How the Republican Party can save itself in the Elections

So which option will help the Republicans the most?

  • Party doesn't need to change a thing right now. We'll maintain a majority on the Hill.

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • Be more vocal in supporting the Second Amendment.

    Votes: 9 4.7%
  • Distance themselves even more from the President.

    Votes: 23 11.9%
  • Promise more tax breaks and rebates.

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • Confess past sins and follow the Consititution as intended by the Founding Fathers.

    Votes: 125 64.8%
  • Other (please explain).

    Votes: 26 13.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 4, 2005
Amerikan Twilight Zone
My premise is that the Republicans have a better track record minding
the Second Amendment and would still be a better choice compared
to Democrats. Therefore, it would be best for them to maintain a
majority on the Hill. The reality is there is no third party this year and
the efficacy of one as early as 2008 is also doubtful. I understand that
a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil, but as a party
member we're looking at ways to improve the current perceptions of
the Republican Party by both its members, non-aligned conservatives,
and the general public. Polls are quite limiting, so if #6 is your option,
please explain. Thanks in advance.
I went with #5 with the provision that they build a wall on the southern border, deport present illegals (yes, it can be done), and strictly enforce existing immigration laws.

Other - one thing that would help a lot is to be supportive of the President. He's usually right and usually gets what he wants despite all the equivocating from those who vote for it anyway. Just do what needs to be done. Appearing to be in disarray is a sure way to fail. "distancing oneself from the President" is suicidal. The only thing separating 30% ratings from 60% ratings is positive thinking and putting a lid on trash talk.
My opinion of Bush is diametrically opposed to yours. I'm hoping Tancredo runs.
Bush is usually right? I must be in the Twilight Zone, or at least not on the Republican payroll.

On what issue, for example?

Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Border Security?
Campaign Finance Reform?
Assault Weapons Ban?
Medicare Reform?
Increasing the deficit?
Increasing the size of the federal bureaucracy?
Harriet Myers?
Good Ol' Brownie?

The President has usually been wrong, he just thinks he is always right.

I don't think there is snowball's chance in hell that the Republican Party will do what it takes to get my vote in 2008. I am voting Democrat, and going for stalemate. I dreamed of a time when the Republican party would control the Presidency, House, and Senate at the same time. I evisioned tax cuts, repeal of gun laws, downsizing of the government, less intrusion into our private lives, and a strong, secure nation. I have been sorely disappointed by what they have delivered. I have learned the hard way that giving any part complete control in Washington is counter-productive to the survival of our Republic.
Other - one thing that would help a lot is to be supportive of the President. He's usually right and usually gets what he wants despite all the equivocating from those who vote for it anyway. Just do what needs to be done. Appearing to be in disarray is a sure way to fail. "distancing oneself from the President" is suicidal. The only thing separating 30% ratings from 60% ratings is positive thinking and putting a lid on trash talk.

<Art's trash cleanup crew came through.>


I think the underlying assumption in your poll is the RP can be redirected. I contend that it is too far gone to repair from within and redirection will come only from reaction to 3rd parties.
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This is a mid-term election. Not many people are going to pay attention, and even fewer are going to vote.

It seems that the big issue, to the extent that there even is one, will not be the war in Iraq, but the illegal immigration problem. The house republicans passed a bill to make illegal immigrants felons. I think they'll be able to campaign that they're tough on immigration.

It's the Senate and the President who are ignoring 80% of the people polled on immigration. The president and 2/3 of the Senate aren't up for reelection though. I expect the incumbent Senators who are up for reelection this term will have a tough time.
I don't think there is snowball's chance in hell that the Republican Party will do what it takes to get my vote in 2008.
A rational policy on border security and illegal aliens doesn't appear to be on the horizon - too much of the GOP (especially the White House and the Senate) are wedded to some version of amnesty . . . though they dishonestly try to avoid the word for what they're trying to do.

And of course, the GOP is spending money as if they were drunken sailors in a bordello after a couple of years at sea . . . except where drunken sailors spend their OWN money, the GOP is spending MINE.

The GOP hammered the first nail into the 1st Amendment's coffin with the McCain-Feingold First Amendment Repeal Act (aka Campaign Finance Reform) and the Department of Homeland Bureacracy was a blunder from the beginning.

And Bush STILL hasn't fired Clinton holdover Norman Mineta.

