Gunbroker sucks.

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At Davidsons the cheapest PT1911 .38 Super is:
$474.22 dealer cost.
+$25 Shipping
+FFL transfer fee?
$512 total

Seems right, except he is required to charge you 8.25% Texas Sales Tax on that purchase. He is required to collect sales tax because he ordered the firearm from Davidson's. His transfer fee is not taxable.

Texas Sales Tax on that $499.22 brings your total to $540.40

Pay for it yourself at Bud's it's $510 delivered.

You are correct. He is required to collect the tax. But, legally, on an out of state sale, *I'm* required to report the purchase and pay the tax myself. (Before you ask, no, I don't bother to do so.) My point is that I'm not going to penalize my local dealer for collecting sales tax.

There is no transfer fee charged by my local dealer on a purchase from Davidson's, as they're in the Davidson's dealer network. But, there is a transfer fee for the firearm coming from Bud's.

Considering the transfer fee of the gun coming from Bud's, it a push. I don't know Bud. I'm sure he's a great guy. I do know the guys at my local store and they're good guys too. Plus they keep a huge inventory that I can browse whenever the fancy strikes.

For me, it's a no-brainer. Pay the same and order it from Davidson's, choosing my local dealer for (over night) delivery.

One of the problems I see with Gunbroker is that their only fee is the commission they get when something sells. If they charged a listing fee (like Ebay), perhaps sellers would be more motivated to start items out at a more reasonable price. Since listings are free on Gunbroker, sellers can list things at whatever jackass price they want, and get 50 relistings automatically. With that set-up, there's no incentive to start out with a competitive price. Sure, some listings do start with a competitive price, but many are inflated and perhaps the sellers are just waiting for a "fish" to buy it who doesn't know any better. With information so plentiful on the net now, fish are scarcer and farther between, hence we see those same listings, over and over again.

Yes, this is the one thing I don't like. No fees allows the seller to not be serious about making a sale and allows them to wait forever for a sucker to come along. Regular rules of supply and demand are side stepped.
Sorry, I don't reward rudeness, ignorance, AND high prices.

Now, you do have a point about rudeness. But, I've got to tell you from my experience running a retail store for the past 20 years (in an unrelated field), rudeness runs both ways. For that matter so does ignorance.

As far as the high prices, some of the things my local dealer carries can be purchased elsewhere (mail order) for cheaper. But, once I figure in shipping costs and wait time, it's usually not a huge difference. If it is, I'll go ahead and mail order it.

MattTheHat Quote:
You are correct. He is required to collect the tax. But, legally, on an out of state sale, *I'm* required to report the purchase and pay the tax myself. (Before you ask, no, I don't bother to do so.)
I think your confused. Both you and your dealer don't pay tax on the same purchase (your 2nd & 3rd sentences conflict) In this case, you dealer is the point of sale (you're paying him) and is required by Texas law to collect sales tax. This is not an out of state sale as you are purchasing the item from a Texas business.

You may be confusing sales tax with "use tax". In Texas (as well in most other states) if you purchase an item mail order (or by phone or internet) the out of state seller is not required to collect Texas sales tax unless they have a business presence in Texas (Cabela's for example). When you make an out of state purchase, you (the buyer) are required to pay a "use tax" to the Texas Comptrollers Office.

MattTheHat Quote:There is no transfer fee charged by my local dealer on a purchase from Davidson's, as they're in the Davidson's dealer network. But, there is a transfer fee for the firearm coming from Bud's.

