Gun manufacturer stickers on car

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I want to get a sticker that says "Who Is John Galt?" on my car.

It would sum up more than just how I feel about firearms.
Plus, who really cares to read other peoples self advertisements in the form of stickers on a car? Off topic but do I give a crap your kid is an honor student at the Dipstick School for the Monkeys ot that you own a Ruger?

By the same token, why do you think anyone cares what your opinion is about these things to begin with? The people with the Honor Roll bumper sticker on their car have it on there for their kid, not because of you. It makes the kid feel proud. Nobody gives a flying **** about whether you read it or care.
"Got Sig"

Well yes. yes I do. And as a former M.P. and Civilian P.O. I don't have a problem with well trained, law abiding citizens the right to concealed carry, as a matter of fact, I welcome it.

I would like to say, I wouldn't run around with a sticker that the criminal minded would recognize, but not many would understand "Got Sig".

However, in the current, or up-coming political enviroment, God I hope I spelled that right, I think I will ditch the sticker, call me a coward, but a wise man always takes heed.

Not trying to call my-self a wise man, no way. Just a little something to think about.

God bless, and keep You safe
John C.
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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I have seen people targeted for theft when they visit a shooting range. I was at the ACUI Clay Target Championship in San Antonio last year, and the team from Texas A&M Corpus Christi was targeted. Apparently they stuck a sticker on their taillight at the range, and broke into their van when they stopped for dinner. Last year, I heard that another team's van was broken into during the night, stealing all of their ammunition.

I personally don't put any stickers on my car identifying me as a gun owner, but anybody who is near my apartment can see me carrying guns to my car several times a week. No plan is perfect. But at least I can't be singled out in the WalMart parking lot.
Do you guys also wear disguises when shopping for ammo at Wal Mart or looking at scopes at Bass Pro Shop? "They" may be watching you, studying your moves, and planning a sneak attack on you in the parking lot!

Seriously, there are a lot of new medicines on the market that will help you feel better.
Hey lonegunman that is a great point about the stickers being for the kids. Hadn't thought about that. As far as other peoples concerns about not wanting everyone to know about their closet or safe full of guns I think it is legitimate concern not to be belittled. There is a big difference between advertising on your car for all to see and wearing a disguise when buying ammo at wallyworld. It is called being reasonably cautious and then living life knowing you can't control everything.
It is important that we mainstream gun ownership and the shooting sports. The anti-gun liberals want to marginalize us.
Join a pro-gun organization and proudly put the stickers on your cars! Stand up and be counted!
I proudly display an NRA and S&W sticker on my car. Also a Mopar Performance one and a K&N one. I don't consider my vehicle a target for theft any more than an unstickered vehicle. The only car theft I ever suffered was the loss of a radio from a car with no stickers.
I used to teach at an R.O.P. program for EMT certification. Lots of those kids would get all "Ricky Rescue" about it, which often included some type of medical insignia for the car. I'd estimate that about 25% of those student's cars got broken into at some point during the course, most likely by people looking for drugs. So I absolutely understand the point about not making yourself a target.

As for the "My kid..." bumperstickers, it is almost a form of blackmail. It's kind of akin to Junior bringing home a macaroni collage. You have no choice but to hang it on the fringe. If you stash it in a drawer somewhere Junior is going to be scarred for life.
Look at all the peace, end hunger, fight poverty stickers on peoples cars. Now look at a world at war filled with poor starving people. Stickers don't make a darn bit of difference on the political spectrum. It's a sticker, an advertisement, not a world changer.
AllAmerican said:
The sticker on the back of my van says:
"Guns Save Lives. Over 2.5 million defensive uses per year"
I have the same sticker on the back of my truck cab. I think it was the reason the Ranger asked me if I had a CWP and a CCW when I got stopped. I didn't have the CCW at the time. I would rather he hadn't asked me to begin with, and wonder if I would even have been bothered with if I had not had it. I have reconsidered the sticker, but haven't taken it off.
No stickers on the truck except a pennant from the gun club with "09" on it and a US Army Retired bumper sticker. I wear a Remington ball cap occasionally, but it's not exactly flashy. The hat I like to wear most is the ball cap with the Honolulu Police patch on it. Even though I'm not in Hawai'i, I've watched people of lesser moral character see the hat and get careful. Of course, when I see them getting careful, I watch them which makes it worse for them.

Life is good. I am not a police officer, nor do I try to make people think I am. As an armed citizen, I don't have to try to arrest anyone.

Actually, I think it would be helpful if you would attract the bad guy with the gun sticker and then lure him into your lair and take care of business. Why can't this ever happen to me?
I was shooting at a our local range one day and two guys without guns were watching me shoot. I was alone. They had no guns at the range and were not asking questions nor paying attention to what I was actually doing.

When I left I made sure they saw the locked and cocked 1911 on my hip as I climbed into the car. They left right behind me. This range has two way to get to it, a mile or two off the highway, or the over-the-river-and-through-the-woods way. I went home the later, and took some extra turns. They followed me until they were certain I was aware of them.

Call me paranoid, but it just doesn't add up to circumstance.
Elm_Creek_Smith said:

"The hat I like to wear most is the ball cap with the Honolulu Police patch on it... ...I've watched people of lesser moral character see the hat and get careful... ...I am not a police officer"

Well, it kinda seems that you would like to be... And seriously.. "lesser moral character?" Did you sit them down and have long philosophical discussions with them? Do you know their darkest dreams and highest hopes? That's a rather self-important statement ya got there...
I had an idiot scratch my car because I had a "yellow ribbon' magnet on it. Said idiot also took the magnet and torn it in two and left it laying on the ground. He obviously didn't support the troops.

Believe it or not, I had an officer tell me to my face that he views NRA stickers on cars as a bad thing when he stops one. He's not exactly the most pro-2nd A officer I've met.

Many years ago, I had a drunk soldier break a window in my car because he didn't like the Marine bumpersticker. (Caught him- imagine his chargin when he found out I was a former Marine and at the time he broke the window, I was a Army SFC assigned as an instructor in the NCO school he was attending. :p )

These days I think long and hard about what identifiers I display. I do wear a Federal- Heavy Hitter ball cap from time-to-time. Few people even have a clue what it refers to. I actually had a woman ask me what team it was. As a LEO, I never display anything that will ID me as a cop when I'm off-duty either.
I have an NRA Life member ,an NAHC Life member and a Sons of Confederate Veterans sticker on my truck(and a Cz82 in the door compartment)..
No stickers on my vehicle. It's all black and plain jane. A big differance from my last vehicle. It was all nice and shiny with some chrome and had some stickers.
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