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how do you feel about the NRA?

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I think the NRA is a waste of money.

To prove this assertion, I need only point to all the "Life Members". Why be a life member? To claim you're part of the NRA without actually sending (any more) money that "funds" the NRA.


Poor argument or not, ive never found any convincing reason TO send money to the NRA.

But sure, go low road and cast aspersions on my ability to do my career and what you think it "implies" about my hobby.

Dorryn, I assume you were responding in part to what I said too. If so I wasn't slandering you: "casting aspersions" on your ability to do your career. I commented negatively on the abilities you demonstrated here, extrapolated them according to what I know of good teaching and gun rights, and offered evidence for my negative judgment of your abilities. I said, as clearly as I know how, that what you said gives people reason to think "you don't know much about either teaching or gun rights."

Competent teachers need to know what they are talking about and have at least minimal ability to think clearly. From the two messages you posted here and that I've quoted above, you evidently say things that are patently false and unsupported, you don't understand that you can't brush them away with comments such as "poor argument or not," and you don't think at all well.

Who cares whether you think that the NRA is a "waste of money." You're entitled to think it even if I disagree. That's an opinion and in American all people have the right to an opinion on everything and it doesn't matter whether they know anything at all.

What I responded to was the "proof" you volunteered for your opinion. Your "proof" was your assertion that the reason why people become NRA Life Members is "To claim you're part of the NRA without actually sending (any more) money that "funds" the NRA." It's in your head so it must be true.

But in fact that's not the reason why people become NRA Life Members. I became an NRA Life Member to demonstrate more than ordinary support for it. That's the reason. Before then I donated substantial additional money to the NRA/ILA and after then I continued to do the same. Other NRA Life Members here have said it too. You're wrong and you don't even care.

It's what helps me to recognize that reality and facts can't be as important to you as what takes place in your head, because even on the face of it your assertion is absurd. You state as fact something you can't possibly know, and you offer it as "proof" for something it doesn't prove. You might as well assert that the snow never falls on teachers in Buffalo, NY, because you have it in your head that summer is eternal there.

Elsewhere you asserted that because a Gander Mountain store's management told you not to carry a loaded firearm in the store you know that Gander Mountain would cause trouble for anyone who stopped a crime in that store. It's in your head and comes out of your fingertips, and presumably out of your mouth when you teach, and it's knowledge that is unwarranted supposition and fact that isn't true and proof that isn't anything at all.

The little man in your head doesn't know what he is talking about, but you believe him and spout his nonsense, and if that's what passes for teaching in Buffalo, NY, the educational system there must be a hopeless wreck.

You exaggerate, offer nonsensical statements as facts, utter absurdities with no basis in reality, and can't make connections, then you complain that those who counter your foolishness are following The Low Road. It's a performance that might be excusable from an unsophisticated or incapable high school freshman, but not from a teacher at any level.
If so I wasn't slandering you: "casting aspersions" on your ability to do your career.

Youre a liar, and a bad one:

and if that's what passes for teaching in Buffalo, NY, the educational system there must be a hopeless wreck.

It's a performance that might be excusable from an unsophisticated or incapable high school freshman, but not from a teacher at any level.

Competent teachers need to know what they are talking about

Youre clearly low road, as you insult me multiple times while simultaneously claiming you aren't insulting my career. You point out, rightly, that my opinion is an "unqualified assertion", while acting as if your own indicate that i have no grasp of "reality and facts". Interesting.

I respect you and consider you to be a witty individual, but you frequently hide ad hominem insults behind a veneer of sarcasm and humor.

Again, why would I want to join a group filled with people like that? No wonder people hate the NRA.

As far as being a teacher, I do a lot for gun ownership and 2A rights. I often assert to my students that gun control is racist, and offer evidence from post-Civil War Reconstruction and Jim Crow laws, but it is of course my OPINION. I cannot prove it's racist. I teach my students that guns are normal by mentioning them as having been useful tools historically in resisting dictatorship and oppression. As you may have read in previous posts, I encourage my students not to fear firearms by allowing them (even assigning them!) to draw pictures of firearms. Instead of being expelled, they are complimented. I create an environment where firearms are NOT demonized, unlike most school districts.

Maybe I should cease telling students anything I cannot personally prove. This would vastly simplify my curriculum: I would have to teach almost nothing.

