclaimed practitioners in the form of wishy washy spinelesslimpdickrepublicans have sold its principles down the river. What conservative actions has George Bush taken since he's been in office?
Oh, yeah, a modest token tax cut. Other than that he's been big government liberal all the way. Bigger more intrusive government, new cabinet positions, huge transfers of public funds to his pals in the pharmaceutical industry in the form of Medicare prescription drug 'benefits', middle of the road nominees to an out of control left leaning globalist Supreme Court, the list goes on and on.
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