how do you feel about the NRA?

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Robert Hairless
Senior Member

Join Date: 10-11-03
Posts: 2,215

Lewis Wentzel, you're revealing all the secrets of the NRA.

Somebody must have let you see the confidental documents proving that the NRA is an arm of the Republican Party and has no Democrats or Liberals.

Even worse, some informer must have spilled the beans that the NRA controls the Congress of the United States and molds it to the NRA's anti gun policies so that it can collect 7 cents a day from gun owners.

Part of the NRA's fiendish plans for world conquest and turning Die ganze Welt anti gun is that it certifies most of the instructors who teach the state-required courses for concealed weapons permits throughout the U.S. You know that this ongoing NRA effort to help as many honest people as possible in the U.S. get concealed weapons permits is actually a nefarious plot to prevent people from getting concealed weapons permits by making it possible to do so. Absolutely diabolical.

And you know that the ongoing NRA suit with SAF against the City of New Orleans for confiscating guns of honest people after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is actually their way of working hand in glove with the the City of New Orleans to increase gun control there. The NRA and SAF have recently hired investigators to find the many gun owners whose guns were confiscated so that the City of New Orleans can be forced to return their guns. This outrageous attempt by the NRA and SAF to deny them their guns by returning them at great expense must not be tolerated.

Just don't tell anyone the two secret slogans of the NRA as you know it. "I taught I saw a puddy tat" and "Aba da, aba da, that's all folks!" must never be revealed. Hush.

And Mussolini made the trains run on time...and Hitler was kind to animals....and putting those Japs in camps (word used by president on occasion) by Roosevelt was a GOOD maybe saved some lives.

And if we stopped with the damn Miranda thing we could certainly get some good confessions...

Bobby boy, shall we stop with the silly sarcasms or shall I proceed to cut your fallacious arguments to ribbons? Your 'humor', such as it is, is juvenile.

That they do SOME good does not negate that fact that at much of the time they do NO good, or do BAD. I'm sure there was a thread on this very board that examined the recent collusion between the NRA and anti-gun rights groups on a piece of recent legislation (perhaps someone can reference that...less than 6 weeks ago).

The NRA is a bureaucracy...first and foremost. It's primary goal is to keep the money flowing in to maintain the existence of the jobs in that organization. To that end, they succeed.

The NRA acts to support infringements on the rights of has in the past, it has in the present. It continues to self-manufacture, and then DENY, it's involvement in such under the aegis of only 'reasonable' gun restrictions.

But it is foolish, blind, and downright silly (insert much stronger words here) to hold the position that the NRA does to it's best ability that which it purportedly SELLS ITSELF TO POTENTIAL MEMBERS as doing...

That dog don't hunt....

Edited to add: Most of you don't even factor into your opinion to what degree the NRA has a vested interest in the image, or more accurately, the 'myth', of it's great power over legislation.

I just renewed but have SERIOUS reservations after the recent NICS deal w/ Bradys.. Poor veterans..lots of BS saying will not affect them but wait..

One club I belong to is going to a 2 tier dues system for nra/no nra members. Will be interesting to see what happens.
"I'm sure there was a thread on this very board that examined the recent collusion between the NRA and anti-gun rights groups on a piece of recent legislation"

Collusion? The NRA practically got the entire thing rewritten before it passed. You really need to keep up with current events before you start slinging mud.


Edited to add: "That dog don't hunt...." And neither does most of what you posted if we're talking facts and not opinions.
You NRA cheerleaders are not doing your cause any good. This kind of attitude is why I quit. It does no one any good. You simply cannot defend the Second Amendment with this type of smug, arrogant, small minded, condescending attitude. You do more harm to the Second Amendment than good.
Collusion? The NRA practically got the entire thing rewritten before it passed. You really need to keep up with current events before you start slinging mud.

Au contraire, mon ami....I READ about that. As for getting it 'rewritten' just WHAT DOES THAT PROVE?

It proves nothing...NOTHING. It only confirms what I stated, that the NRA is in collusion with the antis.

To what end, the question is begged? See ABOVE.

As to 'slinging mud'...Please, we're adults state with authority that which can be substantiated is not 'slinging mud'...or do you have such a thin skin that you, as many Republicans, cannot bear to have myths tarnished?

Facts vs. opinions? Everything I have posted can be historically verified. You have just verified one accusation yourself. For that I am thankful.
Personal Attack?

Lewis, feel free to review my material here.

Let me know if you find any of it snide.

Bobby? 'Scuse me? Bobby boy?

There we have actual snideness. Deprecating personal references.

In reading your stuff, I see a tendency to add a dab of politics to the brush you use when painting e.g. the NRA.

In recent history, one of the "minor" changes to The High Road was the elimination of political discussion per se (that was moved to the sister site, Armed Polite Society). There's a whole history behind that, but let's not attempt to shoehorn that into this post.