Using the word "proof" was perhaps unwise, Robert. I should not have used it in my original post. I know, I know: I simply do not "grasp reality" enough to fund the NRA. I am so terribly ignorant.
I find them annoying, overbearing, and think they have played right into the hands of the antis by drawing as much attention as they can to every gun related issue before us. Some may think that's good, that's their job. I think they do more harm than good for legal gun owners, and have little or no effect on lawbreakers. I am a member only because being so was a condition of joining my shooting club. When my membership expires, I won't renew. I love shooting and am glad I own firearms, but I feel not one iota of debt to the NRA for either. While they are busy lobbying congress and making headlines, the real threat at the state and local level grows each day.
No, Dorryn, what you can't seem to understand is that I've told you truthfully what I thought and why I thought it. I haven't slandered or defamed you, and you've agreed with my points that your "proof" was "unwise" and your "argument" was poor. That's what I said. We now agree on those truths. You don't like the conclusions I draw from them but that's not "casting aspersions" on your ability. I've given you my conclusions about your ability based on what you say. I understand that you want people to believe that I'm a "liar, and a bad one" because you think that it's wrong to draw those conclusions. But it isn't.

You evidently use the term "casting aspersions" to mean the expression of any negative assessment. But someone who expresses an honest judgment based on evidence isn't "casting aspersions." My conclusions about what you said and your use of evidence for it are negative but they are truthful. That doesn't make me a "bad liar" or any kind of "liar" at all. It makes me someone with a low opinion of your thinking.

It's dizzying to see you brush aside your distortions with offhand remarks such as "Using the word 'proof' was perhaps unwise" and "Poor argument or not." When you don't care about about the factual basis for your thinking or the validity of your reasoning, what is left to teach or express except your beliefs and opinions? As I've said, I don't care whether you think that the NRA is a "waste of money." And as I've also said, you're entitled to think it even if I disagree. That's not what I'm talking about no matter how often you try to make it so.

Can't you see the absurdity in saying I'm "a liar, and a bad one" in one sentence and saying "I respect you" soon afterwards. Of course you don't respect me.

One of those recurring problems is the way you exaggerate from little or no evidence to absurd, overblown conclusions. Because you don't like what I've said, you don't like me and insist that I am a liar. And because I am an NRA member, you exaggerate me into a substantial part of the NRA. Then you ask "why would I want to join a group filled with people like that?" And then you make me responsible for everyone's dislike for the NRA: "No wonder people hate the NRA." I am one of millions of NRA members, by no means even a marginally important one. You exaggerate.

I am not the reason why you did not join the NRA or why you might hate it. You were not an NRA member for longer than you knew I existed. As for how long you might have hated the NRA, I can't possibly know that, and if you hate the NRA because of me there's something wrong that I can't understand.

To return to your initial comments, you're not an NRA member and, therefore, can't be an NRA Life Member but you make blanket assertions that people become NRA Life Members to save money and that "it's all about the money." You don't know, you can't possibly know, and it's evidently not true, but none of that matters to you. That's an excellent demonstration of "casting aspersions."

"Maybe I should cease telling students anything I cannot personally prove" is a poor excuse. Yes, you should stop telling students what you don't know is true and you should not tell them what you don't know just to fill your curriculum. I'm not responsible for your lack of knowledge and poor thinking. I do agree with your recognition that "This would vastly simplify my curriculum: I would have to teach almost nothing." That's what I tried to explain.

None of this has anything to do with your opinion that the "NRA is a waste of money." I don't agree but this is a matter in which people of good will can hold different personal opinions and there is no need to fabricate wild reasons for yours.
You are wrong to draw those conclusions. I am a pretty good teacher; certainly not the best or perfect, but still pretty good. And the Buffalo area educational system is also pretty good, especially when compared to other geographic areas of similar economic means. So your belief that I am somehow uninformed means the entire area I work is inferior? Thats not an honest judgment, thats just insulting.

Again, I respect your ability with words, though perhaps not the way in which you use them. I can respect a rapper like Eminem's ability with words even if I do not find what he says appropriate. Do you I respect your tendency to sarcastically insult people who disagree with you? Certainly not. I am equally certain that you dont believe you are being insulting, though no doubt you can file that under "distortions" in that justification center of your mind.

