Happened Saturday -- what would you do?

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Wow, that is a good one. Let me put myself and my wife in the situation in place of the other folks.
Considering I am 6'1" and 240lbs and this ain't fat this probably never would have started. But lets say it did, the attacker would most likely have died right there from the .40 cal holes my wife would have put in him because she carries too. If Bothe of us were as stated in the same form of incapacitation at the original folks I would most likely need to see him come out of the car with some form of weapon and pose an immediate threat to life before I pulled the trigger. But I would certainly announce where everyone could hear that I have my gun drawn on him and am prepared to use it if he does not stop right now. When this went to court I would certainly want all my bases covered. Just my opinion.
I get his attention so he turns around and I shoot him.

"You NEVER shoot someone in the back"

glockman19:you would be dead if he had a gun.and dont think for a minute that that pipe could not get you. many an enemy soldier was shot in back running away.to hesitate causes you to thing and deside and hesitate some more.his mistake was to take his mind off his suroundings.never take you mind away from you surroundings.be allert alwas it aint easy but todays climaate you must.:uhoh::rolleyes::D
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