"I Am Outraged" - Immigration...

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the american media has took it upon themselves to feel sympathetic (because the media is practically ran by jews) because 200 years ago they immigrated the same way.

i agree with woolridges arguement. illegal aliens shouldnt be allowed to have any rights if they're living in there illegally. time's have changed, maybe a hundred years ago it would have been ok because our economy needed help. but these people are hindering our economy, lowering our educational standards and giving me the option of choosing between english and spanish when i call my [Deleted by LawDog] bank!
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Yuppers, let's keep it on topic. Plenty to discuss within the realms of the article.:)
Either the U.S. Government is going to do the right thing about this problem--I mean honor the rights and will of American citizens and taxpayers--or we are going to see a massive breakdown, either slowly or all at once, who knows, of faith in and adherence to the law. You can't really blame people for not taking the law into their own hands: we are told NOT to do that, we are told to behave rationally because the Law will do the "violence" we are not supposed to do privately. So what looks like apathy or fear is residual belief in our system. I think we are on the verge of finding out whether the system really works any more, whether it's not been so corrupted that it's every man for himself.

The likelihood, unfortunately, is that it WILL take major disruptions to wake people up.
I like how they call us "anti immigration" activists(not in the article, just watch the news at night, youll see what I mean) when the whole situation has nothing to do with legal immigration. I can see the humanitarian aspect of the Catholic churches in California and the people that put the water barrels out in the desert marked by flags, but these people dont realize were drowning our country.

Why werent the cops waiting with paddy wagons for the 100,000 illegal protestors in Chicago? That alone shows me how......how......Man, I cant think of the word....Inefficient.....Rediculous....Politically retarded......Damn, all those words right there put together cant describe how little faith I have in our Government. I love this country to death but I think its time the big wigs in Washington answer to the people instead of the other way around.
UWstudent said:
the american media has took it upon themselves to feel sympathetic (because the media is practically ran by jews) because 200 years ago they immigrated the same way.

200 years ago EUROPEANS immigrated to north america the same way. Unless you're a native american, you're here under the same pretences, hipocrite.

Now I've got no problem with immigrants, as long as they come here to work, and not freload. By freeload, I mean, sit on welfare, rob, cheat, and steal their way though life once they get here.
I can personally overlook the illegal part of their immigration as long as they follow the REST of the laws once they get here.

Unfortunately, from what I've seen by living in California, Arizona and Texas, Illegal immigrants that break the law to enter this country usually have no problem breaking other laws once they get here. (For instance, I've been rear ended 3 times, each by an illegal immigrant with no insurance, in 2 seperate states.

BTW your illogical, anti semitic comment isn't cool at all. You should rethink posting crap like that, it makes you look ignorant.

EDIT: Cleaned up my language after I calmed down.
If people like Arlen Specter have a real case to make for vastly increasing immigration right now and legitimizing those illegals who are here, we'd better hear it. Full-out, openly, in detail. With opportunites for full rebuttal. No backroom deals and obfuscating studies and sentimental platitudes. The American people are rightly skeptical and they won't be patronized.

We all want to know what is in it for US, as American citizens, not what is in it for Mexico or the Third World or the rest of the planet. So far the arguments for liberalizing immigration have not been made convincingly or, more importantly, openly. If Bush thinks he can sneak this through with the help of his loyal henchmen he is asking for bigger trouble than he knows.
Define human rights as they pertain to or differ from the rights of American citizens, if you would.
Call me a crazy liberal leftist, but I do think Illegal immigrants should have rights. For instance, the police shouldn't be able to beat the crap out of them in jail. They should have the rights of due process.

They should NOT however, have the privileges of citizenship unless they've somehow earned it. It'd be enough for me if they stay out of trouble, pay their taxes and keep a job for 5 or so years.

As I said in my previous post, though, a majority of the ones i've been exposed to would fail at this test.

Now, as far as the whole "guest worker" thing, I'll be the first to say that I'm not sure I understand it. If someone works in this country, and then goes back to Mexico, do they pay the same taxes I have to? Do the employers that employ them have to pay them the same minimum wages that every other business is subject to? Do the employees have to file the same I-9 form that I do?

Somehow I doubt it.
I used to feel pretty hostile towards illegal immigrants myself, but then I put myself in their shoes, and you know what?

If a law was the only thing standing between me and making a better life for my wife and children? Damn the law.

Personally, if I was in their situation, growing up in abject poverty with no legitimate prospects and no opportunities, then I can only hope I'd have enough guts to do what these folks are doing.
I think the author of that article is expressing from his frustrations more than anything.
It's perfectly understandable.
I believe that people who want to come to this country should follow the procedures in becoming citizens.
That means a level of assimilation. Learning the basic history of this nation and being a gainfully employed and productive member of the society. I think English should be made the official language of the government. By that I mean that both Federal and State governments only print in English. This could give impetus for new Americans to learn the language. There are countless examples of people succeeding in this country without learning English very well and they should be allowed to succeed and thrive if they are that industrious. But I believe that if one seeks to hold an office of political power you MUST learn English.
The rub is when they come here and take advantage of our good will and ride the system. Basically becoming a burden and a drag if they do get involved in gang activity, drugs, what have you.
The key tenets to combat these effects is law enforcement and education. Both being overtaxed and underfunded. They are stretched.
And we can go into all the inherent problems of both of these but that's for another thread.
Obviously, the first step of all is to shore up the borders. And even that is a political hot potato.
JesseJames said:
I believe that people who want to come to this country should follow the procedures in becoming citizens.
Yeah, I used to feel that way about it too.
"What's the big deal? Can't they just immigrate legally?!"