As far as teaching, most teaching of subject matter outside of math is fully tainted with opinion and belief without any proof beyond broad social acceptance. My comment was simply to point out that if teaching stuck to what was 100% proven, there would be almost nothing to teach. I can't prove a story by Edgar Allen Poe is horror, but the human mind sorts things into specific categories, and that genre seems most appropriate. I dont know if most of my subject matter is "true", and neither do most teachers. But perhaps I have a higher standard for what Truth is than some.

When the most vehement opposition for an opinion comes from a vociferous NRA supporter, its hard to remain unbiased. Amongst a group of NRA supporters who have been very helpful and kind over the years, your criticism certainly stands out.

To return to your initial comments, you look up the median teacher income in my area, which is artificially subjective due to certain wage freezes, the aging "baby boomer" generation which often do make upwards of $60,000. I make nowhere near that. You also make no assumption about how many dependents I may or may not have, what our financial situation is, what priorities we have. So, logically, truthfully, I do have better uses for $35 a year than the NRA. I can conclude, truthfully, that not only do I not want to join, that I would rather use that money for other purposes. For individuals with a lot of cash to throw around, im sure the NRA probably seems terribly cheap compared to, say, cable TV. (Of course, since I dont have cable TV, you might conclude, as you concluded earlier, that I cant "possibly know" whether or not cable TV is worth the money until I paid for it...)

I dont hate the NRA. It has done some good. For me, it's not at all worth the money. I wouldnt tell my students not to join the NRA, but I would tell my friends.
Being a gun owner

It' interesting to sit back and read all the anti and pro NRA stuff.However its sad to see that many gun owners in this venue are confusing ownership with politics.Owning firearms is a right and politics should not have anything to do with it.
I believe in being a member of the NRA only because I do believe there is strength in numbers,and until some other organization comes along with any real clout,I will remain a proud member.
Hopefully I will never see the 2nd ammendment rewritten or removed,but it most likely will happen at some time, just as the USA will have it's downfall into 3rd world status.The reason these things will happen is because too many people sit back and do nothing to stop these things from happening. God help us all.
Hopefully I will never see the 2nd ammendment rewritten or removed,but it most likely will happen at some time, just as the USA will have it's downfall into 3rd world status.The reason these things will happen is because too many people sit back and do nothing to stop these things from happening. God help us all.

All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

This is why so many people saying "The NRA is a waste of Money" "The NRA doesn't care about me" "The NRA is really for gun control" scares me.

The NRA is fighting. But you can go ahead and sit back and do nothing.
"To prove this assertion, I need only point to all the "Life Members". Why be a life member?"

You dig a hole.

"Poor argument or not, ive never found any convincing reason TO send money to the NRA."

And then keep digging? What kind of response is "Poor argument or not."? You don't back up your so-called proof in any manner whatsoever. It is a poor response beginning to end. I suggest that if you have never found a convincing reason to send money to the NRA then you haven't looked hard enough.

I think the NRA is a waste of money.

To prove this assertion, I need only point to all the "Life Members". Why be a life member? To claim you're part of the NRA without actually sending (any more) money that "funds" the NRA.

Huh? I pay 20 yrs of annual dues up front so I don't have to send in any more! How clever of me.

I guess the dozens of annual memberships I gave as gifts over the years don't count.

No matter the cause ( gun rights in this case ), there are always those that contribute, and always those that hang on for the free ride.

As I said before. If you want to find a reason not to join, I'm sure you will.

Dorryn, I wrote honestly and truthfully about your nonsense. It is nonsense no matter how insulted you feel, and it doesn't become any less nonsensical the more insulted you feel. You're responsible for your feelings. I'm not. Surely you're enough of an adult to understand that. When you called me "a liar, and a bad one," I didn't whine about it even though you intended an insult. In fact I checked what I'd written to see if I had told an untruth, saw that I hadn't, and recognized that you were lashing out at me because your feelings were hurt.

You're not an NRA member and never have been, so you can't possibly know anything about what motivates Life Members or other members. All you can know is what motivates you and other non members. But you pretend to know and your fake knowledge damages me. It also damages you and all the others who disdain or attack the NRA, but I don't care about you or them. I care about my Second Amendment rights enough to carry my own weight by supporting the NRA. JohnBT and others do too. We carry you. The NRA is the only effective national gun owners organization. We are the only people who protect your ability to own and use firearms. But you attack us, tell us we're not worth the money, and bleat about being insulted when I respond in a manner you don't like. You chose to consider what I said a blow to your self esteem. I suppose it should be, but it's your decision, just as it's your decision to make ignorant, exaggerated, and irrational statements.