There's a reason Ann Coulter calls the GOP "The Stupid Party."

Of course, Democrats easily quailfy as "The Evil Party" so I feel safe in making this prediction about the next two rounds of elections: No matter which side wins, nothing good will come of them.
All politicians need to do their job of representing the people and seeing to it that the LAWS of the land are enforced.
Not just Republicans but all.
Agree with some above. I used to identify more with (R) than (D), but after the past several years I realize that they are all a bunch of crooks who are in politics not to serve the citizens, but to help themselves and enrich their friends. The current ruling bunch seems to be the worst of the lot.

If the founding fathers were still around, the 2nd revolution would be well underway.

Political gridlock or 3rd party (unlikely) seems to be the only hope of slowing the damage to our once-respectable country.
The GOP can salvage a win at the polls if three things happen; (1) the Democrats continue to have no ideas, (2) the president acts on the Border issue and either activates the National Guard on border states or begins contruction of a real barrier wall, and (3) soldiers in Iraq start returnning home and a demonstrated peace holds in the nation. Of these, (1) is a near certainty, while (2) and (3) are at the pleasure of the president to happen. "Action this day" is sorely needed.
I'm a supporter of the President. I worked hard to get W into office, spending many hours in the Ohio call centers. I'm glad he made it in, and I'm proud of his performance overall. (See: War on Terror, 2 OUTSTANDING supreme court justices, tax cuts 'til 2010, excellent circuit and appelate court appointees, no national (communist) health care system, a great UN appointment in Bolton, etc, etc... No matter how much some on this forum like to trash him, he's a damn sight better than Kerry ever would have been, and I'm thankful he's my president.

I also appreciate the fact that he didn't waste political capital on the AWB. He knew congress would let it sunset, and there was no reason to make new enemies over a non-issue by talking tough. Misunderestimated again by all who wanted to see him be a bad @ss on the 2A at his own expense.

Getting back to topic, there are areas that could be improved upon, to help make the mid-terms run in the GOP's favor:

- Build the wall now. No amnesty, deport illegals as they are found. End the "birth-right" citizenship law which pregnant illegal women are exploiting by crossing the border moments before delivering their babies. Deliver the baby, then ship them both back. Build the wall, and it won't be a problem.

- Be more vocal about the success of our booming (yes BOOMING) economy. Consumer confidence is way, way up, inflation is in check, interest rates are great, unemployment is virtually nil. Talk more about the economy, which is: Booming. Gas prices are high, but not as a result of a poor economy. Remind people that Europeans pay the equivalent of $12 a gallon. Which leads us to...

- Drill ANWAR now. Build more refineries. (if you can find any unemployed inidividuals to build them. See: Booming Economy) Sign a bill that will allocate 25% of the savings consumers will realize in 6 years (when domestic oil production relieves our dependence on foreign oil) to quadruple alternative fuel research spending. Win-win. BBQ tree-huggers that stand in the way.

- Cut spending. This is the biggest complaint GOPers have with W. Eliminate even more social programs. A good start would be the implementation of a "flat" or consumption tax. The money saved by elimnating 95% of the IRS infrastructure would be huge. Confronting the illegal alien issue will also help on spending.

- Remind people (especially the base) of what has been accomplished. Talk more about the supreme court appointees, the tax cuts, the WOT (and the fact that we haven't suffered a domestic attack since 9/11).

- As the elections near, take less of a high road on your opponent's records. Expose the dems as the party of no ideas. They have given the GOP plenty of ammunition. Now use it against them. After reminding people of the current positives, warn them of the potential negatives of making any changes. GOPers worried about W's spending can't seriously think a dem will spend any less.

- Did I mention building a wall now?
GOP can still win

But they need to:
1) get back to the Constitution.
2) make the tax cuts perm.
3) deal with illegal immigration.

without this they are in big trouble. This also means there will be renewed assults on the Constitution.
The economy and job growth isn't reported honestly, I believe. For example, it is estimated by many that up to 10,000 illegals a day cross over our southern border. Last month, 138,000 new jobs were created. If only 5,000 cross a day, that's still a loss of 12,000 jobs not to mention the extra costs dumped upon the taxpayer from the various monies drained from the system due to the parasitical nature of the illegals.
In my opinion 4 items would assure victory for the Republican party again.

1-Total effort to close southern border:

2-Begin removing troops from Iraq:

3-Effort to urge oil companies to control prices and speed up investing
in other fuel source.

