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how do you feel about the NRA?

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NRA is badly in need of a major reorganization and refocusing. It is way too bureaucratic and self-serving, (kind reminds me of AARP). That said, it is the most recognizable pro-gun organization in the country and, as noted above, is the 800-lb gorilla inside the beltway. I'll maintain my membership, but until I see a positive shift in its legislative activity group, the money I used to send to the NRA-ILA goes to GOA and SAF.

Also as noted above, we cannot just pay our dues and sit back. I send messages to my "elected representatives" to let them know my position on gun-related issues, and I urge all of you to do the same.
I'm an American. I'm a life NRA member. I'm a Republican. I've got issues with each and every organization, but I'm doing my best to make each one better. And I'm not catching a free ride off the others who seem to prefer whining to shouldering the load.

If you don't like what NRA does, get involved in the organization. Pay your dues. Vote. Make it better. You may get outvoted, but at least you're doing your best. Quitting, boycotting and howling about real or imagined shortcomings don't seem to move us forward.
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"The NRA does do a lot of good.
It is ALL centered on teaching programs.
If I could be a member of the non-profit teaching part, knowing that I'm not financing the lobbying machine at all, I'd do it in a second."


According to federal law, NRA dues CANNOT be used for lobbying.

See, you got your wish. :) Get out your checkbook. ;)

That's why the NRA-ILA, NRA-PVF and NRA-Foundation raise funds apart from the NRA dues. That's why they exist, because federal law restricts the use of dues to things such as education and prohibits lobbying and funding election campaigns.

Member www.vcdl.org
NRA Patron

P.S. - And anyone who says "What has the NRA done for me lately?" hasn't looked at what they've accomplished recently.
What group do the antis hate the most? Which group gets the blame for every firearm related accident? Which group do the politicians pander to?

The NRA.

Agree with us or not, the NRA is the biggest dog in the fight. They are the best thing going for our rights at this time. They can't please the entire membership on every single issue, but they are fighting for the 2A.

I don't understand why every gun board has at least one thread a month bashing the NRA. Are people trying to justify their cheapness? Just about any new gun purchased has a $25 NRA membership offer. That's the price of a box of ammo or two. That's a couple hours worth of range time. The price of a sling. The same price (or way less) than any of the accessories people purchase with a new gun. If you can't afford a membership, you probably shouldn't be buying guns.

Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA?
A: Simply email us at [email protected] or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal.

Let me make it even simpler, copy and paste this into the body of your e-mail (you have to fill in the blanks):

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is _____________ and my NRA membership # is ___________________. I would like to be placed on your "Do Not Promote" list.

Thank you,

Then copy and paste this into the address block on your e-mail:
[email protected]

Finally, hit "send". Quick, painless and ends those "annoying" letters that everybody spends more time griping about than simply tossing in the trash.

This even made the link hot, no need to copy and paste. Saves a couple more seconds.
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I'm a life member of the NRA myself. I don't always agree with them, but I support them because I think my money goes the furthest with them. Sure other organizations like GOA might have views closer to my own, but when push comes to shove, what do they actually accomplish? The NRA has the money and the political clout to actually get things done and the NRA actually does get things done. Concealed carry laws and lawsuit protection for manufacturers were both largely pushed through by the NRA and in my own state the NRA spent about $6 million dollars about a decade ago to help defeat a gun control initiative.

Now if you don't like the NRA, that's your right, but at least use a little of your money to support some other gun rights organization.
I like enough what they've done and respect their political clout, which is why I'm currently a member.

However, I do find their 2A stances to be rather lacking. It's sometimes like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I always hesitate to jump into these threads there is always so much more of the same, but...

It seems to me that the current direction is pretty bad. Maybe it's just that Wayne LaPierre seriously rubs me the wrong way. But there's that old adage that the way to beat the NRA is to join the NRA. I wonder if that isn't what is going on, with all of his posturing on who shouldn't have guns and where we shouldn't have guns and all of that.

We all know that gun-free schools aren't, and that there isn't (and there shouldn't be) any law against someone with diagnosed with a mental illness owning a gun. The key is responsible use of guns in schools, and preventing people who are dangerously ill from having them.

Yet LaPierre has repeatedly commented that the mentally ill (in other words, 10% of the adult population at any given time, by today's diagnostic standards) shouldn't have guns and that schools should be gun-free.

I like the idea of the NRA. I like the programs. I like the visibility. I don't like that Wayne LaPierre has been going beyond compromising and has dived straight into the sort of over-simplifications one would expect from the Brady bunch.

So, yeah, I'm not too enthused right now. I'm tired of the whole "you *have* to support us no matter how many times we announce that you should be disarmed." (I spend a lot of time in schools. I also, several years back, had a bad bout of depression.)

