I am Legend - DVD Redux

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AM or Shortwave would probably be the BEST choices.

medium-wave AM is not the same as shortwave. There is shortwave AM as I'm sure you know, but medium-wave AM is has range and atmospheric limitations.

I'm specifically talking about the band here being a bad idea IMO, not the method of transmission. I would imagine the only people that could have heard him unless he had massive amounts of power would be the city and people within perhaps a 150-200 mile radius.

Had he fired up a radio on a band that gets real skip, he could have tried to find out what the status was worldwide as far as survivors go, and in that case I'd advocate FM for those purposes.
There is shortwave AM as I'm sure you know


If you are addressing me, I want to inform you that you are greatly overestimating my knowledge on this subject. Everything I know about it comes from the Internet as sad as that may be. eek!

-- John
try this......... its a movie for mindless entertainment wow amazing

most here would have blown there head off after 7 days of no internet.

this by far is the best damn thing I have read on the net!!!
(damn you I just blew coffee at my screen on this one:D.....)
I thought is was a great movie.

He did seem to not be very well fortified but maybe the director wanted him to be vulnerable?

And I would have used heavier firepower at close quarters combat, room clearing and stuff u need something thats gonna take them down in a few shots and not something were you have to use half a mag to make an impact on them.

And I don't think they were supposed to be super human they just
had no regard for personal injury and huge adrenaline rushes.... but now that I about it did that zombie rip the door off when Will Smith was upside down?
Did you notice that the first bad guy/zombie was wearing plaid golf pants? My son and I laughed the rest of the movie!
What I didnt understand is at the end of the movie when he used to grenade to blow up all those fake looking zombies, howcome the girl and the kid didnt die also? I would imagine a grenade would of make an empty field from the house.
xplicitfire I can answer that. He had the gal/kid go into a "cremation chamber" type place. He also had some stuff infront of it. AND he got most of explosive out of his (plexiglass) room. IIRC he used his body to direct blast toward "them"
Ah but that brings up a MORE pertinent point. With the amount of time, I'd have scrounged up an MK84 from an army air base, and rigged it with a remote detonator in the form of a keyfob. Set that puppy up in the basement or first floor of the house somewhere, so when the inevitable does happen, boom. Nothing but a big crater left. :)
What I didnt understand is at the end of the movie when he used to grenade to blow up all those fake looking zombies, howcome the girl and the kid didnt die also? I would imagine a grenade would of make an empty field from the house.

And what do real looking zombies, look like? :scrutiny:
Heres what I thought, with unlimited resources (NYC abondoned), within the 3 years I would have set up a fortress with quite a few cages, and slowly picked out the hives and pulled them into my cages, wether one by one, or by trapping a group. I am no genius, but I don't think I would have been in the same situations Will was in.

Omega man was horrible.
Vincent Price, what was the name of the movie, Last man on earth or something??? Can't remember at all.
He should have stayed on the carrier.

Also, why no pressure switch for the Surefire on his AR? Putting your hand over the light while leaving it on? With an ACOG, a laser, and a Surefire, he can't find a better way of controlling the light?
Don't forget guys... he was there to try and cure the darkseekers, not kill them all. He felt he had some kind of responsibility to make the whole situation better. He would only kill them if necessary. He viewed them as a sick human, rather than a mindless zombie.
try this......... its a movie for mindless entertainment wow amazing
Suspension of disbelief only goes so far especially when a movie provides a scenario based on a supposition that is well within the realm of possibility. Applying SoDB to a space opera is easy. Not so easy when the movie is about a lone guy in NYC.
i want everyone to step away from the keyboard for a second, and realize that, you're arguing over details in a MADE UP STORY. it's science fiction, remember? you may now return to your regularly scheduled bitch-fest.
In the old days of making movies, the cast and crew would appear on stage at the premiere: critics from the newspapers and magazines would be invited to ask them questions or comment on the film they had just watched. When "Stagecoach" premiered in 1939, the film's director, John Ford, was asked by a particularly astute critic who questioned the lengthy climactic chase scene: "So why didn't the Indians just shoot the horses?" Ford snarled, in typical fashion, "Because then the movie would have been over." It's always best to leave logic behind when you watch a movie.

Awesome. Great answer.

People need to watch movies like this, get a bag of popcorn and enjoy.

My brother watches movies like Star Wars and says, "Wookies ain't real."

Well, really?

People need to just enjoy movies.

Shooting deer out of a car? - Have to appease Ford which paid for that part of the movie. ;-)

The trap? - Yeah, I think he was under-estimating the creatures. But I don't like how the one creature was smart and like the leader, I think it would have been better if they were all mindless.


I just bought the movie on Blu-Ray and love it. I watched the "Alternate Version" and it did show more "human side" of the creatures. I didn't like it. I'm happy that the other version is the one they used.
The movie sucked due to the piss poor CGI. Shoulda' just used real actors in make up.

30 days of night was a much better film.
That said: I just watched it today. Where was he getting his electric from?

Arrrggh. You mean you DIDN'T see the multiple Honda generators runnings (first shots inside his apartment)?

I guess our product placement strategy must need some work.

Caveat: I *do* work for Honda Generators, and *do* have a vested interest in them. :D
It's just a Movie.

Personally, I was disappointed in it. Had higher hopes.

As far as bucks not running around together ...

These guys wandered into my backyard for a couple of days. Usually it's not more than a few does or a couple of bucks at the same time.
Thumbnail image.
I hope all of you realize this movie was created for ENTERTAINMENT purposes, not for accuracy or realism. The movie was intended to look cool, and being precise would make it a lot harder. Every movie has faults that don't make sense, thats why they are movies and not real life.
Regardless of the intention of the makers, I'm glad I didn't spend the money to go see it in the theater.

Of course, it would've been depressing even if they'd accurately followed the actual storyline in the book ... in my opinion, anyway.

Nothing was really developed in the Movie storyline. While the special effects were better in this new Movie, the acting was better in the first one.

Personally, I found The Postman to be a much better Movie.
Let's address the APC issue. Now, other than the beginning scene with the Mustang, WS is tooling around in a craptastic explorer. The Mustang was just added to sex up the beginning after test audiences hated the original cut lots and lot.

Now the Explorer has a lot of advantages. Plenty of room for specimens, roof rack for gear. Plus, you can park it on any street and it blends in. Now, if he had parked an APC in front of his house the darkseekers would have figured out where he lived whether he covered his tracks with liquid or not.

However, given their natural strength, parking one nearby with one unlocked hatch would have been a smart thing for a bolt hole. I don't care how hyped up their metabolisms are, turning over a 30 ton Bradley just ain't gonna happen without lifting gear or a recovery vehicle.

But man, where did he get the nuclear handgrenade?
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