I'm moving to East TX!!!

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You will need to learn how to get an OU graduate off your front porch..........

Just pay him for the pizza !!!!
Have fun in Tyler. Don't arrive during rush hour if you're not familiar with a swarm of individuals that drive like with a sense of themselves, and not much else.

Seriously, and whatever you do.. On broadway(69) by the mall, do not leave your blinker on, because someone will assume you're turning, and will pull out infront of you. The roads are slick when it rains, and that doesn't bother anyone.

Also, there's a nifty gunshop called The Shootist right next to Hastings Bookstore/music/video/etc, but it's kinda hidden in the corner so expect to miss it. Hastings parking lot is fine for it. If you're coming from the north, it's on the south side of the city, so drive straight through. No one really drives on copeland too much, except during school hours, so that's a good way to get past the mall area of Broadway. AFAIK there aren't any gunranges where you can simply walk in.

El Chico's Mexican Restaurant is pretty good still, and if you are coming from the north, you can get to Copeland and take that all the way to 323(it continues past 323, into a residential neighborhood), take a right, and it's across the street from the highschool.

BTW, don't hang out in the North for too long if you don't absolutely have to.

Honestly.. It is a despicable place, with a particularly bad methamphetamine problem, and crime statistics that would really make you understand why you need a gun in the first place. The most likely place you'll learn about the crime statistics is when you see firsthand just what this post was about. Your odds go up as you move away from South Broadway.
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Unfortunately for you there is a waiting period of ten years before we can consider you a Texan. All you need to do is from this day on is always say I'm a Texan in conversations. The good news you can buy all the guns you want TODAY. Welcome to Texas.
I appreciate all the welcomes and tips guys.

We will be living in southwest of Tyler and I've heard about the "bad" parts.

I do hope to make TX my new home, but it's definitely hard leaving family and friends. But look forward to make new "gun" friends.
Welcome to Texas!

It's been awhile but I grew up in East Texas. If you want to hunt for free on someone's land, get into hog hunting. They are a non-naitive species, and there virtually no regulations, season, etc. Landowners just want them gone.
Just get permission. We take private property deadly serious in TX.

Your best bet shooting, short of buying your own land, is to become friends with the shooters in your area. Somebody's got land that they shoot on, and they may have a built range, unauthorized pit dump, etc.
Welcome, and I hope you get introduced to the joy of hunting feral hogs. Cheap, fun, tasty, no limits and no closed season.

While you're in Tyler, check out the Brookshire's Grocery museum (seriously). They have an excellent collection of taxidermy. And it's free. And next door is an old railroad caboose that you can let your kids play in. Or if you don't have kids, you can climb around it yourself. (I did.)

When you need some culture, drive through Dallas and come to Fort Worth; we're Texas the way you want Texas to be--cowboys, oil, and steaks.

(For the record, when I moved here 25 years ago, I resented all the rednecks in pickup trucks...until I became one.)
Just get permission. We take private property deadly serious in TX.

The significance of this can not be over stated. I have been yelled at for going to the bathroom (the liquid kind) along the highway across a fence line.
Lock and Load is indoor range, 31 West Shooting is outdoor pistol and rifle, Rose City Clays is skeet trap and clays, and the East Texas Rifle and Pistol club is over toward Longview with rifle pistol and trap range. I think there is clays range in Gladewater but don't know the name. There are lots of other ranges, but it starts to get pretty fer out. East Texas is great - you will love it, plenty of lakes, plenty places to hunt, really great people. Weather is moderate. Pine pollen time is a bit rough... I miss being there a lot.
bill larry,

...it's legal to pass on the right in our great state.

A bit of clarification.
I’m not certain if you’re speaking of our habit of driving on the shoulder.

It’s legal to drive on an improved shoulder of a two lane road:
1. to pass a vehicle slowing or stopped to make a left turn.
2. to slow to make a right turn.
3. to avoid a collision.
4. to allow a faster vehicle to pass.
This is defined in the Texas Traffic Code (1995).

An improved shoulder is one which is wide enough to contain the full width of the vehicle (not necessarily a standard width lane). Not all roads have these.

As far as I know, Texas is the only state which allows this. Are there others? I know it was a practice in Alberta some years ago, not certain if it was legal.
I read the title of the thread and was like..'ok..' but then I saw you live in the socialist republic of California. Congratulations, you won't be disappointed.
SHAME ON YOU!!! You have a patriotic duty to stay in California and pay their exorbitant tax rates in order to fund their bloated state government! How DARE you move to a low tax state that doesn't even have sensible gun control!?! They don't even have a state income tax there!!! What is wrong with you?!?

Enjoy Texas! :D
Check out Noonday Gun Traders for a gun shop. Excellent selection with good prices. Noonday is just a few miles outside Tyler on the way to Palestine.
Im from AZ where we were had open carry and could carry spring loaded pocket knifes
and in Texas it will get thrown in jail.
I we are trying to sell our house in west Houston area and move back home to AZ as soon as possible.
The humidity will kill you....plus traffic and Im use to the wide open spaces of the desert
....I dont find that in east TX plus its flat as a pancake and the highest mountain is an overpass....Im very home sick for AZ and is old as I am will never leave if I can jsut get back home.
Welcome to TEXAS sir!

We are pleased to have you. Tyler has excellent facilities for shooting… and a great IDPA club (if you are interested).

I live about an hour South of Tyler (so we’ll be neighbors by Texas standards).

Don’t forget to pick up your rifle on the way in:


If you drive into Texas by way of I-10 don’t let that sign scare you, the one that says:

El Paso 5 miles
Beaumont 890 miles

It’s nothing but bragging and it’s not really that far. El Paso is only 4 miles.
I love to sheet skeet, trap, and sporting clays at Rose City Flying Clays. They also have a small outdoor pistol range. Great folks there.

There is an indoor pistol/rifle range called "Lock - n - Load". I may have spelled that wrong, but close enough. It is on the south loop.

They have a decent but small gun show once or twice a year.

I live in Nacogdoches. 90 minute drive to the south east. Nac is the REAL east Texas. Lots of hog hunting here.

Welcome to the United STates of Texas.
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