4-Improving health care/cost.

The simple act of making even minor effort in the above would improve
the parties image. Do I think any of the above will happen, no. I voted
twice for this administration and for the republican party 20+ years
but it is the last, I will vote for third parties or not at all. I know many
will disagree but I see no future for America with either dems or reps.
it is estimated by many that up to 10,000 illegals a day cross over our southern border. Last month, 138,000 new jobs were created. If only 5,000 cross a day, that's still a loss of 12,000 jobs

I don't think "under the table" jobs paid in cash are included in the 138,000 new jobs created last month. Now not all illegals work illegally, but I think most do.
It's really very simple

Dig the s*** out of their ears and listen to what people are screaming for. Stop cowtowing to the special intrest groups and small groups of people with big mouths and listen to the low quiet hum that is building. Before it's roaring like a lion.

1. Illegal Immigration - End IT!! Slam the border's shut and throw out the ones that are here. You won't catch them all quick but don't make it easy to skirt the law. NO AMNESTY!!! Either apply for citizenship and go through the procedure or get lost.

2. 2A - Pledge to restore it to the way it used to be and is supposed to be. Then actually work toward it.

3. The War - Just get it done already, it's going our way but slowly, take the gloves off with the insurgents/Al Quada/Taliban. Tell Pakistan to get lost we are going looking for UBL where and when we please. Musharaf needs our support to keep from getting overthrown more than we need him to find UBL or keep peace in the Middle-East. And stop listening to people like Cindy Sheehan or Babs. Anyone who thinks this war is a disaster and can't be won ought to check out how WWII went. We had 2500 dead on D-Day alone. Total US deaths in WWII was 418,500 or 3.2 out of every 1000. That includes 11,200 civilians and 407,300 troops. Total covilian deaths for all nations in WWII was 32,326,400. Yea 32 MILLION. More than 1/3rd were Russian. If we were operated then the way they want us to operate now we would have surrendered after Pearl Harbor. Win it and stop "playing nice".

4. That nut in Iran, get a real stern message across and if he/they don't listen, start bombing stuff over there. Don't give them a chance ot respond just level it all.

If the GOP nails these 4 issues down they will actually gain seats rather than lose them.
In my opinion, republicans are screwed. The BCF has its balls strapped to the oil industry, and the american people will not tolerate getting ripped off at the gas pump. Most Americans are to apathetic to directly notice the 29 out of every tax dollar that goes to Iraq flying out of their wallets, but a lot of people consider the highly noticable $3.00 a gallon for no apparant reason coupled with record profits to be unforgivable. Thats why gas prices never breached $2.40 a gallon until Buch got re-elected. The thing is, Bush is merely a patsy for the rich corporations who put him in office, and he's helping them out right now. The corporations don't care about damaging the republican party, they are making their money now and thats what matters. The american people are sick and tired of it, and unless the Democrats are stupid enough to nominate Hillary, I would guess that we are facing an inevitable Democrat sweep in the upcoming elections. Stock up on EBR's while you can.

Something they would have to do to get my vote would be make laws that american company's who had factorys overseas would have to pay American minimum wage to workers overseas in order to discourage outsourcing. Job outsourcing is a way bigger problem than illegal immigrants. The other thing that would have to do to get my vote is get the hell out of Iraq.
Chris's patented 4 step process to political victory:

1) Start acting as if you were pro-freedom. That means showing respect for the constitution (all of it). You can start with demonstratable reform of tax-and-spend policies, repealing laws that limit our (inalienable) rights, and allowing competition for public education dollars.

2) End the war in Iraq, by winning it. We have had enough. Do whatever is required to win the war, now, and put it behind us. We have the resources, but lack the polical will to use them.

3) Seal the border. I'm talking tupperware here, air tight. Enforce large penalties against companies that employ invaders, and deport any invaders captured immediatly.

4) Get us out of the United Nations, and kick their butts out of NYC. The UN is beyond salvage, quit propping them up with our tax dollars and get rid of them.
Another Party

I believe we'll have a third party - or maybe a better choice of a second party - fairly soon. The Republican Party is absorbing people from the Democrat Party. The Democrat party is becoming so wacked out, people are leaving it. As these people switch over, the Democrat Party becomes weaker, and the Republican Party leans to the left. This opens a gap on the right for a conservative party to form. When the Democrat Party becomes so weak that it can no longer threaten the Republican Party, it'll be time for that conservative party to safely draw conservatives from the Republican Party without fear of "giving an election" to the Democrat Party buy splitting that Republican Party.