If one of your students asserted that George Washington was a drag queen because he wore a wig and pantaloons, I hope you would not keep silent for fear of injuring his self esteem. You might think yourself more tactful than I am, but there's little tact in making up lies about the crucial organization that defends my rights and yours, or in calling me "a liar, and a bad one." Each of us chooses whether to feel insulted, at least each of us who is an adult. It wouldn't bother me if you say my dog is the ugliest you've ever seen. It does bother me when you tell untruths and make exaggerations intended to destroy the NRA. That's all you and the others here can hope to accomplish because none of you get a voice in its operation: no organization--not even your own teachers union or the National Education Association--lets non members run it. You can't do anything constructive because you don't belong. I get a voice because I belong. You don't because you don't belong. How can you teach history when you evidently don't get that concept?

No, I did not say that the entire area you work is inferior just because you are uninformed, don't know how to think, and exaggerate to the level of absurdity. You simply demonstrate again that you don't know how to think and are exaggerating and distorting again. What I did say is "I hope that your 'proofs' for what you teach are better than what you offer here. Here it's uninformed opinion" and "The little man in your head doesn't know what he is talking about, but you believe him and spout his nonsense, and if that's what passes for teaching in Buffalo, NY, the educational system there must be a hopeless wreck." So, as usual, I didn't say what you say I said.

I do believe, though, that if the educational quality control in Buffalo, NY, does not catch such serious deficiencies in its teachers the system there must be awful. I don't pay much attention when you say that the Buffalo school system is better than others, because I've learned to not trust what you say. You throw out red herrings and wriggle around in them. JohnBT is correct in saying that all you do is dig yourself a deeper hole.

You need to earn the respect you demand. It doesn't come as an entitlement, no more so than your gun rights that we pay to protect for you. As I've said repeatedly, you're entitled to your opinion that "the NRA isn't worth the money." I don't care.

But I do care when you spout nonsense that NRA membership is "all about the money" and that people become NRA Life Members to save paying annual dues of $25 or $35, which is a few pennies a day, and when the median salary for Buffalo teachers is substantial for only nine months of work. I know the meaning of mean and median and I know that not every teacher earns them. I'm also much more familiar with budgeting gamesmanship than you realize, but I am really good about knowing that multiple thousands of dollars is more than $25.

Dorryn, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. Unless you are a wastrel, a scoundrel or, to use your word, a liar you most certainly can afford to be an NRA member. Annual membership in the NRA is $35 or $25 a year--pennies a day. That's about what an Internet connection costs every single month, month after month. If you don't want an NRA magazine it's $10 a year. You work only nine months a year at a job that pays a fair salary for your worth, and you can afford to own and shoot at least one firearm. I'm talking about a few dollars a year to support the one national organization that fights against federal, state, and local laws that could prevent you from owning and shooting it.

The NRA also generates NRA-certified instructors who teach the courses required by states for concealed weapons permits, encourages and helps to protect shooting ranges, helps kids learn to be safe around firearms, takes legal action against gun grabbers such as the city of New Orleans and fights those such as New York City's Michael Bloomberg. It would be impossible even to list in one of these forum messages all the NRA does for you and those other whiners and complainers. What do you do to help yourself and the rest of us? Nothing but whine and complain and distort and exaggerate. Stop playing the fool and don't take me for one.

The NRA is a service organization for all firearms owners and users, and for anyone more concerned with Second Amendment rights than in spouting nonsense about them. It's available to everyone and can't possibly be considered an elitist or exclusive group except by the malicious, the ignorant, or the dimwitted.

No matter how loudly and cleverly you explain why you don't belong to the only national organization that stands effectively between us and the gun grabbers, all I hear are excuses for not carrying your own weight. Yeah, I know times are tough and it's real hard to save up an entire $35, $25, or even $10 in a whole year. I got the message that you don't belong to the NRA because it "isn't worth the money," because I'm a nasty guy, and because you don't want to belong to a group filled with creeps like me. Get over it and start carrying your own weight. You'll feel much better after you do the right thing. Here's the link: NRA Membership Application.

Or don't. It's up to you. Old habits are hard to break but it's always possible to break them.
Thanks Robert Hairless!!