"No personal attacks" has been a long-standing policy on THR. People who have grown used to snide commentary and personal barbs often find themselves at odds with this culture.

I see in your expressed opinion several assertions that could be meant as fact. We have some members here who have worked closely with the NRA over the years and who could help you sort out the differences between what rumor you may have heard or read and the actual factual events as they have witnessed.

You'll find them quite helpful.

A truculent insistence on a contrary stance, along with politically flavored rhetoric and personal jabs, will find short shrift here.

It seems you came to this forum already prejudiced against the style of moderation practiced here -- intimating that the moderators were "thin-skinned" -- and I find myself puzzled by this.

Stick around. Learn the culture. If you find it's a bad fit, that would be unfortunate. I hate to have bright people show up and then leave before they've acclimated.

Look into the history of our Legal & Political forum, and why it's now the Legal forum.

Thousands of us were able to make the adjustment.

A few were unwilling. And that was their prerogative.

I don't try to tell people what to think.

But I do insist on civility.


You seem to believe that if an elected offical has a (R) after their name then they are automatically pro-Gun/2A. Sorry t'aint so. Ask anyone from Ohio if their last 2-3 Republican Senators were Pro-2A. Do I even have to mention R Senators from other eastern states (PA, RI, ME, etc.) ?? Ever hear the term RINO ?? Even better, why don't you ask your current (or former) representative why he/she didn't didn't introduce a bill revoking/overturning any and all the gun laws, or at least the ones you disagree with.

Heck, look at Illinois. We have (D)'s holding every constitutional office and they have substantial majorities in both the State House and Senate. Majorities large enough to tell the Republicans to pound sand during the regular session. You'd think we'd have have every liberal/socialist program up and running. But the Governor, House Speaker and Senate President spend so much time fighting each other, it tooks MONTHS of overtime sessions to get a budget, and electric rate "reform". The CTA/RTA is going to go into meltdown here in about a week or so (which will be a good thing, IMHO), and they Democrats have done it all to themselves.

What were you doing when the NRA made sure the '94 Assualt Weapons ban expired ?? What did you do to get the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act passed ?? What have you done to insure that HB1022 never sees the light of day. Have you actually read HR2460 (aka Senate Amendment 3887) ?? Have you compared it to what was orginally introduced ???

Oh, and to answer your question. Politics is the art of the possible. As I've stated in another thread the last I checked the NRA was allowed 0 votes in either the house or senate.
Even with Republican (thin) majorities, not all the R's would support a(ny) roll back of gun laws. Do you not think the Democrats would have been salivating at the opportunity to filibuster "The Republican's want every kid to have a machine gun !!" Bill ????
And the Question was?

I support, both with my membership and an occasional contribution to the NRA and the GOA. I do not subscribe to the concept of divide and conquer but I am sure it works.

I don't eat my young and I will not attack other pro-gun organizations. Frankly, I like the JPFO somewhat better than any of the other organizations but that is just me.

If you have the money, why not support several organizations? We should not attack our friends to the delight of our enemies.

Charlotte, NC
Been a member since 1962.

If it wasn't for them, and all they have done, we wouldn't be on this board talking about guns.

Because there wouldn't be any gun to talk about in the United States by now.

That's how I feel about them!

I joined this year, and am a bit dissatisfied with the level of representative we've been given. Yes, in the past the NRA has stood up for our rights--that's why I joined. But they've also failed, or even betrayed, us on more than a few ocassions. Maybe if the NRA were to explain some of their actions to their membership I'd feel less betrayed, but I'd have to hear the reasoning behind some of the recent sellouts before I could decide whether or not to feel that way...
but I'd have to hear the reasoning behind some of the recent sellouts before I could decide whether or not to feel that way...

Let's hear about these recent sellouts.

If you start with the recent NICS mess then we know you are a GOA troll since that one has been beaten into the ground and pretty much shown to be untrue based on the bill that was actually passed.

Please tell us the "sellouts" recently.
” What were you doing when the NRA made sure the '94 Assualt Weapons ban expired ??”

The NRA did this? All by itself? What was the NRA doing when the Assault Weapons ban was implemented? If I remember correctly, the assault weapons ban was signed by an NRA life member. You can’t have it both ways. Either the NRA was responsible for the assault weapons ban and its overturn, or it was not responsible for either.
What concerns me, though, is how to keep my guns when there are only 4 million NRA members carrying around an estimated 60-80 million gun owners. You guys get awfully annoying when you whine and complain all the time while we're carrying your load.
That has to be one of the best statements I've read. Hmmm.....maybe a sig line, but I'll bet somebody beats me to it.

