Illegally altered Glock mags?

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 30, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
Need some advice:

Recently I purchased what I thought, and the dealer (owner of a local gunshop) assured me, were pre-ban full capacity Glock magazines. The backs of the magazines were oddly scuffed along almost their entire length. At the time I noted it was very unusual but it didn't set off any clear alarms.

After inspecting the magazines more closely, it appears that someone sanded out the 'LE use only' stamp and roughed up the rest of the back to try and conceal the alteration.

What should I do?

I have stopped carrying the magazines. They're locked up and will stay that way until I make a decision as to what I should do next.

Currently, my course of action appears to be:

1. Visit the dealer, voice my concern and show him the magazines. Request a full refund and return the magazines to him.

If the dealer refuses:

1. Remind him that selling post-ban magazines to non-LEO/FFLs is a federal offense, just as it is a federal offense for me to possess them. While the magazines are not clearly marked, the markings on the back makes me reasonable doubt their legitimacy.

I don't want to make any ultimatums, nor do I want to be out all the cash I paid thinking these were legal magazines.
Photograph and document then go back to the dealer. Keep your wits about you and don't get angry if he expresses disinterest in doing what's right (refund). If he rejects the notion, then thank him and head over to the PD with documentation and receipts.
Your plan sounds right to me.

Normally, I don't support ratting out gun dealers, but this guy didn't just forget to dot an "I" or cross a "T", he put you at risk. Maybe he didn't know, but that's unlikely.

My guess is, if he knows that YOU know, you should get your money back in a hurry. Hopefully he won't try to pawn them off on the next unsuspecting guy.

If you WANT to buy altered mags, that's one thing, you're accepting the risk. But selling them without disclosure is shady business.
That's that difference among people. I'd keep them, use them, say nothing. As my old sig line said, there are commands of the sovereign one does not accept. (Sun Tzu) I truly believe that. I guess that doesn't make me right?
Originally posted by Sodbuster
That's that difference among people. I'd keep them, use them, say nothing.

It's a personal choice. As much as I disagree with the current full-cap magazine laws, the risk (admittedly minimal for this particular offense) of losing my gun rights is not worth the gain of having an extra three rounds in my compact Glock.
I wouldn't blame you if you kept them, but if the dealer knew of their condition sold them anyway that is wrong. He is putting other people at risk(legal risk, anyway) without their knowledge. Personally, I wouldn't snitch on him, but I would definitely let him know how I felt.

If you do choose to retain the mags, understand what the consequences will be should you be discovered.

"You pays your money; you takes your chances."
Originally posted by Beren
Need some advice:

Recently I purchased what I thought, and the dealer (owner of a local gunshop) assured me, were pre-ban full capacity Glock magazines. The backs of the magazines were oddly scuffed along almost their entire length. At the time I noted it was very unusual but it didn't set off any clear alarms.

After inspecting the magazines more closely, it appears that someone sanded out the 'LE use only' stamp and roughed up the rest of the back to try and conceal the alteration....

Hmm.. are you sure, you're not from the ATF? :p

If you knowingly possess a post ban mag then you should get rid of it a.s.a.p.
Re: Re: Illegally altered Glock mags?

Originally posted by *8*
If you knowingly possess a post ban mag then you should get rid of it a.s.a.p.

If I knew for sure that it was, I would get rid of it. Unfortunately, the markings are ambiguous, though enough to make me uncomfortable. I won't be able to get to the dealer's until tihs weekend (he lives an hour from me) but I will call his shop tomorrow and see what he says.
If the dealer charged you anywhere near the going rate for the magazine, he should refund your money and smile while doing it. I've never had to 'rat out' a dealer and would find no pleasure in doing so however he knowingly or unknowingly broke the law. If unknowingly, he should be more than happy to refund your money, if knowingly, he and some guys in black suits need to have a talk.

Either way, you should call right now and leave a message on his machine and get it taken care of on the next business day.
I'd be pissed if the dealer sold the post-ban LE magazines at a pre-ban magazine price. Fraud, pure and simple and certainly not worth any potential time with Bubba (why are big fat inmates called Bubba?). While I wouldn't call the ATF, I'd insist on a refund so I could buy real pre-bans with my money.
While I wouldn't call the ATF, I'd insist on a refund so I could buy real pre-bans with my money.

But what would you do if the dealer refuses and tells you to get the hell out of his store? The dealer that knowingly sells illegal mags isn't probably going to rush to refund your money.
My first reaction was to suggest ignoring the law (it's misconceived, unconstitutional, and wrong anyway) and keeping the mags. But...

The market value of an illegally sold LE mag is less than an identical legal preban mag, due to the penalties for possessing the LE one (and the fact that legal ones are still available). If you think the dealer knows what he sold you, you might give him the option of replacing them with prebans (or giving you our money back) or else refunding you a percentage of what you paid, to reflect the lower value of illegal mags.;)
why couldnt you destroy the magazines, chalk it up to a loss, and anonymously report the dealer to the ATF?
or do you REALLY think they will let you get away with unknowingly commiting a crime?
Well, I spoke with the dealer over the phone. He was very quiet while I explained why I needed to return the magazines. The earliest I can visit his store is Friday evening (depending on traffic) or Saturday. I expect that I'll receive a full refund, we'll see what happens.

If the mags were clearly marked as LEO only, I would document, destroy (but retain the remains as evidence), give the store owner a chance to reimburse me, and file in small claims court if he failed to do so.
Let me amend that. If they were clearly marked, I wouldn't have bought the darn things in the first place!
Originally posted by Beren:
It was in the mid-$80 range.

Ouch. LEO-only post-ban hi-cap Glock magazines run about $15. So by defacing the mag and selling it to you illegally, the dealer made upwards of $70. That smarts. I really hope you get your money back.
cratz2 - if the dealer wanted to be nasty about it. I'd drop the matter and send it the ATF then. Let the government deal with him.

The distinction is that I would allow the dealer to refund my money and I wouldn't say a word. Refusal would bring retaliation. He's a cheat who isn't going to get away with it.
He's a cheat who isn't going to get away with it.
Sheesh, am I slow or what? :D I've been looking at this as a political statement. The money paid for an LE magazine is definitely the crux of the matter. Glad you had some good advice here, Beren.
If he wasn't so greedy, he could get away with it. You can buy replacement magazine bodies from Brownell. Using the replacement bodies and the official "Glock" parts, he could claim to be selling New Glock factory pre-ban hicaps and no one would know.
You can buy replacement magazine bodies from Brownell. Using the replacement bodies and the official "Glock" parts

Wouldn't the replacement bodies lack the Glock stamp on the back?
You can buy replacement magazine bodies from Brownell.
From what I've seen at GlockTalk, those replacement bodies are just about worthless. Seems they are very poorly made.
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