... for the new sig line!

The NRA is a service organization for all firearms owners and users, and for anyone more concerned with Second Amendment rights than in spouting nonsense about them. It's available to everyone and can't possibly be considered an elitist or exclusive group except by the malicious, the ignorant, or the dimwitted.

Titus, many thanks for that link! I'm not where I had one of them handy and I got tired of spending time on this thing.

Poper, be my guest. I'm proud to be quoted by you. Thank you.
Yep, the NRA is worthless.

Here's the VPC take on the NRA:

Much has been made of the bill's bi-partisan, triangulating support: Democrats! Republicans! The National Rifle Association! The Brady Campaign! Beyond this cheery bon temps, little public attention has been paid to what the bill actually does beyond its title. And that's because if you start looking at the details of the bill--especially after NRA-backed changes made by Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn--it becomes clear that the measure is nothing less than a pro-gun Trojan Horse.

Here's what Rep. McCarthy had to say in response to VPC:

The author must also consider the political realities of Washington. Despite the efforts of Mr. Sugarmann and many others, the National Rifle Association still wields tremendous influence in the halls of Congress and their blessing is required for any bill that enforces or creates gun laws. This bill is the only vehicle that could have passed the House and ensured that hundreds of thousands of convicted felons, spousal abusers, and mentally ill individuals would be unable to purchase a gun legally. Will a few existing disqualified individuals slip through the cracks? Unfortunately, yes, but once this measure becomes law, fewer and fewer new offenders will be able to buy guns because of a NICS loophole.

In listing the three anti-gun violence organizations that have reservations about my bill, Mr. Sugarmann inadvertently addresses why the NRA has such power while the efforts of organizations working to prevent gun violence have been futile for close to a decade. The NRA is consolidated into a single cohesive unit, (emphasis mine, apparently Ms. McCarthy does read THR, nor get anything from the GOA, JPFO, et al.) but the groups working for common sense gun laws are many and each possess their own agenda and points of view. Only when these groups join forces for common legislative goals will we be able to prevail not only in the halls of Congress, but in state legislatures and city halls across the country as well.

I've looked at all the press releases and statements regarding HR 2640 and not one issued by the actual people (the Senators and Representatives) involved mentions the GOA, JPFO, CCRKBA, etc. only the NRA.

Anyone but me wonder why ????
I Belong! That should answer the question.

For many years money was pretty scarce around my home - raising kids will do that to some parents. Never-the-less, I always supported the NRA because I believe in the concept of No Free Lunch.

I also liked the quote that went something like this, "If all of us are going to eat, some of us will have to work!"

I try to carry my own weight and not rely on others to fight battles for me.

Now that I have a few more dollars, I also belong to a host of other organizations that support the right to keep and carry firearms.

Charlotte, NC
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy:

"The NRA is consolidated into a single cohesive unit, but the groups working for common sense gun laws are many and each possess their own agenda and points of view."

Boy oh boy, aren't Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and the other gun grabbers in for a big surprise when they discover that Dorryn and other gun owners like him (such as those who also attack the NRA in this thread) are helping to do their work for free.

There's no need for the Grinch to steal Christmas when there are people who are eager to deliver it to him gift wrapped and think they're smart for doing it.


I've looked at all the press releases and statements regarding HR 2640 and not one issued by the actual people (the Senators and Representatives) involved mentions the GOA, JPFO, CCRKBA, etc. only the NRA.

Anyone but me wonder why ????

Could it be that gun grabbers don't attack the organizations that help them? Maybe it's only gun owners who do that.

Did you know that Gun Owners of America made Sarah Brady's son an honorary member in 2002? Sarah Brady is founder of Handgun Control Inc., which became The Brady Campaign, and is sponsor of The Brady Law a leader of the anti gun movement. GOA made her son a member. There's more than one screw loose in all these people.

Remember: they don't join the NRA because they don't want to be part of an organization filled with meanies like me. So don't be a meanie and hurt their self esteem. That would be wrong.
One other reason I dislike (too mild a term) the NRA is that DAMN PROJECT (or Operation) EXILE!

Remember that jewel? Harsh enforcement of gunlaws that went part-and-parcel with the Lautenberg Amendment which denied Constitutional Rights to citizens convicted of a MISDEMEANOR!

And they were PROUD of that!?!?! The NRA: Always the defender of 'reasonable firearms restrictions"....

"SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.." What is so GD hard to understand about that?

Not a rhetorical question. Answer: There ISN'T anything hard to understand. It is just that conscious choice is made to IGNORE the meaning in the interests of 'getting along' and not sounding, eh....'too radical'. For C****'s sake, BE HONEST! Give it a name...call a spade a spade.

Yeah, the quickest way to get labeled a 'radical' or a 'potential domestic terrorist' by your loving GOVERNMENT and others is to go around speaking and writing using expressions and meanings on liberty as the Founding Fathers.

Fudds and "Good Germans".

Robert, you really need to take a Dale Carnige course. You don’t know squat about winning friends and influencing people.

It's "Dale Carnegie," not "Dale Carnige."

Nah, you're wrong. I do know squat about winning friends and influencing people. I also have been very good about carrying a lot of ingrates on my back for many years. In fact I expect to win the 2007 award for Most Popular Guy on the Internet and I'm going to be big at the school prom.

What concerns me, though, is how to keep my guns when there are only 4 million NRA members carrying around an estimated 60-80 million gun owners. You guys get awfully annoying when you whine and complain all the time while we're carrying your load.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Mr. Hairless is a attorney. ;)

Alas no. Some of my best friends are attorneys, though, and did chip in to send me to charm school so we could converse on an equal level of affability.

Lewis Wentzel:

Fudds and "Good Germans".

So you figured out that the NRA has secret plans to invade Czechoslavakia and Poland with Elmer Fudd in command. You're well balanced, clearsighted, and have a good sense of proportion.

Me, I hate Wayne LaPierre's taste in neckties and I can't stand his spectacles. That's why I am not an NRA Life Endowment member. I don't want to get sent to the Eastern Front either.

No compromise uber alles, kameraden!
And here's another one for the NRA lovers:

Why in so many YEARS of Republican control of Congress and the Executive branch, were NO REAL repeals presented and passed in Congress and sent to the President to sign or veto?

Again, NOT RHETORICAL. There are several potential answers. It is because either the NRA does not HAVE the power to which it claims, the NRA does not actively spend the time, energy, and money in those areas (being so dedicated to fundraising to pay for Wayne LaPierre's nice suits), or it does not WANT laws repealed as it will kill the golden goose.


Your wonderful Republican Party doesn't give a DAMN about your gun rights or gun laws (as they are also trying to raise money for themselves or others to whom the Republican Party owes greater fealty), or the Democrat Party is nowhere near as bad as Wayne and the political wing of the NRA would have you believe. HELL, it seems to me that no matter WHICH POLITICAL PARTY is in power, the citizen and his rights are SCREWED.

Such syllogistic reasoning, of course, begs other tangential premises and lines of reasoning, but that is beyond the course of this thread....some of you may be in the know...

What concerns me, though, is how to keep my guns when there are only 4 million NRA members carrying around an estimated 60-80 million gun owners. You guys get awfully annoying when you whine and complain all the time while we're carrying your load.


Life member here.
Lewis Wentzel, you're revealing all the secrets of the NRA.

Somebody must have let you see the confidental documents proving that the NRA is an arm of the Republican Party and has no Democrats or Liberals.

Even worse, some informer must have spilled the beans that the NRA controls the Congress of the United States and molds it to the NRA's anti gun policies so that it can collect 7 cents a day from gun owners.

Part of the NRA's fiendish plans for world conquest and turning Die ganze Welt anti gun is that it certifies most of the instructors who teach the state-required courses for concealed weapons permits throughout the U.S. You know that this ongoing NRA effort to help as many honest people as possible in the U.S. get concealed weapons permits is actually a nefarious plot to prevent people from getting concealed weapons permits by making it possible to do so. Absolutely diabolical.

And you know that the ongoing NRA suit with SAF against the City of New Orleans for confiscating guns of honest people after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is actually their way of working hand in glove with the the City of New Orleans to increase gun control there. The NRA and SAF have recently hired investigators to find the many gun owners whose guns were confiscated so that the City of New Orleans can be forced to return their guns. This outrageous attempt by the NRA and SAF to deny them their guns by returning them at great expense must not be tolerated.

Just don't tell anyone the two secret slogans of the NRA as you know it. "I taught I saw a puddy tat" and "Aba da, aba da, that's all folks!" must never be revealed. Hush.
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