Gun Control by Spousal Notification

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Canada already does this. In order to qualify for a "PAL", (Possession/Acquisition Licence), your spouce must sign the application to indicate their approval. And you are required to re-apply every five years. Just one more reason to stay single I figure ...

And yet one more reason not to move to Canada!
Henry, sure know how to scare a woman with bad shopping habits to death!

but seriously, that is a really chilling thought to have a spouse 'approve' your purchase. As a female, I do remember some history regarding women and the lack of rights I take for granted today. To quote my grandfather, 'it's like they want to make a liar out of you! ach!'(said with a nice slavic glottal, LOL)
If this is even being brought up in conversation on CCW and gun control, I'd be hauling my a** down to the ACLU or women's activists groups & screaming bloody murder just to keep the argument off the table! (and i *don't like* the ACLU or several 'women's right's' groups!)

Why on earth should a spouse or other legal head of family have to be notified of a sale of a firearm to *you*, an adult over 21, with a clear 4473? it's my money, i made it, & i will spend it as i choose. why do i need a male's permission to buy something i want with my money? i do not want, or need that level of control over my personal life. i am not an inferior species, lacking reason, intelligence, and decision making abilities. to label me as such because i am female is a gross injustice, and stinks of bigotry.

as you can see, thats a pretty sore spot for an average jane like me. imagine what some other women think about men approving their purchases & i'll seem like a nice person.

i can only imagine what some of the guys on this board are thinking about females being notified about impending firearms purchases.

tough subject, henry.
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