It really bugs me to support a gun rights org that publicly announces I shouldn't be able to carry a gun. That rankles.
I'm a member

But I think that they are a little too middle of the road. I do think that they cave in or give up too early, but they are a political force. I think that they error on the side of political caution so that they will be taken seriously by non gunnies. Also, they have to walk the line that separates hunters only form "sportsman" types form hard core 2A advocates. Keep in mind the effect that Jim Zumbo had. Well, the NRA must walk that line every day.

in short; are they the perfect 2A organization.... Heck NO. Would we be better off with out them... I don't think so.

Just my $0.02
I'm a member.... and I support their ultimate goal, but I'm getting annoyed with their marketing and fundraising schemes. I know this is a little OT:

It's one thing to ask for donations or to advertise some service that is partnered with the NRA.

But since joining, I've gotten mailings that treat me like a dumbass..... which upsets me..... most likely because I'm not a dumbass.... and don't appreciate being treated as such.

Example of recent mailings: "You haven't activated all of your benefits! It is urgent that you activate XXXXXXXX now as its time-sensitive!" or some crap like that.

oh and I LOVED: "CHECK ENCLOSED" (printed on the envelope).... for a moment I thought I had won the drawing, but I didn't remember there being a $400 prize, so I was skeptical as I opened it. Of course, the details inside were that it was a $400 check, made out to the NRA.... to use towards a lifetime membership. Now, where I come from, a discount towards something is known as a COUPON.... and a CHECK sent in the mail from an organization better be made out to ME, or it isn't a CHECK....... IT'S A FREAKING COUPON!!!!! :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:

Coupons are fine. JUST DON'T CALL IT A CHECK!

NRA might as well stand for "Nagging Republican Authorities."

The only thing it's good for is threatening politicians.

Compare the NRA with the ACLU. What would the ACLU have done if the New Orleans Police Department violated the constitutional rights of their citizens (other than the 2nd)? There would have been writs, there would have been court orders, there would have been lawsuits.

Answer me this: What does the NRA do?
The NRA does do a lot of good.
It is ALL centered on teaching programs.
If I could be a member of the non-profit teaching part, knowing that I'm not financing the lobbying machine at all, I'd do it in a second.

Well I don't agree with this, I think the NRA does a great deal of good in a number of areas.

However, it might please you to know that your dues for membership in the NRA cannot be used for lobbying. Only contributions to the NRA-ILA or NRA-PAC can be used for political purposes.

You may want to check into the NRA Foundation. This is the tax-deductible section of the NRA that has a huge focus on education and youth.
The NRA....... being a member is a GOOD START. The "800 lb. gorilla" is as often helpful as not....... seems to me they compromise a bit much (the backroom deal on Nebraska CCW that became evident at the LR178 hearing comes to mind....) but instead of bitching about it (and giving comfort to the enemy), how 'bout YOU do something? How many new Shooters have you made THIS YEAR? How many kids have you taught the 4 Rules to? It only takes one person. Just.One.Person. YOU.
So if not the NRA, Then Who? :scrutiny:

Without the NRA, England, Australia, Canada, etc come to mind!

Support the NRA or kiss your guns goodbye. It's just that simple. Every American president since it's founding in 1871 has been a member of the NRA except 2,wanna guess who? Hint: they both start with "C".
We'd be a lot worse off without 'em.

They aren't perfect but they are the best game around for defending our 2A rights. Badmouthing them without a good reason seems to only really help the brady bunch.

These two comments sum up my feeling about the NRA.
Jimmyraythomason - Carter and Clinton I assume?

Is that really true? All the others since 1871 were/are members?

Anybody have a source? That's worth noting.

and for the record, I do support the NRA.... I just don't like these recent marketing tactics.
Carter and Clinton are correct and yes it is true(according to NRA). George H.W.Bush forfeited his life membership in protest of the NRA opposing the ban on guns near schools.
I'd also like to mention that while I am highly irritated by some of what the NRA does, in the four months I've been really actively shooting I've introduced one person to guns in general, and he went out and bought his first pistol, and introduced a casual hunter to the wonderful world of mil-surps, broadening her firearms horizons and showing her the importance of supporting all gun ownership rather than just sporting type firearms.

I'm also a third year law student and in another couple of weeks I'm starting a class on the rtkba taught by a prominent local gun rights proponent and I'll be investigating ways to incorporate the rtkba into my legal practice on both an activist and on an individual level.