That's because he hides his dealer profit in the sales price of the firearm. The reason he charges a transfer fee for an order from Bud's is because you paid Bud's directly.
What I would like to hear are GOOD stories: people who found that oddball item, or got a great gun at a can't-believe-it price, or whatever. Any of you out there?
.....I have been involved in over 30 transactions on GB.. I have been burned twice.. Once on a Smith 17-4 revolver (The guy said it was like new.. After fixing the trigger and a re-blue, it was) The other a Smith Model 41..(again like new.. after a new upper and a re-blue, it was) A home run was hit with a Springfield Trophy Match Long Slide (Made in USA) 45 acp..LNIB..$750.00
I have found some pretty good deals on Gunbroker. I look for the private individuals (or which there are fewer and fewer every day) or the smaller shops, and always people with perfect or near-perfect feedback. My last two purchases were a Savage MK I FVT .22 target rifle and a Ruger Single Six revolver with 4 5/8" barrel. The Ruger was a NIB discontinued model for a very reasonable price. The Savage I had been watching for a while--the seller wasn't getting much action, so he lowered the price and I jumped on it. Both guns were just as described, and the shipping was reasonable and fast.

I have had far worse experiences on eBay, like a camp cot that was described as "like new" but reeked of cigarette smoke and had mildew stains on it or a room humidifier advertised as NIB that was stained, cracked, and had pieces missing.
I have bought a lot off GB, Buds, & CFS the last few years.
My FFL fee is only $10.
Shipping $20 to $35
On say a $2000 on-line purchased that is a lot saved.
Everyone thinks if they wait until the last thirty seconds they'll get the item cheaper. If you've set your sniper to bid $50 in the last second, I'll still beat you by bidding $51....because I placed that bid SIX DAYS AGO.

What a lot of bidders on ebay don't realize is that early "maximum" bids drive up the price of an item, just like a couple of bidders in a live auction that keep raising their paddles. Bidding your maximum at the last minute is a better tactic IF you have the time to hover on the computer until the auction nears end.
GunsAmerica vs. Gunbroker

You have to be kidding. I've bought and sold dozens of guns on GunBroker and have never been outbid by someone who didn't follow through (you can check the feedback left by the buyer & seller), nor have I ever had a buyer not beat the door down rushing to get payment to me. If you have any real experience buying or selling on GunBroker you would know this.
I have both bought and sold on GB as a private citizen. It didn't happen to me once. I worked a booth at the NRA show and was told this by more than a dozen people. you have any idea how auctions work? You bid what you think the item is worth (that's called your maximum). If you bid more than the item is worth JUST TO WIN....great! Sellers love that.

Don't sell anything on ebay do you?
I've got news for ya......nobody gets denied the opportunity to bid on Ebay. The majority of Ebay auctions are SEVEN DAYS LONG. At any time during those seven days you are free to bid as much as you want. So called "sniper" software for Ebay is useless against a bidder who puts in a bid HIGHER than what you authorized your so called sniper. Everyone thinks if they wait until the last thirty seconds they'll get the item cheaper. If you've set your sniper to bid $50 in the last second, I'll still beat you by bidding $51....because I placed that bid SIX DAYS AGO.
Maybe you put in your maximum bid, but statistically most people put in what they want to buy it for, which is statistically much lower than it will go for. By sniping you don't give them the chance to up their bid to a more realistic price. I buy everything on ebay actually that I can, and I snipe everything.

That's like saying books aren't good for reading. If GunBroker was the big waste of space you believe it is, it would be belly up by now. GunBroker allows little part time FFL's like me to sell my guns to the entire USA. GunsAmerica wishes it had half the traffic/page hits of GunBroker.

If you check online third party sources, GunsAmerica has much more than half the traffic of GB, and twice as much as AA and Davidsons. Gunbroker actually was belly up, but they scored a 7 million dollar loan this year so they could keep their head above water. [/QUOTE]

No, they don't. All you have to do is see the same ad on Guns America for the last two years to know that a lot of firearms dealers have no clue what a gun is really worth. Gunbroker is not imune to this, and those guns remain unsold. A gun is worth what someone is willing to pay. Period.

GunsAmerica is mostly classified ads and that ad probably has sold hundreds of guns. It stays up because up to a million new people visit GunsAmerica in a given month.

