I serve Constructive Notice rather than show a 'permit' to carry!

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How so 2dogs?

Really, I was being (trying to be?) facetious.

But now that you mention it another point comes to mind- and that is that your opinion and my opinion of what the Constitution (or BOR) says (although it may be 100% correct) doesn't matter a wit in the real world.

You know what the 2nd Amendment says, I know what it says and everyone on this board knows what it says. Judges, whom I presume have to be more than complete imbeciles to get into their position know what it means.

And yet they (and those who serve as enforcers) have the power to fine you, put you in prison or kill you for not submitting to their interpretation of it, or any law that they decide (or more correctly the legislature decides) to take from it.

Submit or pay with your fortune, freedom or life- that ain't no freeman.

:( :(

I bet you thought you saw me on there somewhere, come on now, didn't you?


My house of used tires would be a giant leap forward! Check out my 'cardboard yurt' on my website:

My youngest son and I pre-fabricated two of these things back in the fall of 1999, set them up on our 20 acres in Monroe County, Kentucky right before y2k. These are our temporary shelters until we get our 'Earthships' built, they only cost about $1,500 to build and they're just as serviceable as the day we set them up, so to be 4 years now!

My 'only manner of conveyance' is by choice! Automobiles are destroying this planet! I try to consume as little of this planets rescources as possible.

I spent 27 days in jail only because I refused to post bond, if I would have posted bond it would have granted the court jurisdiction, if you don't think so just read the entire bond form!
OMG! You live in a cardboard house? You ARE a nut!!! :D

My favorite kind though...carry on!

My coworkers are wondering what the hell I'm laughing about. Nice.

You can laugh all you want, but the actor Dennis Weaver owned a 10,000 square foot 'Earthship' in Taos, New Mexico several years back.

My "Earthship" will only cost me about $8-10,000 to build, so why should I have spent $4-5,000 to build a temporary shelter? Doesn't make any sense to me! Hey, my cardboard box is pretty cool!

Sounds like some people want me gone from this forum, too much controversy on my part, even my handle suijurisfreeman scares some. I see the word 'freeman' in Kentucky's Bill of Rights, sui juris is from the Latin meaning, "Of his own right; not under any legal disability, or the power of another. I guess that is pretty scarey in today's world! The group known as the 'Montana Freemen' were actually defrauding people out of money all over the country, when I was in Hillsdale, Michigan I refuse to get involved with these people - too radical for me!

Again I will quote from the book, Our Government, page 11: "The people are still the sovereign; the Constitution still challenges any who would trespass individual rights of exceed the bounds of authority." "Our laws are of three kinds, listed in the order of their superiority. 1. Constitutional 2. Statutory. 3. 'The Common Law'. As has already been shown, Constitutional Law is the fundamental law. It is the foundation upon which the whole structure of our government rests."

What a pity in deed, that people in this country today have strayed so far from the fundamental principles that were once the foundation blocks that this country was built upon! Truely a sorry state of affairs! Where did the American dream of liberty go astray? Sad, truely sad!
Hey, I'm laughing with you, brother! If that's the lifestyle you've chosen for yourself, more power to you.

And I can't speak for others, but I doubt that anyone here wants you gone for the reasons you state.

You just come off a little contentious and "in your face." Some folks are put off by that.
While I have enjoyed this, I wonder one thing. Earlier you said
At my place in Kentucky I am not hooked up to any public utlilities, I heat and cook with wood, grow alot of my own food and live a very simple life!
You seem to have been on the internet a while. What powers your 'puter, and what connection do you have to the WWW? I was thinking that a friend might be kind of annoyed at a stay-over lasting several days, and public libraries close. Note that I am not calling you a liar, I just want to know.
Neither ISPs or electric companies are public utilities. They're private companies, right?

I am wondering how he makes enough money to cover his liabilities. Maybe he'll enlighten us?
Stay, please. A breath of fresh air is always welcome. Many, including me, talk the talk. You, sir, walk the walk! Anyone who cares a whit for future generations and the oppression by OUR government would do well to lend you their ear. I too salute you and your efforts to live free. Carry on Patriot!
Digital Warrior,

The reason that I seem to be on the 'puter all the time is because for the past 16 months I've been up here in northern Indiana at my daughter's place, she's 33, but has been quite sick since February of 2002, her hospital/doctor bills are now over $350,000 and they still don't have a clue as to what's wrong with her. We've had her to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota twice, IU Medical Center in Indianapolis too many times to count. My life has been put on hold for the most part since May of 2002, I only get back to my property in Kentucky once a month for 3-4 days. This sure sucks, but what's a father to do? My daughter comes first. That's why I had to make that 800 mile round trip when that 'incident' came up with my son back in July. Obviously I've got too much time on my hands, well not really, I've been doing remodeling for friends to get some of those 'Federal Reserve Notes' and working on my recumbernt tricycle project, it's just like my 'cardboard yurt', pretty cool! Oh how I long for my old Kentucky home! Life is much, much simplier there!
"Freeman" doesn't bother me. I just assumed you were related to El Tejon . . . . . :neener:

