Gunny gets it!

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crankshop1000: Why is common sense and speaking your mind such a rare thing these days?
Fear of disapproval by others. The sheeple are quick to verbally assault anyone with whom they disagree.
It's just a little hard to take him seriously when he sits there in a pink shirt.
But on another clip he "understands why there is a waiting period (in California)."

Really, then could somebody explain it to me?

Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but he lost me there.
Can someone do me a favor? and type out what he says, because I'm deaf so I don't know what he says? thanks.

Interviewer: What are your thoughts on the right of people to be armed, the average citizen?

Gunny: You know what, I think if everybody was armed I feel there would be less crime. I really do. I mean, if I'm a robber and I think you might have a gun, I'm going to think twice about approaching you in a dark alley, or on the street, or where ever the hell you might be; or taking your car from you at an intersection. I'm going stop and think twice about that before I do.

We've got bold criminals that will walk right up to your drivers side window, and point a gun at you, and tell you to get the hell out of you car, and jump in your car and drive away. I don't think that these people would be quite as bold if they thought that maybe this guy might be armed.

If everyone had the right to carry a firearm in America, of course, we would sort and weed out the nuts, the criminals, the drug addicts. We would never let them buy weapons; which supposedly is what our system does today.

They have this ridiculous thing that you have to fill out every time you buy a handgun. It's just totally ridiculous.
But on another clip he "understands why there is a waiting period (in California)."

Really, then could somebody explain it to me?

To be fair, he says he "understands" the waiting period, not that he agrees with it. There is a big difference between understanding the reasoning of a law you dislike, and agreeing with that law.

There are some fairly well-reasoned public policy arguements behind "Cooling Off Period" laws, which is quite a bit different than most other gun control measures.

I don't like them either, but I can grok the logic behind them.
Looks to me, from this "edited" interview, someone reminded him he should start promoting firearm ownership, and gun rights. Some of his previous statements were WEAK on 2nd Amendment Rights, at best. Personally, based on previous statements, I thought he had hung out with the Hollywood crowd a bit to much! IMHO
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