With patience, strategic voting, and the continued idiocy of those in charge of the Democrat Party, we can pull it off.


"We will have success in this quest to restore respect in the Constitution from those very people that the Constitution provided jobs for. They'll either "get it" or wish they had when we are through with them! B.E.Wood
And another major point...every party that's been in power for a while rots from within and becomes rife with corruption. The Democrats certainly did way back when.

It's just now that the Republicans have managed to do it in LESS than a decade...much less. The Watergate parties thing, the widening Abramoff mess that seems to have its fingers in EVERYTHING, Duke Cunningham's blatant acceptance of bribes that he's heading to jail for...every day, no matter what the lean of the news source, right or left, it's scandal, scandal, scandal, bribes, donation ethics violations, under-the-table payment allegations..not from political sources, the investigations, but from the justice department and states' attorney's. I mean, good lord, people. That does not look good to the voters, and with good reason!

People expect politicians to lie a bit, but they don't expect so many, so quickly, to have gotten so, so blatantly, unapologetically sleazy. The ones who are exposed don't even seem to find anything wrong with their own actions even when they admit to them! THAT, more than anything, is likely to change the balance of the house and senate, I think.
I think people are answering only what would cause Republicans to gain (more of) THEIR support in the elections, which is not what was asked and not what would help the GOP in general (not that I personally want to do that but hey)

As is made very clear on most of the L and P threads dealing with THR posters' views of the Constitution, they are largely NOT in agreement with the opinion of the vast majority of the electorate. Now that may be for good or ill (if you care, I believe it's a little of both) but it's undeniable. How many threads here do not constantly bemoan the "sheep" and the "uninformed Idol-obssessed masses" and so on. Who do you think elects the Pres and Reps? Yep - the "sheep".

There already are parties fashioning themselves, and with some honesty, as completely pure to the original intent of the Constitution. They get fractions of 1% of the vote. If the Republicans agreed with them they would no doubt gain those fractions. What would they lose though? No doubt a goodly number of the moderate votes who see those parties as marginalized anachronisms.

It doesn't matter how much time you spend in this echo chamber or others reinforcing your views that there is a huge groundswell of people who want to do away with welfare and social security, gut government regulatory and safety oversight, act in geopolitical isolation and so on - the fact remains there isn't. These ideas are already available to the electorate and already soundly dismissed by them(again personally I have some support for SOME of these views - but I only get to vote once too).

If you want to get support for Republicans in this election or forseeable future ones the answer is sure as heck not to move closer to the Constitution Party and LP fringes. It might instead look something like this:

  • Do a REAL housecleaning of ethical/legal issues. You can harp all you want that Dems do it too but you want to win right? Show that YOU are the party that really cares. Do internal investigations. Publicly eject from the party anyone involved in any scandals. Yes it will be painful, yes you'll lose a number of seats. But the moral high ground will bring them back several times over in the election.
  • Either prevail on W to display more ability to at least consider other opinions, drop the autocracy and the secrecy, and get some more empathetic people in his inner circle, or get the hell away from him both politically and in campaigning. Like it or not, a close tie to Bush is an electoral deadweight right now - not just to me either - polls and results back it up. Independent (or perecived independent) Reps do well. Bush rubber stamps don't in any vaguely competitive district.
  • Deemphasize the wedge issues. Sure focusing on social engineering crap like gay marriage and so on energizes the base - but where are they gonna go anyway? It also energizes the other base too. Small government remember? Government that doesn't get into people's personal lives remember? THAT's an idea that sells to a real majority - live the words and you'll do well.
  • Truly address the economic issues we have. The deficit is scary and getting worse. Like him or not, Clinton showed how it can be handled with low inflation and unemployment to boot. Learn from what works and ignore who showed you. Start looking like the "grownups are in charge" instead of just claiming it - again stake out the ethical high ground - "We'll pay our bills and not saddle our kids with a crippling debt" is a pretty "grownup" approach here.
  • Reform the legislative process. People have way more information than they used to. You can't hide the pork and the earmarks and the signing statements any more. Campaign on - and really try for - single-issue bills, an end to earmarks and a constitutional line-item veto. Get that Balanced Budget Amendment done, declare transparency ingovernment and follow through - post in clear language every non-secret bill, executive order, veto, amendment etc on a "your government in action" website. It's there now of course but only armies of lawyers can understand and have the time. Tell US what's going on and show you have nothing to hide.