Seriously, I understand the concept of putting a law enforcement officer on notice so as to lessen his ability to fall back on an "acting in good faith" defense to a charge of malicious or unlawful arrest. I carry a copy of Illinois' transportation laws with me when I carry a gun for just that purpose. However, in my case, the actual laws on the books as passed by the legislature and approved by the courts agree with my position. The notice is really only there for the average Illinois police officer who assumes he knows the law--since "everybody knows" there's no legal way to carry a gun in Illinois--and doesn't even realize that what I'm doing is actually legal. In other words, it's only going to help me either:

a. When I encounter a decent, honest, but genuinely mistaken cop, or

b. AFTER the arrest and trial when it's time to sue the police department.

Whether it will really be any help at all in those situations, I don't know. But if handled politely and courteously, it probably can't hurt.

I admit I didn't read the whole thread, but has anyone pointed out whether Kentucky law (besides the constitution) allows for legal open carry? If it does, then this is not a bad idea. It would be an even better idea without all the attempts at legalese, especially the stuff about defining yourself as a human being. Plain, straightforward language would serve you better and lessen the "crazy" vibe some people are getting, I think.
That's the beauty of my life, everything that I do have is paid for, my property taxes on the 20 acres are only $63.00 per year! I've still got supplies that I bought back before y2k setting around. Before I came up here to my daughter's place in May of 2002, I had 800 strawberry plants, 40 some plus Black and Red Raspberries, 10 blueberry bushes, 6 apple trees, 3 Tangerine trees, cranberry bushes and a pretty cool terraced garden area to grow vegetables in. I truely do choose to live the lifestyle I'm living, it's pure freedom compared to what most people live! I owned and operated my own businesss for 27 years so money is not a problem, I just decided two years ago to stop working, what's the point, I don't need the money. So why not enjoy doing what I want instead of slaving away like most people are forced to do? I'm only 55 and I'm having the time of my life, it's like being a kid again! But as I'm sure you've figured out, I'm dead seriously about this freedom thing and have been since 1993.

If I'm going to be able to remain on this forum I'll have to be more careful as to what I post, so if I don't respond to all questions it's because I've already been warned 4 times by Preacherman about my 'tone' and my 'radical' way of dealing with 'the system'. Guess I'll just have to try and set on my hands! :banghead:
Don Gwinn,
But that's what I am, a Human Being! I'm not a person, under 'the law' even a corporation is considered a person! I'm not the same thing as a corporation, are you? The North American Indians referred to themselves as 'Human Beings', of course we all know where that got them! Instead of the term 'freeman', I could use the Latin phrase 'Homo Liber' which means 'freeman', but I think I'll stick with suijurisfreeman.
my property taxes on the 20 acres are only $63.00 per year!

Pay Taxes???...I thought you were free???

I admire your self sufficiency...I think your knowledge of the law is solely lacking and your confrontational attitude towards government and LE is silly and childish. Ya catch more flies with honey than ya do with vinegar.

You wanna live in society, abide by the rules.

You're entitled to you opinion, just like I am. I can assure you that I know and know how to use 'the law' better than many of the judges and prosecutors that I've come in contact with! That's why Winston Ward Johnson never spent one single day in jail for any 'alledged crime', only for refusing to post bond. I've learned how to effectively use their writ of Habeas Corpus, Motions to Dismiss, etc and I've done it all pro se, in propria persona without the aid of any lawyers. I'm living proof that you can indeed 'fight cityhall' and win! I guess that scares people.

Yes I pay property taxes, I'm not a parasite, I use the county roads and the public library in Tompkinsville. My property taxes go towards paying these services, so of course I pay property taxes! I'm paying for services rendered, there's nothing 'unfree' about that. I've changed my lifestyle so that I don't have to 'jump through all the hoops' that most people do just to survive. Life's simplier that way!
You posted, "You wanna live in society, abide by the rules." I would have to ask, what rules established 'society' in this country? Wasn't it the Bill of Rights, the people's prior reservation of natural, inherent and inalienable rights, and the Constitution that established our 'civil society'? I really believe that it's the 'public officials' that need to abide by the rules set by the people in their Bill of Rights and/or Constitution!
Freeman, I have to ask one question about your independent lifestyle:

What do you do if you become truly ill, and need medical care beyond a visit to the local GP? Are you independently wealthy enough to fund your hospital stay, etc.? Or do you rely on alternative medicine approaches?
"Please remember that we take The High Road in all things. This includes respect for the law: and if the law is not deserving of respect, our approach should be to work for its amendment or removal, not to advocate illegal flouting of laws that could get our members imprisoned for doing so."