Really? Have you ever bought a gun online or off GunBroker? I'm an FFL in Texas, I don't have a retail storefront, nor am I a stocking dealer. I do transfers. Where do ya think my customers find the firearms they have shipped to me?
I'll tell you where....out of the last hundred transfers I processed:
0 from GunsAmerica
2 were from Auction Arms
3 were orders placed by me at customer request with a distributor
17 were from gunforums (THR, GlockTalk, AR15, etc)
26 were from online gunstores (Bud's, Impact, Cabela's, CDNN, etc)
52 were from GunBroker
Yes, I have, but I stopped since they were both broken. The last one was an 87 Winchester level shotgun for cowboy shooting. It fell apart when I shot it, litteraly in pieces. Sellers know that Gunbroker has no customer support whatsoever so they can sell broken guns with no recourse. GunsAmerica answers customer support inquiries generally the same day boot sellers who rip customers off. Check out the rip off report for gunbroker.
You havne't gotten transfers from GunsAmerica because you probably aren't on their FFL list. ;)

WalMart is one of my local dealers. I buy as much ammunition as I can from them. If you mean the local "mom & pop" gunstore? Sorry, I don't reward rudeness, ignorance, AND high prices.

You make this statement about buying from local dealers..........but you want everyone to patronize GunsAmerica? Are you aware that GunsAmerica sellers aren't all local to where you live?
That you pay too much from mom and pop dealers is a myth. You may pay $50 more for a gun than you will online, and that is at the outside, but in the process you are supporting the backbone of our gun freedom. Without gun dealers there will be no guns.

You are an FFL, but you are not a gun dealer. If a new piece of legislation comes along, you will most likely drop your license. The stocking gun dealer will not. That is why GunsAmerica supports stocking gun dealers because they are not just concerned with making as many after sale fees as they can get. They are a resource for the whole industry. The company is owned and run by real gun people, NRA life members. Real gun dealers work on a 10-18% margin generally, so to undercut them, as some basement dealers are still doing (though it boggles the mind why), you have to sell for much less than that. With the transfer fee and risk of not getting what you won at the auction, it isn't worth it.
GunsAmerica vs. Gunbroker

GunsAmerica used to be an interesting site, but they took a dump a few years ago with the new software and format, and I've not used them since.

Bought several nice guns thru Gunbroker. No problems. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I'm not stupid, I dunno. If the piece is worth what I want to pay, and no one outbids me, I take it home. Not too hard to understand.

Yes, it was several years ago now that the GunsAmerica interface collapsed, completely. But it eventually came back and is now much better than any other gun site. The search is incredible. You can use the stuff on the left to find what you want quickly, and the communication is great. The seller can even reply to you via email and you can make the deal offline entirely if you want. GunsAmerica even has videos and articles these days, it's totally different.
...You may be confusing sales tax with "use tax"...

You are correct, I was thinking use tax. Even so, I'm still not going to penalize my local dealer for collecting sales tax.

That's because he hides his dealer profit in the sales price of the firearm. The reason he charges a transfer fee for an order from Bud's is because you paid Bud's directly.

I understand he needs to make a profit. If not, he wouldn't be in business. I like to make a profit in my business too. (But this darned economy sure doesn't help.)

My point is that if I purchase from Bud's, my dealer is going to charge a transfer fee, which, when added to the price I pay Bud's, makes the prices vary by less than $15.

GunsAmerica Fan:

I see you are back plugging for your site. As I asked earlier, do you work for, or are you otherwise affiliated with GunsAmerica?

It is so strange that you showed up like this to hype that website and bash its competitor. I'm astonished that the mods haven't done something about this, but on the outside chance that you are just another joe-schmo, the way you've conducted yourself in your initial posts is... well... strange.
I've bought and sold on Gunbroker, nothing to it. I've made use of their list of ffl's, have great relationships with two of them, both very reasonably priced. It does take some work and persistence to weed through all the junk - auctions started at retail, auctions for cheep stuff no body wants - but I've found it to be worth the effort.