So while it sounds very simple and cut-and-dried to say that either one supports the NRA or one doesn't support the 2nd amendment, it is not so. I have deep and abiding misigivings about the NRA. And really that is ok. Do you realize how enormously huge the differences are between various environmental group? Or women's interest groups? A little diversity goes a long way. There're national politics, but there's also local stuff, getting people involved, working on preventing abuse of current gun laws (like holding up permits), teaching and talking.

I'd love to become an instructor and I can see that happening in shotgunning and basic firearms handling within a couple of years--not so much because I think I have any great knowledge, but because we need more women teachers.

Anyway, I'm rambling now, but no, it's not as simple as the NRA being the saviors of gun ownership that we must all genuflect before. Gun ownership is the savior of gun ownership. The more people who do it and love it and demand it as a right, the less we will need the NRA-ILA, and that's a fine thing if you ask me.
a little more

I really cannot add any real insight to what you have already written. I am a life and benefactor member of the NRA and am pleased with much of the lobbying, public relations and education that they sponsor.

I do NOT agree with everything they do---but do any of us agree with everything any organization does? Even those of us who are devoted members of our local churches, where we devote much time and send our offerings, disagree with these fellow believers at times. This does not mean we are sell-outs for belonging, but recognize that organizations are like the people who belong to them.....imperfect and subject to making mistakes.

I appreciate all of your comments, and am glad that for the most part the THR board reflects well on those who post here. We can disagree without rancor, argue without heat, and work together for a greater goal.

"Fear God and Dreadnought."
Sir John Fisher
I'm an NRA lifer and have a few issues with how they do business with members. But, they do what needs to be done and also provide a nation-wide organization for progunners to rally around and provide a united direction. Now, some of the other progun groups I belong to aren't so happy with the less conservative stands the NRA takes but, hey, we can still disagree with each other as long as we know who the real enemy is and can united against their attacks upon our freedom. I have relatives who are "hunters" and aren't NRA members, but appreciate the efforts the NRA does on their behalf. Why aren't they members? I never get a real answer. They just have me provide them with my used AR issues. Could be their just cheap!!!
I gripe about the NRA just as much as anyone else. Simple fact is, without them we would've already lost our gun rights.

I am a member - upgrading to Life for xmas
Also a GOA Life member.
I'm a member of the NRA, the GOA and planning on joining JPFO. If I could only belong to one it would be the NRA. Are they perfect, no, but what organization is? They are the best we have, the big guns right now and I do believe that if we didn't have them we wouldn't have our guns either. As someone said above if every gun owner in america belonged to the NRA we wouldn't have a thing to worry about now.
'm a member.... and I support their ultimate goal, but I'm getting annoyed with their marketing and fundraising schemes. I know this is a little OT:

It's one thing to ask for donations or to advertise some service that is partnered with the NRA.

But since joining, I've gotten mailings that treat me like a dumbass..... which upsets me..... most likely because I'm not a dumbass.... and don't appreciate being treated as such.

Example of recent mailings: "You haven't activated all of your benefits! It is urgent that you activate XXXXXXXX now as its time-sensitive!" or some crap like that.

oh and I LOVED: "CHECK ENCLOSED" (printed on the envelope).... for a moment I thought I had won the drawing, but I didn't remember there being a $400 prize, so I was skeptical as I opened it. Of course, the details inside were that it was a $400 check, made out to the NRA.... to use towards a lifetime membership. Now, where I come from, a discount towards something is known as a COUPON.... and a CHECK sent in the mail from an organization better be made out to ME, or it isn't a CHECK....... IT'S A FREAKING COUPON!!!!!

Coupons are fine. JUST DON'T CALL IT A CHECK!


You hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. Ticks me right off and makes me notice the similarities between the NRA and those mega-evangelical churches (no offense intended, I'm referring to the stereotype not anyone's particular church) you hear about with the "pastor" living in a 20,000 sq ft mansion and driving a fleet of cars while squeezing his flock for more $. The flock are not "the faithful" they're suckers.

That said, I don't know who else is gonna git 'r done for us. I hold my nose, maintain NRA membership, and also donate to the NRA-ILA especially at times like these. I sent in a special donation right after VT, anticipating backlash, and will do the same now.
I find the problem with the NRA to be that they can not go midway on gun ruling. They can not say that yes, everyone should be allowed to own shotguns but can't say that they should not be allowed to own machine gun turrets. If they take this viewpoint to their beliefs then people will begin to wonder what else is the NRA going to try and ban and so then people will lose faith in the NRA because of the guns that they think should be banned. Personally, i do not believe that everyone should be able to go and buy a a turret mounted machine gun, but i do believe that rifles, shotguns, handguns, etc. are allowed. The problem with the NRA is that if they begin to say that some guns should be banned people will leave. I am not a member of the NRA because of these reasons, but that's just my .02 cents. To each his own.
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