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Idiot...exibit A

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Dec 24, 2002
I was at the range the other night and a young fella comes in and see's a bunch of us older guy's talking guns and asks me for advice on what would be a good beginers handgun.
I suggested that he look into one of the ruger mk II.or 22/45 pistols........well...he say's thanks and wanders over to a kinda young tactical looking guy who is fairly new to the club and and starts talking to him.
After a while when the young tactical guy leaves... the young fella comes back to me and says that he's confused.....I ask why and he say's the other guy told him was.... what I meant to say was... LUGER not RUGER ...and that LUGERS where 9 millimeter not .22 or 45 caliber (I know of the rare .45 luger ;) )....So just for fun I asked him "so who do you beleive?".......He looked confused and said "I really don't know sir"....seeing that this was a pretty good kid I walked him over to the magazine rack and pulled out a couple of books and magazines and showed him.
He was polite and thanked me.
I dunno?....some people just can't mind their own buisness
Sorry Sonny, I don't get it. Does asking for advice from different sources make someone an idiot?
No, people who

pontificate about "beginner's handguns" while being totally ignorant of the largest firearms manufacturer in this country are idiots.

Note also that the term "idiot" did not appear ANYWHERE in the post. Try to follow along. :rolleyes:
Oh, I got tripped up by the title of the post: Idiot...exibit A

But I get it, the younger guy not ignoring the newbie's question made him an idiot for butting it...

Uh huh...still not convinced.
Actually, the way I read the story, he told the new guy something and then someone overheard him and "corrected" him once he was done talking to the new guy. Am I right, sonny?

Anyhow, he may not be an idiot, but he certainly did suffer from a case of oral crowalitus.
That makes sense.

I read it as the new guy asking the guru, then walking over and asking the mall ninja, and then going back to the guru for clarification...

OK, enough time spent on this one, the wife is <ahem> "reminding" me I promised to finish the honeydos today... :cuss:
Ruger - Luger.
22/45 - .22 or .45?

I'd chalk it up to misunderstanding and mispronunciation, not stupidity. Someone says "Ruger" and another hears "Luger", especially when the sayer is not 100% certain.
Note also that the term "idiot" did not appear ANYWHERE in the post. Try to follow along.
Apparently this is the presentation of Exhibit A in an Idiot trail, so I think we're following along quite nicely. You might try the same.
I took the idiot to be the guy who told the new guy looking for a beginners handgun (generally something with light recoil and inexpensive :rolleyes: ) to go find a Luger (not exactly the most cost effective pistol for someone just starting out).

There's a big difference between ignorant and idiot. You should be glad that he's interested in learning. :banghead:
Gun model numbers, like cars and cartridges, are pretty confusing to the uniformed, unless you know the 'code'. They're inconsistent, even within the same manufacturer, and there is no standard nomenclature. The bad part is, the easy answer is rarelysufficient, as one often doesn't have the time or opportunity to probe the questioner as to their level of understanding. Doesn't mean they're an idiot, just someone failed to communicate. BT, DT.
Sorry for not making my point clear... :eek: ....what I was getting at is mall ninja guy (idiot) was listening in on a conversation that was none of his buisness and then privately tells the kid that I mispronounced LUGER ...as in.. "there is no such thing as a RUGER" and then matter of factly let's him know that LUGERS did not come in .22 or .45
I hope that explains it better.
By the way the mall ninja guy could not be more that 21 or 22 yrs old so I find it to be a little rude when he privately tries to correct people 2,3,and 4 times his age.
Key word PRIVATELY......agree?
Sorry for not making my point clear... :eek: ....what I was getting at is mall ninja guy (idiot) was listening in on a conversation that was none of his buisness and then privately tells the kid that I mispronounced LUGER ...as in.. "there is no such thing as a RUGER" and then matter of factly let's him know that LUGERS did not come in .22 or .45
I hope that explains it better.
By the way the mall ninja guy could not be more that 21 or 22 yrs old so I find it to be a little rude when he privately tries to correct people 2,3,and 4 times his age.
Key word PRIVATELY......agree?
By the way the mall ninja guy could not be more that 21 or 22 yrs old so I find it to be a little rude when he privately tries to correct people 2,3,and 4 times his age.

Disagree, completely. IMHO, age has no effect on wisdom. If you change that to 'someone that has been shooting for a few weeks privately tries to correct someone who has been shooting for decades', it would sound much better. Wisdom does not always come with age. I'm 18, and I have no problem correcting 40, or 60-yr olds (even an 80-yr old) when they are WRONG. It seems to me that the kid was trying to be helpful, mishearing you say a Luger in 22 or 45. The guy, new to guns, heard two names that were one letter off, and really got confused.

