Gun shop conspiracy ( hi point carbines)

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I heard that FEMA is in cohoots with Big Foot and the abominable snowman. First they are going to over throw the Canadian Govt then go to work on ours. After all is said and done the Big Foot and Yeti armed with the Hi-Point carbines and pistols will rule the world make all humans there slaves. Thus solving world hunger and breinging peace on earth. It is the qoran I read it Verse 13 paragraph 7.

If you don't believe me then look it up yourself.
Evil Monkey

that was... classic. i looked at the first paragraph and was like "cool some ones having soem fun with this" the remaining chapter only furthered that excitement.

keep the storys coming. im interested to hear about aqua mans role in this
Filled the stock with Great Stuff expanding Foam. 24 hours later this took a lot of flex out of the stock and made it much more rigid so that it actually retains point of aim from shot to shot easily.

That will help keep the awful cold of space from freezing those friendly aliens' tentacles, too.

Actually the government has undoubtedly bought many Hi-Points during victim-disarmament "buyback" programs. In fact, probably nothing BUT Hi-Points and Lorcins.

That's the problem with trying to satirize government. If it's stupid enough to satirize, they're already really doing it. Like, for instance, using 1960s Saturn V engines for next decades' Moon missions.
Great stuff, Evil Monkey. You realize the Shuttle doesn't fly to the moon, but rather remains in quite low Earth orbit?

That's just the shuttle THEY tell us about. The REAL shuttle made by reverse engineering the crashed Roswell "saucer" can go anywhere, do anything.

Years ago, I read a book that told how all the people who simply "vanish" every year are really kidnapped and carried off to the secret gold mines on the moon where they're worked to death by "the government" which is actually a one world government. (The "governments" around the world are just for show you see.)

Obviously these carbines are going to be used to arm an army of these slaves when "they" tell them to move. Like the "shuttle" the "Hi-Point Carbines" the government buys, are nothing like the ones you or I could buy. These Hi-Points were designed by "GunKid" and meet all his requirements for strategic tactical defensive assault weapons.
Actually, they're being bought up by an extreme leftist faction of the government led by Nancy Pelosi and Charles Shumer. They want to get as many semiautomatic assault weapons off the streets as possible, for the children. They are, however, faced with a limited budget for this project.

They figure the best way to get the most assault weapons off the streets, for the children, with the least amount of money is to buy the cheapest semiauto assault weapons available.

Reports leaked onto the Internet reveal that once they've succeeded in buying up all the Hi-Points, Kel-tec Sub 2000s and SU-16s will become increasingly hard to find. After that, SKSs and aftermarket folding stocks for them will all but disappear.

Interestingly enough, The leaked reports also state that these guns are not being sent to the smelters as we would believe. They are being sent east to supply the Iraqi freedom fighters in their heroic struggles against the Imperialist Americans. Ms Pelosi was heard saying "Its only the American children we care about. What happens to the rest of them is really not our concern."
actualy Guntech's got a good one there. especialy if the gov is buying hi point pistols too. i mean, a simple recoil pistol would be plenty to secure yourself something better
The gov't (which is actually controlled by reptilian space aliens who live under Denver International Airport and eat missing people for sustenance) is actually buying them up so that the concentration camp under DIA will finally have armed guards. This is of course only the beginning of a nefarious plot hatched by the space reptiles (one of whom is George W. Bush, BTW) and the mayors of the Denver Metropolitan area.

Starting in 2008 when the Committee that Runs America Presently fixes the election so that their favored candidate wins (every single candidate is actually a DIA space reptile, as is the entire MSM), anyone who is not brainwashed by the hideous DIA murals into a mindless drone will be instantly pinioned by DIA security and spirited away into the catacombs beneath DIA. There they will be fed an unrelenting diet of beans, cabbage, and (for the lactose intolerant) milk. This is for two reasons: one, the space aliens living under DIA think that this feeding technique makes missing people tastier and two, it will solve the coming natural gas shortage in the Rocky Mountain Region. This is the payoff for the mayors of the cities in the Denver Metro area because then they will not have to contend with natural gas riots and will thus find reelection easier.

This is not the end of this of course. Sooner or later the world will find out the truth about DIA. The mayors of the Denver Metro area and the space reptiles living under DIA (and in the White House) know this. They have therefore devised a plan to fly planeloads of people into DIA until every single person in the world has been given the DIA mural "test". Naturally the armies of mindless drones (the DIA murals produce selective brain damage in the weaker minded individuals) who round up everyone in the world and fly them to DIA will need to be armed. Since drones aren't too bright it is not worth arming them with an expensive weapon. Thus, not only are hundreds of thousands of Hi-Point carbines required to arm the DIA concentration camp guards, literally billions of them will be required to arm the army of mindless human drones who will betray their own planet and fight for their reptilian alien overlords against the ever dwindling numbers of humanity who have not been subjected to the DIA murals.

Edit to add: No, of course I don't believe this pap. But the Westword from a couple of weeks ago was pretty inspiring though.
Yup, the government is buying and stockpiling them, the shortage in the consumer market is because they are paying $750 each and thus get first choice .
I don't even know why we're having this discussion. You obviously hit the nail on the head: ZOMBIES. It's just a matter of time now...

I have a 9mm and 40 HP Carbine and thats exactly what they are for. The wife gets the 9mm and I get the 40 to match pistols. Bring the undead on! :neener:
Considering what prices Uncle Sam normally pays for stuff $750 is a bargain. However they forced HiPoint to bid on a maintenance contract which HiPoint then lost to Brown and Root. The US now pays $500 per gun to recondition every time one goes down instead of sending it to the factory for free.
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