How well can you point shoot?

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The range I use has a gong at 25yds, its pretty easy to hit point shooting with a Ruger MKII. I rest the barrel on the bench, then bring the pistol up and point, and fire, all one smooth motion looking at the target. If I miss I follow up untill I hit, if I miss three times I usually just use the sites. Not training just having fun.
5 feet and under, at large targets, I have the skills of an Olympian at point-shooting.

Seriously though, I will occasionaly try to shoot gangster style (Circa 1930), and I am really pretty awful at it. I have also tried to shoot from the hip ala Bill Jordan, and I am pretty awful at that as well, albeit somewhat less awful.

My dad, on the other hand, can point shoot pretty well. I think the difference lies in our ages: He grew up watching cowboys point shoot, and I didn't. He emulates cowboys, I emulate Thomas Magnum and Sonny Crockett.
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