help 9 yo not allowed to enter ar15 pic in contest

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Jan 2, 2008
Help a guy out - POLITELY contact the Mr redacted and ask that the lads picture be allowed in the show. Note I said POLITELY. That means POLITELY you savages.


the original poster didn't provide this I did some google fu on my own

For more information, you may contact us at <redacted>, or email us at redacted.



So today when my wife picked up my boys from school she was informed by my son's teacher that the picture he drew for an art contest could not be used. The picture was of an AR-15 with digital camo and the words "Zombie Gun" on the receiver. Nothing about it depicted violence in any way. He was very proud of his picture and looking forward to the art contest. Before leaving the school, my wife spoke with the principal and expressed her dissapointment in his decision. He said he made the decision because he didn't want to offend anyone. He also said his decision was partly because the drawing was of an "assault rifle".

She talked with him for a while and handled the situation in a very adult manner, explainig to him that it gives the impression to the kids that guns are bad and how fragile our gun rights are. I'm VERY proud of her for going to him to express her dissapointment. The school is a small private Christian school and is where I also attend church. The principal is also the associate pastor. She also pointed out to him that his Bible offends people yet he defends it. I'm really fed up.
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A couple of thoughts just to get the ball rolling...

(1) Are there externally-imposed restrictions on firearms depictions imposed even on private schools by the greater eduational system in which that school is embedded? You know, like the "Zero Tolerance" stuff.

(2) It occurs to me that the "zombie" thing may be offensive to some because of its relation to Resurrection, perhaps? I don't know, not being that immersed in the Christian ethic, but it just seemed like a possibility.

(3) She made her case, pehaps it's time to withdraw and explain the circumstances to the son, with the lesson being something like "don't challenge authority unless you're on solid grounds." (The old "wimp out" technique until you find more solid ground. Or cover to shoot back from.) :)

Just noodling around, here.

Terry, 230RN
"redacted" Christian Academy.
Kind of ironic huh?

Hate to say this. But the truth is that tha Bible clearly depicts more violence than a picture of a firearm ever could.

I will certainly politely contact them.
Well handled and that should be our hallmark; making our point without irrational rantings. In this way we can dispel the myth of the left that we are irrational, gun-toting, knuckle-dragging thugs. Please extend my compliments to your wife on her adpt handling of the situation, especially with the Bible reference.
A couple of thoughts just to get the ball rolling...

(1) Are there externally-imposed restrictions on firearms depictions imposed even on private schools by the greater eduational system in which that school is embedded? You know, like the "Zero Tolerance" stuff.

(2) It occurs to me that the "zombie" thing may be offensive to some because of its relation to Resurrection, perhaps? I don't know, not being that immersed in the Christian ethic, but it just seemed like a possibility.

(3) She made her case, pehaps it's time to withdraw and explain the circumstances to the son, with the lesson being something like "don't challenge authority unless you're on solid grounds." (The old "wimp out" technique until you find more solid ground. Or cover to shoot back from.) :)

Just noodling around, here.

Terry, 230RN
It's pretty clear the 'assault weapon' part of it was the reason for the ban.

I say '"light 'em up and bring the pain", politely of course
oh and it's not my wife - I don't know the folks involved

My wife might have ripped the padre's spleen out and eaten it raw, she's knida subtle like that

logo from church web page

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I'd ask the principal if he would ban these pictures because they contain "violent" firearms:




If he said yes, I'd find a new school for my son.

Sent an email with respect and simplicity. I hope this does not affect your son in any adverse way. From my perspective this is in violation of our 1st amendment rights not to mention any psychology negativity the child has suffered. Kudos to your wife.
The school is a small private Christian school and is where I also attend church. The principal is also the associate pastor.

Keep working on the situation as you are - but if ultimately the principal/associate pastor continues with his mulish intolerance, you may want to seriously consider a new school and church, as this fellow's belief system is clearly at odds with your own.
My children attend a Christian school that has no issues with firearms; they even raffle firearms including AR’s. If my children were to go to school with anything about zombies or anything else that could be considered demonic, I would be getting a phone call. Two boys or two girls holding hands, they’ll be invited to Not return the next day. Also, there are people that would leave their church / school if it was ‘raffling’ items (some consider it gambling and I guess it is…). Point is, their values are consistent (enough) with mine and that’s one of the main reasons my children attend school there. Not being a member of the church you mention or the church’s school, I have no business complaining to them about their values, nor does any outsider have any business complaining to mine. Just my $0.02.

BTW: Tinpig, great post.
I love what you're doing, but in my professional opinion, I wouldn't have included his phone number and email in the first post. Let me explain why.
When he gets a dozen friendly phone calls, and begins to get annoyed, he may look into it.
If you google search that exact phone number and the word "gun", this thread is the first result. If he thinks to do this, there may be trouble.
What I would have done is tell your story, then mention that you will pm the number to anyone that wants to help. That way, you're completely safe.
Best of luck to your son. I hope they give in.
Nothing about it depicted violence in any way.

Really? Aside from the blood dripping off the word "Zombie"? That aside, a gun that says zombie is clearly meant to indicate a gun for shooting zombies.

I agree that children should not be taught that guns or bad or that there is anything wrong with a kid drawing a picture of a firearm. But lets get real. That picture is much more than just an artful representation of a gun.
It reminds me of playing in Christian clans in Counter Strike or Americas Army. People would join the server and make fun of the hosts saying "there's no killing in the bible." If you're going to make fun of something, at least be correct...
I won't pretend to know how all these religious organizations decide what violence is acceptable and what is not, but I think the key here is that this is a "PRIVATE" organization. As we gun owners like to point out, as a private org they can do whatever they want, and the opinion of non-members is in no way relevant.

The org is supported by money from the members, tuition or otherwise. Sounds like an internal issue if there ever was one. If the member doesn't like it they can take their money and walk. If they want to do that over something this predictable and frankly, this stupid... that is certainly their prerogative. Personally I'd just use it as an opportunity to teach junior that we don't always get exactly what we want, and that is a part of life. But what do I know; there is probably a good reason I'm not a parent. :rolleyes:
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