I Forgot ...

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Sep 8, 2008
Marysville, MI.
... how much fun .22 shooting can be. I picked up a Heritage Rough Rider .22 convertible this weekend and have now taken it to the range 3 out of the last 4 days. On Tuesday I put 18 rounds of .22 mag through it just to see how they work as I've never done .22 mag before. Monday and again today I headed for the range with a trunk full of different caliber handguns and my Henry H001. I wound up shooting only the Henry (60 rounds) and the Heritage RR (approx. 180 rounds .22lr). I started wondering to myself why I've been chasing all the other semi-autos, revolvers, and rifles. I know that this will be short lived but I sure had a great time shooting two extremely accurate .22's with a total ammo cost of about $6.00. You really can't beat entertainment like that.

Heritage Rough Rider .22 Convertible

"Presentation Case"

Henry H001 Lever .22lr


Welcome back to the "Club" :D

Seems like at least once a month we see someone like yourself that re-discovers or discovers for the first time just how much fun shooting a brick of .22 can be.

It's hellishly good practice for a lot of things. And if the guns are the sort that involve some special handling from the shooter, such as your lever Henry, or you're shooting at a set of musical steel targets it's great fun once you get over the lack of recoil and what that APPARENTLY admits about your manhood according to some folks.
Nice pistol. .22 is a lot of fun as I also rediscovered shooting a friends P22 with a suppressor.
I love .22s. It's cheap, fun and best of all cheap. Lever actions are by far my favorite action but still don't have a .22.
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