Has anyone volunteered at Camp Perry?

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Dec 25, 2002
Has anyone volunteered (Edited to add: or seen the volunteers) at Camp Perry?

Edited to add: With the below question I'm adding the following. If you've participated in any event at Camp Perry, have you noticed the volunteers? If you weren't shooting, would you volunteer to do one of those jobs?

While reading the last edision of American Rifleman, I saw an add in the back indicating that the NRA was looking for volunteers to help out at Camp Perry in August. I guess it will be working the pits, scoring etc. They supply lodging and food according to the ad.

I do shoot Highpower, but no where near the class of shooters that I'm sure will show up there. I've always wanted to go, but figured it was a waste if I wasn't shooting.

I'm thinking of volunteering, but was wondering if anyone else has ever done this and if it's worth the effort to travel down there. I live in Mass and would probably drive down. I bet it would be good just to see how everything works so if I did decide to shoot down there I would have an idea of what to do. Unless of course volunteering means being worked to death for a week. That would suck.

Let me know what you think.

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I was wondering the same thing. I will be watching this post to see what gets posted. Also wondering about the lodging. Do volunteers have time to observe or just work?
Wow SamV, looks like no one has volunteered down there. Not sure if that is a bad sign or what.

I think I'm going to re-phrase the question.
I have gone to the Police Firearms Instructor School at Camp Perry (3X) many years ago. I have also gone and taken my daughters and some of the neighborhood kids to both the rifle and pistol Small Arms Firing Schools for many years. My youngest daughter (then 16, now 36) went as a volunteer for one year. If you are interested in her reaction, contact me at [email protected] and I will put you in touch with her. All reactions from her are extremely positive. Quantrill
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