For selling I do prefer forum classifieds, both here and elsewhere, though the one time I got screwed on a buy it was through a forum - could have happened on GB too. Or even at a gun show for that matter. Buyer beware is always the rule.
I didn't start the thread. I found the thread because I have it in a google search for gunsamerica, and someone had already answered it. So I registered. I believe I have also said repeatedly to buy guns from your local dealer, not to buy guns through GunsAmerica. I haven't bashed I have defended and educated. I saw an accusation that I worked for GunsAmerica, not a question, which is what this is phrased as. No, I do not technically work for GunsAmerica lol. Why would it matter anyway?
As to Gunbroker, my personal experience has always been positive, but I specifically look for older firearms or more unique firearms that aren't readily available from a local source. I've also used GA for the same purpose as well as AuctionArms and any of the auction sites.
GunsAmerica fan, I got "flamed" on my very first particitation in a thread, maybe it's some kind of initiation ritual.
I've had the honor of a moderator sending me a pm lol. I think it's like TSA you give someone authority and they find all kinds of ways to show you how powerful they are. ;)
I have made two purchases from GunBroker, both were great deals. The last was a Browning 1910 380 which nobody bid on since the seller mis-spelled "Browning" in the title...I found it by accident.
I never deal with the local gun stores, they are all horribly overpriced, and difficult people to deal with. My rifle club has it's own FFL, and does no charge transfers as a membership benefit.
I've had the honor of a moderator sending me a pm lol. I think it's like TSA you give someone authority and they find all kinds of ways to show you how powerful they are. ;)

I think this thread has gone far enough.

@GunsAmerica Fan

You appear to represent GunsAmerica. Your name, signature, and actions certainly give that appearance. And your first posts were an attack on your competition and a slimy promotion of your own site.

We have other firearms companies represented here by their owners and operators, but from what I have seen, they respect their competition. Certainly they may promote their own company, but I have not seen them bash a competitor.

As a business, your attacks on your competition are simply low down and are not High Road material. I do not like seeing our forum used as a way to spread propaganda against a competitor while advertising how great your own site is. :mad:

And if that were not enough, you have the gall to take a swipe at our moderators. :cuss: I may not always agree with our moderators, but they have always been fair. Everyone whose been on THR long enough has probably had a thread or post burned by the moderators and been given a talking to. We all have passionate views and we've all said something that got a bit out of line. Our moderators have done an excellent job of keeping us in check and keeping this forum from becoming just another worthless site on the web.

Because of your actions, I pledge not to use the service. There are other sites out there that will accomplish the same ends.
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so a mod sends you a PM asking for you to make your affiliation clear and you accuse us of being like the TSA? geez

your behavior at THR thus far is making me regret defending gunsamerica over the years in threads such as this

i'll refrain from boycotting gunsamerica like Boba until we find out whether you're actually affiliated with them.
Ok Taliv, thanks for that. I believe my strongest argument has been to promote people buying guns through their local dealer. Other than that I only answered someone's criticisms about GA, in detail, and everything I wrote was either publicly released by my competitor as a media press release, or personal experience. I didn't start this thread and only came here to check it out because someone else mentioned GunsAmerica. I also welcomed said moderator to take down my posts if he thought it inappropriate. As for the TSA comparison, how would it be not acceptable, under the rules of this website, for a competitor to get involved in a complaint discussion about his competition that he didn't start? I am interested to find out why so many people have such hatred for GB. There are whole websites dedicated to it, and I (and as far as I could ever imagine AA) certainly don't have anything to do with it. If I choose defend classified ads over auctions in general (GA has auctions but we discourage their use for commodity guns) or my company mission to support the stocking dealers, and show people how we put our money where our mouth is, how would that be something a moderator would get interested in? Doesn't it sound like someone telling a TSA guy that they are late for their flight and said TSA guy deciding to strip search them? I don't generally have issues with moderators. They keep these boards very useful, but hello??
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