I used to work for a company that hired a lot of immigrants (construction business, naturally) and so I called up an immigration lawyer once and asked him that. He explained to me that in Mexico, for example, the waiting list to legally enter the US is two or three years long, and if you can afford to hire a good high-dollar attorney, he can bump you to the front of the line.

So the practical result of that is that only rich Mexicans are able to enter the US legally. If you're poor, you've got better odds of winning the lottery than of ever making it to the top of the list.
Well Card, that's Mexico's problem. Click on the links in my sig to see what uncontrolled immigration is doing to America. It's a lot worse than most people realize and the damage is increasing exponentially.
By that I mean that both Federal and State governments only print in English. This could give impetus for new Americans to learn the language. There are countless examples of people succeeding in this country without learning English very well and they should be allowed to succeed and thrive if they are that industrious. But I believe that if one seeks to hold an office of political power you MUST learn English.

There is nothing wrong with having an official language, however, you need to realize that learning a new language isn't easy. I'm in that situation right now in Germany. I'm not some idiot but you try reading a driving manual printed completely in German and comprehending it. Would you rather have me driving in a dangerous fashion because I can't read German or would you rather just print it in English so everyone benefits.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with printing government information in more than one langauge because illegals aren't the only ones reading it. I'm here legally and it is great to read English while I bring my German up to speed. There are plenty of other legal workers in America whose English needs development and acting like forcing them to read only English will help is naive. They will give up and seek counsel elsewhere that could be wrong.

That being said, if knowing a language is a condition of citizenship then certainly all the items that a only a citizen deals with, say voting, should be in that language. Many people who just toss out the blanket, everything in English, have never left the country and have no perspective on the matter.
I agree with you. They should not be beaten during the ride back to the border where they will get dropped off! Legal immigration is one thing, giving away our tax dollars to freeloaders is BS, wherever they are from! Nothing about race, all about taking care of yourself and not being a parasite on society.

If a law was the only thing standing between me and making a better life for my wife and children? Damn the law.

So would you sell drugs, rob, perhaps murder etc. to move your salary to a higher set point?

Personally, if I was in their situation, growing up in abject poverty with no legitimate prospects and no opportunities, then I can only hope I'd have enough guts to do what these folks are doing.

Oh ...never mind. I guess I have my answer.

BY CardIf a law was the only thing standing between me and making a better life for my wife and children? Damn the law.
Well heck if thats the case we should rob banks. I'm just trying to make a better life for my family right?
Exactly azredhawk44! So, we know that there's a problem and it will continue to get worse if we don't do something now. So, question is, to those who oppose this invasion that threatens us all on a number of levels including personal safety, the quality of life we now enjoy and our rights as defined in the BORs, what are you doing to combat this problem? A fair question...
UWstudent said:
the american media has took it upon themselves to feel sympathetic (because the media is practically ran by jews) because 200 years ago they immigrated the same way.

:scrutiny: :rolleyes:

Welcome to my ignore list.

As for everything else;

I have no problem with legal immigration, and I think it should be encouraged.

I have a huge problem with illegal immigration, and I think that the laws should be enforced strictly.

At the same time, in our own Bill of Rights, we acknowledge that our rights come not from Government, but from our maker. That means that everyone, citizens, illegal immigrants and even enemy combatants have rights.

I remember hearing somewhere that the gang MS13 is comprised of mostly illegal aliens from Mexico & countries south. I don't think they came here to work hard & live the American dream, they just want to steal, kill, & rape. I say for every Illegal alien in a hospital or a jail that we are paying for, bill the Mexican Govt., & or all the useless Attorneys who feel sorry for thillegals!!!!!!:mad: :cuss:
I used to work for a company that hired a lot of immigrants (construction business, naturally) and so I called up an immigration lawyer once and asked him that. He explained to me that in Mexico, for example, the waiting list to legally enter the US is two or three years long, and if you can afford to hire a good high-dollar attorney, he can bump you to the front of the line.

Well then I guess they may have to apply legally and wait three years to get in........

I seem to recall that folks who wanted to escape Russia, Lituannia, Poland etc at the turn of the Century some time had to wait like 10 years till they could get a visa, and save up the money for steamship passage here.
Yeah thats what my greatgrandparents did.....
Geez, I'm not trying to defend our current immigration policy. That's an ongoing disaster and everyone knows it. The only people who even try to defend it are the ones who are afraid that trying to change it will only make things worse.

All I was saying is that I used to resent the immigrants for that, until I woke up and realized how stupid it was to blame them for for the fact that we have stupid laws, can't seem to revise our existing laws, and can't be bothered to enforce them.

But if you want to know the real reason why the government seems so paralyzed on this issue? As always, follow the money. It's because the vast majority of the Mexican immigrants currently working in the US are doing so with fake Social Security numbers. That means that to the government, they are the best possible type of employee, because they will pay into the Social Security system for years and years, but they will never be able to take a dime out of it. If the government ever gives these people a way to get legal, then it's source of 'free money' propping up the Social Security system will dry up. You think they're going to let that happen?
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