And also, the new kid probably had no idea that you have been a member for years, while the other guy was new. And just because a guy is new to your club, does not mean he is by any means incompetent.
I agree with you that young shooters are often quite knowlegable.....but my problem is that I feel that he could have said "exuse me sir I don't mean to interrupt you're conversation but I overheard you say Ruger ....did you mean to say Luger?" at which point I would have said "no,I meant Ruger...by the way you're new here aren't you?...my name is sonny what's your's?"
It's a pretty rare person who hasn't heard of Ruger, too. And if you are that type of person, you probably don't know much about guns.
Got a .22 Luger. A Stoeger .22 Luger to be exact. They did make .22 Lugers. ;) Well sort of... :)
OK, gotcha. That would be fine with me, and probably would have been the best for everyone involved. Both would have learned a little bit from someone who knows, not just someone that is older.

I've just been around too many people that think because they are older, they have the final say in how things really are.
not be more that 21 or 22 yrs old so I find it to be a little rude when he privately tries to correct people 2,3,and 4 times his age. Key word PRIVATELY......agree?

No I don't. Like previously mentioned, age doesn't neccessarily equate to intelligence. Just like someone with 3000 posts doesn't make them more knowledgeable than a person with 3 posts. I was often overlooked and underestimated at my previous club because of my age. the older members had no interest in my opinions or much else as young chap. I gritted my teeth and accepted it for 3 yrs. By year 4, they had come around and realized that "gee, maybe he does know this stuff" and were coming to me for information and opinions.
IMHO, if you discount someones abilities or knowledge based solely on age, it's you that's the ignorant one. Would you have rather had this "mall ninja" correct you publically? :eek:
Would you have rather had this "mall ninja" correct you publically?
The mall ninja was wrong. How is he gonna correct anyone? If he had publically "corrected" sonny he would have been sorely embarrassed, no?

Not to hijack this thread but why are people confusing wisdom and intelligence. They're two totally different concepts. You can be a genius at 12 years old but that doesn't make you wise. Wisdom comes with age and experience.
</grinch on> Hrumph! The internet chat rooms are full of bright kids who surf alot, read eveything and "know all about" guns (or cars, motorcycles, palsma weapons, whatever) even though 99.99% have never held, let alone fired one. The young tactical dude apparently didn't know what he didn't know, providing an oerative example of the old saw, "Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
<grinch off>
Well, it looks as though this case shows how ignorance and arrogance can make you appear the idiot.

However, I've felt the need to correct older guys who were passing bad info.
Q: The barrel is plugged with grease...How can I get it out?
A: Just chamber a round and fire. I guarantee you won't notice any grease afterwards.
Me: ***? Hey, that's not even funny.

Clerk: These Black Talons expand as they leave the barrel, so that metal claws come out as they fly.
Customer: Really?
Me: No, he's full of crap.
Young guys aren't the only ones capable of spouting nonsense.
Clerk: These Black Talons expand as they leave the barrel, so that metal claws come out as they fly.
Customer: Really?
Me: No, he's full of crap.

This being the epitome of "winning friends and influencing people". :evil:
It sounds like the Young Feller did good. He spoke to you, he spoke to someone else, and then he tried to verify his knew "knowledge".

Whether the other bloke just misheard or not, you transferred - then bolstered - good knowledge.

There's any number of reasons why an information transfer could break. Best not to pass judgement, best merely to verify and correct.

When someone's being Deliberately, Pushily Wrong, and if one is in a setting that gives the luxury of Time, then crushing their Wrongly Outspoken Point by weight of Evidence is prudent :)
Whew!...I did not mean to turn this into a bash the youngsters thread.....looking back I doubt age had anything to do whith the point I was trying to make originally.
The kid-newbie had every right to ask as many people as he liked,as a matter of fact I aplaud that....I have no beef with this kid.
And I'll say it again ...lot's of youngsters know a great deal about firearms whether they learn it on the net or otherwise.
My two sons correct me all the time on stuff such as "your're wrong pop ..HK does make desert tan pistols you have just not seen one yet"........ they steal all my gunrags before I get a chance to read them most of the time ;)
The bottom line is that the mall ninja irked me....was he not familiar with RUGER products?...I dunno?
Was he trying to make an ass out of me and the guy's?...I dunno?
Why did he leave almost immediately after giving his advice to the kid...HMMMMM?
Whatever?....maybe I'm getting old

P.S. seriously...I get along quite well with the younger shooters and encourage and listen to their opinions all the time...please try to understand......understand? :D
Dannyboy said:
Not to hijack this thread but why are people confusing wisdom and intelligence. They're two totally different concepts. You can be a genius at 12 years old but that doesn't make you wise. Wisdom comes with age and experience.
Age and experience doesn't always equate to wisdom either. There are plenty of old and experienced people who are by no measure wise.
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