Do all that and you're a lock. Of course, with the exception of the second one (well not really exception, just implied redundancy) exactly the same thing could be said of the Dems. :evil:

Remember the idea is to win an election and a mandate from the masses - the details are what gets the partisans like most on THR, and the details can be done, openly, in a non-threatening way, under the real mantle of responsible government. You'll get more progress that way than by trying to eat the elephant in one bite and going for the pipe-dream of an ideal purity to a political extreme view shared by very few.
All of the above are good suggestions. But, I doubt any of them will be followed.

1) Immigration - both party leaderships want amnesty. On that they agree, under the pressure of special interests. So long as most voters obstinately support the evil twins system, immigration remains a non-discriminatory issue on the national level.

2) Tax cuts - dems have been effective in spreading the message that 77% of the American families will get 30 dollars back as a result of the newest cuts, while 0.2% of the families will get 47,000 dollars back. That is not a position on which GOP can win votes.

3) Iraq - at best things are unclear. And let's face it, you don't build permanent huge bases, if you intend to ever withdraw. From a strategic perspective, withdrawal will make pointless the entry in the first place. Of course, GOP can lie about it, but people are wisening up on the issue.

4) 2A - who wants to bet that we'll get the usual scare followed by the usual neglect and creeping incrementalism at the local level? Let's face it, both leaderships are STATISTS and statist hate armed peasants.

5) Economy - most of the voters are little guys with less than 50k a year income. Their economic situation is worse, not better, and they won't be convinced that their difficulties are just a figment of their ignorant minds.

6) UN - most voters know nothing about that and don't care.

7) Iran - that may be Rove's wild card. If the admin can bag a diplomatic resolution before the elections, especially after the public is properly scared up first, it may make all the difference. "Peace in our time" and all that garbage.
What a way to start out the day--more or less agreeing with Camp David. What's next? Monkeys emenating from my lower intestine?

It seems to me that the two key issues for most people are the war in Iraq and the price of gas. If we start bombing Iran, let's see how that second one works out. If you think people are mad at the Republicans now, how do you suppose they'd react to $10/gallon gas and gas rationing? Good plan there.

This is a mid-term election. Not many people are going to pay attention, and even fewer are going to vote.

This has always been true in the past, but the past really hasn't presented a good model for our current situation. I wouldn't bet on past patterns repeating themselves until we extricate ourselves from the quagmire in Iraq and get our energy situation under control. Until that happens, all bets are off. We have never in our history been embroiled in a war in which we were the unprovoked aggressors, a war that the population doesn't support, and one that is going from bad to worse. Only a fool would underestimate the psychological effect this will have on the voting public if the situation doesn't improve dramatically and improve immediately.

Throw in the psychological effect of an uncertain energy supply and high energy prices eroding the economy and you have a situation without precedent. If the economy were to deteriorate even further, we'll be bordering on a situation that requires us to use our bug-out bags.

And it wouldn't take much for the situation to deteriorate further. Any one of the following:
  • Pandemic shutting down commerce for several weeks
  • Bombing Iran
  • Housing market collapses, sending overextended homeowners into mass bankruptcy
  • Drastic Latin-American-style devaluation of U.S. dollar
  • Serious energy shortage halting non-essential transport

we would find ourselves in a crisis without precedent. Should a number of those situations occur simultaneously, or in conjunction with any one of a number of other potential situations, we might find ourselves in a crisis from which our Republic might not recover.

Hopefully none of this will come to pass, but the fear of such situations is gnawing at the voting public like never before, and will definitely affect voter psychology come November. Any candidate not taking that into account is doomed, regardless of party affiliation.
I don't think the Republicans can save themselves. The first thing they would have to do is live up to the image they claimed of a limited government party. The second thing they should do is repudiate their well-earned image as slaves to their corporate masters above American interests. I have no problems with businesses making money. I do have a problem with them making money via taxpayer funded subsidies that give them an unfair advantage in the marketplace.

The main purpose of government in my mind is to defend the country and keep transactional costs low so that a market economy can determine the rest.
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