Grip Tape on Dress Shoes?

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"Rockport makes wingtips with very high grip soles and they are resoleable. They advertise them as suitable for running marathons."

They are that good.

Um, what's a "CDI Factor"? I wear nothing but Doc Martens to work and I want to know it it is a good thing or a bad thing. :p

James- Docs are good shoes. The CDI factor for them is middle of the road. High CDI index would be something like Pradas, low would be white velcro shoes from K-Mart. It depends on the girls though. I've met some that had no attraction to me in my Italian dress shoes since they'd rather have a guy in Wranglers and Justins. CDI=ChicksDigIt factor :D
Here's a tactical solution

Sipe your rubber souled shoes. The process has been around since the 1920's and was developed by a guy named John Sipe (go figure). The idea behind siping was that John cut small slits in the bottom of shoes to give better traction while walking in adverse conditions. You can see an example of shoe siping here.
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