"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. "

(Damm, I whish I could write like that...)
One big problem is that the people have no voice in the courtroom. You can't get a jury of your peers anymore. Its a jury of their peers. The townfolk that know, work, live around and deal with the guy on trial are the ones supposed to be on the jury trial. That is what would keep the court in check. They wont let us have a jury of peers any more, they've gone all De facto on us and there is no justice or authoritive citizenry ruling.

And there aint nobody yelling about it. The police state is here and you guys are laughing at the man trying to say the redcoats are coming and I know a way to stop them....What a bunch of 80%'ers.:banghead:

I feel your headache freeman. Truth is not 80%.:)
It was an article in Backwoods Home magazine, Jan/Feb 1993 about 'Fully Informed Juries" that got me started down this road. Read that article got in touch with Zeno Budd of Ovid, Michigan who was holding a meeting in Hillsdale, Michigan about property rights on April 19, 1993. Went to that meeting, had my 'epiphany' and have never been the same since! You don't know how many times I've asked, why did the light bulb come on in my head, why me?! I took on the crusade of property rights, started passing out literature about 'land patents', probably something like 4,000 copies were passed out in Hillsdale County, Michigan over a six month period! I found out later that Michael R. Smith, the Hillsdale County Prosecutor had already started a 'file' on me, that 'land patent' booklet was the first piece of 'eveidence' in the file. At that time my wife and I owned 43 acres just south of Hillsdale, Michigan, we were in the process of building a 40' diameter 'geodesic dome home', I had taken out all the 'required' permits, but was told by the Hillsdale County building inspector, Galen Borten that I didn't need to worry about getting one for the 15'X20' portable barn that I had built to store my tools in while I built the geodesic dome. In August of 1992 upon returning from a wargaming convention in Pennsylvania I had received a nasty letter from Mr. Borten stating that I needed to get that $14 permit for my portable barn afterall. I went in, reminded Mr, Building Inspector that he had told me that I didn't need the $14 building permit and since that was the case I wasn't going to get it, well actually I said alot more than that, but I can't type here what I told him! I didn't hear any more about the $14 permit until January 10, 1994, while I was in Chicago on business my neighbor told me that two State Police vehicles and two Hillsdale County Sheriff's vehicles were at my place. I went down to the Sheriff's Department the next day to find out what was going on, at which time I was arrested for failing to get that $14 building permit. In the State of Michigan it's a criminal offence not to get a building permit, possible fine was $500 per day and possible jail time of 90 days for each day that you didn't have the permit, each day was a new and seperate offence! Since I had built the portable barn in May of 1991, something like 2 and one half years had gone by, if these people were serious, I technically was facing $450,000 in fines and a possible 230 year jail sentence! Pretty serious for not getting a $14 building permit! This time I made the mistake of posting 10% of a $250 bond, big mistake! I decided to do my own legal work and at my pretrial hearing on February 2, 1994 Judge Donald L. Sanderson informed me that I was not in a Constitution Court, so I was not to be bringing up the Constitution! I of course asked Judge Sanderson, then what the hell am I doing here? We had a trial in March of 1994, after picking the jury and opening statements, Judge Sanderson called for a recess, the assn't. Prosecutor, Neil Brady asked to speak with me, he told me that after hearing my opening statement that it sounded like I had a good case and just might win it, but that if I would just pay the $14 fee they would drop all the charges (yes they had loaded more charges on the original charge of no building permit, I guesss they thought that would make me comply!) against me. I told Mr. Brady that I was told by Galen Borten, the building inspector that I didn't need a building permit for that barn and therefore I had absolutely no intention of getting one now and that even if I lost the case I wouldn't compromise my principles. We finished the trial that day, I was found guilty, fined $200, given 6 months probation, and ordered to get in compliance with the building code. I told Judge Sanderson to his face, while he sat on the bench that I would not pay the $200 and that I would not get in compliance with the building code. I was 'asked' to sign a probation order, I told the clerk that I would have to read the order before I would sign it, one of the conditions of probation was that I would not leave the State of Michigan without getting permission from the court. Needless to say I told them that I would not asked permission and refused to sign the probation order. The clerk told me that they 'needed ' me to sign the probation order! You see a probation order is a contract, if you sign said contract, you can and will be held liable for any violation of the terms of that contract.
to be continued
Freeman, I admire your effort and determination. Your thread, and the Alabama Judge who is fighting to keep his 10 Commandments Monument outside his court house has turned on a light inside my noggin.

The Alabama courts have ruled AGAINST what the founding fathers wrote and based this country on. And the judge in this case has made it clear he intends on upholding the oath he took when sworn in to his position. Which means he is not going down without a fight. What's next? The courts telling court houses and judges what style furniture to have and where to place their furniture?

Let's take our country back from the Left Wing Socialists!!!
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