Gun sales continue to return to "normal" levels.


Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
We knew that the expanding bubble of gun sales had to retract - said:
Background checks on gun sales for June 2023 were down nearly 20 percent from June 2022, according to a report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

The industry group estimated there were 1,110,696 gun sales in June 2023. That is a 19.6 percent decrease from the June 2022 total of 1,382,287. The figures show a continuation of the downward trend sales have seen since setting all-time records in 2020. The numbers for the entire second quarter also show a decline compared to last year. This year’s 3,654,134 second-quarter sales mark a decline of 6.7 percent from 2022’s 3,916,986.

The decline in both June and second-quarter gun sales figures means the market is the closest it has been to pre-2020 levels. With Americans continuing to purchase fewer guns year over year, it remains in question where the market will settle after the 2020 spike.
I‘m seeing more and more rebates being offered by manufacturers. I’ve also seen rebates extended (Sierra rebate from winter, Kel-Tec Sub2K). I think rebates are a rather good indicator for whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market. When it’s a sellers’ market, rebates are not needed to sell products. When things calm down, manufacturers seem to use rebates to encourage buyers to spend.
I'm definitely seeing not just rebates but cheaper sales offerings on some firearms. I suspect we'll see even deeper cuts in prices with the fall then Christmas sales. There are a few I'm keeping an eye on.
A local anecdote - the new NYS laws raising the age of purchase and licensing for semis cut sales in half according to a local gun store. Don't know if the almost total ban on concealed carry locales has influenced handgun sales. In one sense, some counties have been freed up to purchase but that makes it an underwear drawer gun. State figures would be interesting.
That's one reason I can't understand why some caliber ammo is still hard to find. In my area everywhere you go is going to have a pallet or 2 of 9mm out in the middle of the store and the shelve full. But, try to find a box of 38spl. Or 410. Every once in awhile I may find a box or 2 38spl at ridiculous price. Maybe. 410? No. None.
I know 9mm has kind of taken over but there are still millions of 38spl out there and still being sold. Somebody has got to be shooting 38s.
""" Unless everybody's like me. I don't pay Ridiculous """.
That's one reason I can't understand why some caliber ammo is still hard to find. In my area everywhere you go is going to have a pallet or 2 of 9mm out in the middle of the store and the shelve full. But, try to find a box of 38spl. Or 410. Every once in awhile I may find a box or 2 38spl at ridiculous price. Maybe. 410? No. None.
I know 9mm has kind of taken over but there are still millions of 38spl out there and still being sold. Somebody has got to be shooting 38s.
""" Unless everybody's like me. I don't pay Ridiculous """.

I ...cringe....every time some gunrag announces a NEW caliber.
Was perusing an old Gun Digest and FEATURED was the ...... GARIN rifles. Necked down .30 Carbine brass.
Now who is going to go out looking for a .17 Garin? :rofl:

We've allowed such a proliferation of ammo that NO manufacturer is gonna tool up to make any.

The local dealer has 26 Nosler in stock. YIPPEE..... 9 boxes for only $5.45 per round.

Coors, this doesn't keep me from my SURVIVAL rifles in .218 Bee and 38-40

Pogo said, " We has met the enemy and he is us."

Pogo was smart. :(
I ...cringe....every time some gunrag announces a NEW caliber.
Was perusing an old Gun Digest and FEATURED was the ...... GARIN rifles. Necked down .30 Carbine brass.
Now who is going to go out looking for a .17 Garin? :rofl:

We've allowed such a proliferation of ammo that NO manufacturer is gonna tool up to make any.

The local dealer has 26 Nosler in stock. YIPPEE..... 9 boxes for only $5.45 per round.

Coors, this doesn't keep me from my SURVIVAL rifles in .218 Bee and 38-40

Pogo said, " We has met the enemy and he is us."

Pogo was smart. :(
Has the .30super carry turned into another .356 TSW or .41AE or .45GAP.... yet?
Has the .30super carry turned into another .356 TSW or .41AE or .45GAP.... yet?

All of those are being necked down and fireformed into NEW IMPROVED ESSENTIAL cartridges.
Watch for them'
Order early.
Operators are standing at attention.

It's expected that there will be no better cartridge for Amazonian Dung Beetles. :)
Firearms industry overplayed their hand using fear as a sales strategy IMO. Should be a good time for enthusiasts now as they will have to design more interesting pistols than the standard Glock or Keltec copy of the month which has been the norm for far too long. Seems like lately everyone is scrambling with trying to make 22WMR pistols become the next "thing" which I find kinda funny.

On the plus side we finally have 10mm offerings going strong. Still waiting for some double stack pistols in 7.62x25 though. Eventually we will get back to the hand cannons and manufacturers will go full circle with Automag style pistols and true pocket 25/32s. Right now we are still caught in the Wondernine 2.0 phase. Wash, Rinse, Repeat etc. Comps and porting seem to be all the rage now as well. Early 90s got recycled on that one.
Gun sales have slowed a lot here in washington state. Don't know if it's due to the new idiotic gun laws or people are hitting the saturation point.

Panic amongst the newbie-newest gun buyers has subsided (until CNN creates the next “mostly peaceful urban protests” to garner ratings) , the free stimulus money that bought A LOT of guns has been long spent, inflation has consistently taken huge bites out of people’s incomes over the past year, and the cost of everything is up. So, those not impulsively buying a protection gun are fewer and further between.

Now it appears to be the long-time enthusiasts (like us) who have continued to buy the oddball guns, buy the deals being tagged on new guns and buy the hardly-shot consignment guns that are now crowding LGS shelves and showing up in greater numbers on the on-line auction sites.

Hopefully more enthusiasts have been created during the last 3-4 years, so gun and ammo buyers are still out there keeping the doors open for our gun manufacturers for many more years to come. :thumbup:

Stay safe.
Just a thought, if and when Clarence and Alito get off their butts and strike down AWBs, carry bans, mag bans, etc. (actually I don't think they have the votes to do this), there will be a blip of folks getting 'banned' stuff if they are enthusiasts but then a down turn as panic buyers won't see the need to stock up on items that might be banned. So for example, NYS might see a surge of standard AR, higher cap mag buying if the decisions went our way but then there will be saturation.
An amazing economy that can say business is down and still be selling a million guns a month.

It would be interesting but intrusive to have an exit survey:
Is this your first gun?
If not, is this your first gun of the type?
If not, is this your first gun of the brand?
With MANY of life's necessities and "luxury" items costing 30-50% more than they did in 2019, wages barely increased, and a lot of people actually tapping their 401K funds to pay day-to-day bills, fewer people are devoting their available resources to guns.
An amazing economy that can say business is down and still be selling a million guns a month.

It would be interesting but intrusive to have an exit survey:
Is this your first gun?
If not, is this your first gun of the type?
If not, is this your first gun of the brand?
I would be interested in a survey ;
How many here are into firearms because?
Just to Carry?
As a Hobby?
You just like shooting?
Just because you are into guns?
" I say Just because, Well, just because I'm just into guns. I don't think I fit solely into just one category".
For many weeks I had read about the DSA Para Folders, then learned about the Marcolmar CETME L.. I came really close to buying either type.
The idea was to have the Cool Looks, to augment the standard FAL profile I own.

But the ever-present need to Fatten the reserve of brass-cased .308 Ammo ….Won….instead.

Ammo prices seem to spike much faster than rifle prices during a general, sudden panic, and -- ^ -- ammo spikes possibly last longer than any -- ^ -- rifle price spike?
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