Gun show... A bunch of bitter clingers who won't face forward thinking

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Jan 1, 2008
Had the pleasure of going to our small time, small town gun show today.

A bunch of angry clingers that refuse to to give up their old, backward thinking for the New World advancement.

Thank "insert the name your deity" for this. I pray it is still here when my kids are my age.
Plenty folks who have no need for the bible and would prefer a gun in both hands, Loomis. :)
Gotta say that I would still be hesitant to bring a newbie to a show. Went to the big show in San Antonio this weekend and there was a nazi flag hanging high above a table. Most gun people know it's just a guy selling old German WW2 junk but it's still the kind of thing which would be an immediate turn off to someone who had never been to a gun show.
Most gun people know it's just a guy selling old German WW2 junk but it's still the kind of thing which would be an immediate turn off to someone who had never been to a gun show.
What about the displaying of the Confederate battle flag?
^thats heritage, not hate.^

it's called american history folks, a little thing that used to be taught in schools.
i own a confederate battle flag (remake, not original) because its part of my family's history. the american flag is too. had a relative who signed the declaration of independance(spelling?), helping to make this nation possible. also have ancestors who were one of the founding familys of Georgia (plantation and slave owners), who later fought in the civil war. it's all history, and for me, it's family history.
sorry, rant over.
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^ Those who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it. Look at C average W, he skipped the week they taught Vietnam.
I saw a slam piece on Sarah Palin in which the author referred to her as an "unreconstructed woman."

That's an odd word. Turns out, it's fancy liberal speak for "unreconciled to social or cultural change; maintaining outdated attitudes, beliefs, and practices."

There's a neat parallel there. Instead of calling her a hick (which they're narrowly avoided), they use Big College Words. If they can use 'em, so can I.

Count me as an unreconstructed strict constructionist clinging bitterly to his guns and their accompanying ammunition. :)
there was a nazi flag hanging high above a table.

Speaking of "Nazi" collectors. There are those who just collect and then there are those who dress up in it.
Years ago our collectors club held their meetings at a local community center. We had one of the "dress-up" type show up in a complete SS uniform.
The main problem was that there was a B'nai B'rith meeting going on down the hall.
After that we had to find another place to meet. (The community club management just didn't have a sense of humor.)
What about the displaying of the Confederate battle flag?

I couldn't care less, to me the Confederate flag is what the Duke boys painted on the General Lee. One of my friends even painted his Ferrari race car (348 Challenge) in the General Lee paint scheme, it's hilarious to see at the track.

The issue I take with it is that it plays into the stereotypes that gun grabbing types would love to paint all gun owners with. As a bunch of good old boys who are waiting for the south to rise again or as skinhead neo nazis itching to start race war. Just my opinion.
Ha. the south already did rise again. Just nobody noticed.

How many of our last 10 presidents of the united states were NOT from the south?

How many major economic boom towns are NOT in the south?

how many miss americas are NOT from the south?

If these trends keep up, pretty soon washington DC will be moved to richmond VA.
I don't mind the collectors and the reenactors.

It's the complete idiots I can't deal with.

And now several folks will say that they're offended. Yup. It's YOU who I'm talking about.

Or maybe they won't say it... Regardless. Bogie hateses Illinois Nazis... And kluckers too.
How many of our last 10 presidents of the united states were NOT from the south?

Of the last 10 beginning with Ike,4 were born in the South:
Ike,Texas,raised in Kansas
LBJ,Texas,raised TX
Carter,Georgia,raised GA
Clinton,Arkansas,raised AR
The 2 Bush's although Texas connected,were both born in New England as was Kennedy.
Ford,Nebraska and
Reagan, Illinois round it out.
Of all these 10 who was the most pro-gun President?
It was probably a Democrat who was not from the South.:)
An NRA Life Member.But that question certainly is open to debate.See link below:
Shades of Orwell's "1984." I guess "reconstructed" is newspeak for "brainwashed."
I can't recall the last time I ever saw Nazi stuff at a gun show here in Ohio. I can't even recall it at the larger ones I've been to (1,500 tables).
First of all, to the O.P.
I hear you. Here's hoping the gun shows are still around when my kid (4y.o.) is old enough to know whats they are. He's been to one, but was in a stroller and slept through it. I remember the good times I had with my Dad hunting, fishing and shooting (and oggling the goods at shows). I hope to have some of those same experiences with my son.

Now the Confederate battle flag. I've never seen one at a gunshow. I've seen the red, white and blue flag, but not the battle flag. I have one and fly it once a year. It's an artifact of history, not a symbol of bigotry. Suppressing history is bigotry. It happened. A lot of bad stuff happened in human history. Learn from it and move on.

The swastika has been around for over 3,000 years that we know of, maybe more. It was found in lots of early American folk art and was an accepted good luck symbol. It was and is an Indian (not Native American) good luck sign. Buddhist prayer symbol. Found in Egyptian tombs. The fact that it was copped by the nazis casts a pall on it, but seeing it on non-nazi stuff shouldn't give you the heebie-jeebies. My Aunt Sandy has antique quilts with swastikas on them. American origin and predating WWII by about a hundred years. They do not, however, have goose-stepping, armband wearing, genocidal maniacs on them.

There's a difference between the seller of relics and war trophies and the skinhead dressed up in it.

If nobody re-enacted the axis, what would WWII re-enactors do? That's like a Civil War re-enactment were everyone wears blue (or gray) and stands on the same side of the field.

So here's to the gunshows. Some are good, some are not so good. Some are downright lousy with nothing but beef jerky and one old guy with a broken shotgun. But they're still gunshows and we need to protect the right to have them.
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