Gun show loophole? Not around here...

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I've never seen a loophole at any gunshow I've been to, always run a background check on the spot with written forms. I think it's more exagerated but many facts about firearms are.
If they really wanted to close the "Gun Show Loophole" they could make it possible for non-FFL holders to do a background check. It could be done inexpensively and without invading anyone's privacy.

A background check that doesn't invade privacy is a contradiction in terms.
Here's the skinny on gun shows:

Federal law requires FFLs to conduct a background check, whether they sell a gun at a gun show or anywhere else.

Federal law does not require non-FFLs to conduct a background check, whether they sell a gun at a gun show or anywhere else.

Gun shows are, not surprisingly, very popular places for non-FFLs to go to try and sell guns they want to sell. Some call this a loophole. I call it one of the last vestiges of freedom in this rapidly burgeoning police state which I used to call "America."
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OP Keep in mind that some Gun show Dealers May not have Access to a Phone During a GUN SHOW. That is prolly why she had to wait.
Legal in MD and VA

In Maryland Virginia any one can rent a table at a gun show, about $150 for three days, and sell anything outside of a full auto firearm without being a dealer or having an FFL. No background checks, nothing. And the sellers pay no associated state or federal taxes. I believe this is the loophole this is in contention. So the feds aren't getting a piece of the action.

Yes, it would be possible for some completely deranged private citizen or foreign national to purchase firearms. At the last show in Chantilly near Dulles Airport one guy sold 1.4 million rounds of military ammo in three days.
At the present time private intrastate handgun sales are not subject to federal regulation. Sales made through federally licensed dealers are, and sale of handguns are restricted to those who are 21 or older. However the 1968 GCA (and amendments thereto) prohibit the sale of firearms under any circumstances to a "prohibited person," that are barred from owning firearms. Most states have similar statutes.
Federal law does not require non-FFLs to conduct a background check, whether they sell a gun at a gun show or anywhere else.

Federal law not only doesn't require private sellers to make a background check, it also prohibits them from doing so!

The ability to make a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is restricted, and limited to Federally Licensed Gun Dealers (FFL). Even law enforcements agencies and departments cannot make NICS bckground checks.

The sole purpose of closing the so-called "gunshow loophole" is to force all sales made at gun shows to be channeled through FFL dealers with all of the other requirements including the filling out of a #4473 form. The next step would be to make ALL TRANSFERS of firearms subject to the same requirements. This over time would establish a system of de facto national gun registration.
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