Yes, I'm a member for a long time. I expect I'll always be a member. And I'll continue to give to the ILA at times. See sig.
What was the NRA doing when the Assault Weapons ban was implemented? If I remember correctly, the assault weapons ban was signed by an NRA life member

So it's NRAs fault that GW Bush is a weenie? He renounced his life membership by the way, and that's probably just as well. He was hardly dedicated to the Second Amendment.

NRA fought against the AWB but couldn't stop it. Bill Clinton himself said that he believes NRA is why Gore was not elected, due to backlash over the AWB.

Go back to this thread from years ago here, it's all discussed there. Pay special attention to Bart's posts on Dingell who, despite everyone wanting to spin it that way, did not vote for the AWB.

Shockingly, even in 2003 GOA was spreading the story that AWB was all the fault of NRA. It appears that GOA's sole purpose for existing is to blame NRA for everything.
NRA President Wayne LaPierre pulls down a million dollars a year in salary and perks.

does he really care about anything other than his own well being like most figure heads. I'm sure he could do the job and live pretty comfortable on a congressmans salery plus perks. it takes 35000 members just to pay him.
“NRA fought against the AWB but couldn't stop it. “

The NRA couldn’t stop it, but you want me to believe the NRA got it overturned? You can’t have it both ways. There are millions of us who follow politics without the NRA telling us how to vote. I submit that the people who do this got the assault weapons ban overturned because we voted the people who implemented it out of office. You NRA cheerleaders are taking credit for things you do not deserve. I repeat, you do more harm than good.

“Bill Clinton himself said that he believes NRA is why Gore was not elected, due to backlash over the AWB.”

So now you are a Clinton cheerleader as well. If Clinton said it, it must be true. You just have to know what the meaning of “is” is.
The NRA couldn’t stop it, but you want me to believe the NRA got it overturned? You can’t have it both ways.
Since it's politics you actually can have it both ways. No, they didn't overturn it but helped insert the 10-year sunset provision. The bill was going to pass one way or the other so it was at least a small victory to have the sunset provision.
My sig line says it pretty clearly for me.

Also, as I have said in the past. The NRA is a bit like women; I don't agree with everything they do or say. However, I don't like the alternative!
macadore said:
If I remember correctly, the assault weapons ban was signed by an NRA life member.

You remember incorrectly, I woud be quite surprised to hear that Bill Clinton is an NRA Life Member.

macadore said:
You can’t have it both ways. Either the NRA was responsible for the assault weapons ban and its overturn, or it was not responsible for either.

Let's see the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. Democrat House, Democrat Senate, Democrat President. And the gall of the NRA to get in bed with the anti's and put something like the 10 year sunset provision in it. Then 10 years later when there's a Republican House, Republican Senate, and Republican President, mostly because the first election after the AWB in '94, Americans voted, with a lot of encouragement from the NRA, to give the House and Senate to the Republicans. When the sunset provision was to kick-in, the NRA (and it's members) made sure that any legislation continuing or "strengthening" ban was thwarted.

macadore said:
“Bill Clinton himself said that he believes NRA is why Gore was not elected, due to backlash over the AWB.”

So now you are a Clinton cheerleader as well. If Clinton said it, it must be true. You just have to know what the meaning of “is” is.

I fail to see how this makes TexasRifleman a Bill Clinton fan. Clinton basically said "We would have won if it hadn'ta been for those pesky NRA kids." Even Democrat Strategist and FOB, James Carville has said repeatedly "I don't think there's a Second Amendment right to own a gun, but I think it's a loser political issue. I think the issue has not been good for us." Which is part of the reason why the Democrat candidates won't touch the 2A or Gun Control with a ten foot pole.

So since I quoted James Carville, does that make me a Carville fan ???
NRA President Wayne LaPierre pulls down a million dollars a year in salary and perks.

Please provide proof. The current book "Ricochet" by Richard Feldman, who was a high up in the NRA, cites a number around $300k.

Please show us how YOU know different. Or, stop posting crap you make up as you go.

Either one will do.
So now you are a Clinton cheerleader as well. If Clinton said it, it must be true. You just have to know what the meaning of “is” is.

Does the short bus run all the way to your street?

How you get to me being a Clinton cheerleader is beyond my reasoning ability. Because the most hated man in politics, and frankly the smartest man in politics (not that it's a good thing), says that NRA is a vicious enemy you just choose not to believe him because he's Bill Clinton?

By your reasoning Clinton would never have signed the AWB simply because he said he WOULD.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
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Lewis Wetzel:

Bobby boy, shall we stop with the silly sarcasms or shall I proceed to cut your fallacious arguments to ribbons? Your 'humor', such as it is, is juvenile.

Behave yourself.

It's no treat to observe a Narcissistic Personality Disorder in full display. At least try to salvage some dignity from these current grandiose episodes you're playing out in every aspect of your forum participation.
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