In a SHTF scenario would you let a friend or neighbor borrow a gun?

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In all honesty, most couln't hit...even a pop can at 10 yards with my P226.

I don't know that I could repeatedly hit a pop can at 30 feet with a 9mm pistol, and I've been shooting pistols for a year and a half plus. Am I that bad, or are your standards unrealistic?
Neighbor to the left - good solid person, hard working family man with a 14 year old daughter to worry about - he gets a Mosin 91/30 and a 60 round battlepouch. All I have to offer. :( Neighbor to the right is evil old woman who pitched a FIT, becuase my son and I stood on her driveway to avoid being run over. She gets a finger, and after she leaves in panic, we raid her house for what's left. :evil:
Lots of retirees here - lots of WWII, Korean, and Veitnam war vets here, armed and capable, just usually very quiet about it. :cool: We'll manage.
Would. Have. Would again, for the right person. Not just any ninny who happened along of course, but someone I knew was honest and competent, yes. And not just loan, give if need be.

I have more guns than there are people I know that I would loan them to... .

Anyone who knows me personally has heard me rant at least once about the importance of being prepared. If they choose not to listen or have their priorities in other places that is their problem.
Lack of prior, proper planning on their part, does not constitute a moral obligation on my part to pull their bacon out of the fire.
During the LA riots Charlton Heston received a lot of requests for guns from his friends in the Hollywood Elite. His answer, NO! You are not properly trained to use them and as such, you will be a danger to others around you and might hurt an innocent person.

Pretty good answer I thought.

Mabye I should answer a little more in depth.

Family: Not many. Not too many shooters, well, there's only one that I'm aware of, and since I own my gns i dont see how I can loan myself one. One of my brothers would somehow manage to accidently kill every friendly within 20 miles.

Friends: Dont have any close friends. Most of my friends are comprised of co-workers and regulars I know from the range. Some of my co-workers can handle themselves, others cant, some would get "I told you so." Of course the regulars at the range are a different story.

Neighbors: Dont know many, many is defined as more than two, even then I dont know them well. One has his own hardware, and hopefully he can handle himself. The other is always under the influence of something, and while he's a nice guy and all, I wouldnt hand him anything that goes bang.
Family- Yes, but they all live about 2+ hours away, so in a SHTF scenerio, we probably wouldn't be by each other, besides most of them have guns.

Friends- Yes, most have guns, a lot are in the military with me.

Neighbors- No, I don't know my neighbors in my apartment except for friends that live a couple buildings down, they would apply to friends and not neighbors.
Aside from my wife, there are two people I can think of that I would hand one of my weapons to, and one of them is my father in law. The other one I work closely with on a day to day basis. He has military training and owns firearms himself.

But a stranger? No way. This isn't the movies ("have you ever used one of these?").

Well, my closest friends each have comparable collections to mine. The three of us even practice defensive shooting drills (in our own mall ninja ways). I doubt I'd hand anything out to my neighbors, or at least until I could verify they'd be competent with it.

On a side note. Several of my extended family members have admitted to having SHTF dreams in which their one goal was to get to my house for safety and supplies. They might tease me about my food storage and water jugs under the bed, or having a machete in my car travel kit, but when it comes down to it they all seem to view me as a major component in their emergency plans.
My only close neighbors are in-laws and have more weapons than me, but I'd loan any extras to neighbors farther away.

If we're on the same side, extra weapons will do more good in someone's hands than stashed at my house. I'd only have a few extra battle rifles, but .22s are better than nothing if someone needs it.
If my brother got to my home in a SHTF scenario, I have a Henry .22 rifle he could use, and a revolver he probably wouldn't get in too much trouble with. I have one friend in the next town who is a veteran and who shoots regularly with his father. I could trust him with a semi-automatic rifle or a 1911.

The gay guys next door? Not a chance.
In a SHTF scenario would you let a friend or neighbor borrow a gun?
Where was he when it came to personal gun rights?
If SHTF will he always be your friend, just because he is your neighbor?
Will your neighbor turn on you or your family members with your guns that you gaven him, if you have something he wants, like food?
You trained everyone in your family to use a fire arm?

I will not give him my guns or ammo, if he does not believe in the use of firearms, he does not own one of his own to protect his family, it is not my problem to protect his politically correct views or his politically correct family.
My family comes first.
I don't have any to spare, really. There are enough in my house to properly arm the family and that's about it. I suppose I could loan out the Buckmark.

All our friends, except one family, have at least one rifle in their houses. That one family I don't think I'd trust without some training time. We don't have a lot of relatives locally, but those we do have are not armed. I could probably be persuaded to let my brother-in-law borrow the buckmark, just to annoy his anti wife.

Neighbors - the few I'd trust are already armed.
Depends on who it shooting buddies have their own guns..but if they didn't ,I'd let them get down when the shooting starts..... ;)
With my nearest neighbors (next door, both sides), probably not. Both pairs have no children, seem to think that I should allow them the use of whatever pieces of my property they care to infringe upon for their gardens, fences, etc. without consultation or compensation, and allow them to pick my roses whenever they like.

If it sounds as if we've bumped heads, it's because we have.

Friends are another matter entirely. Relatives by blood or marriage another.

In the gravest extreme, I might take the neighbors in under 'Lifeboat Rules' if they could demonstrate that they could bring something material to the survival chances of the group besides their appetites and opinions.
Since all my neighbors are hunters/shooters, it is a moot point. But I *would* loan them some ammo, if they needed it ... :)

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you mean the neighbors that looked at you real funny when they find out you have guns?
The one's that asked "what do you need a gun for?"
Here in florida when the hurricanes come the SHTF after the storm. You never hear about that on CNN. The looters come out.
4 Hurricanes in 6 weeks we have a system in place.
NO, i'm not loaning my neighbors any of my guns, EVER. I have no idea if they're able to figure out which end the bullet comes out from.
As for my friends, they have their own.

Probably, but 2 of them are THR members and wouldn't need anything and all but one of the others have shotguns. He'd need a little training, but is trustworthy. The closest neighbor's son just got back from Iraq serving with the Marines and I think he already knows which end the bullets come out of.
It would be on a case-by-case basis, but it's moot. Most of my neighbors already got 'they own shootin' arns' :evil:
It depends on the friend or neighbor, and it depends on the SHTF scenario. I've got friends and neighbors that are ex-military, yet don't own a gun, or if they do, it's a .22. If it were a real SHTF scenario, yeah, I'm pretty sure I could trust them not to shoot themselves on accident if I gave them a loaner. Some of them, not only would I NOT loan them a gun, I'm pretty sure I'd probably have to be pointing one at them.

In a bad situation, I'd probably prefer to have 10 of my friends/neighbors armed, rather than just me sitting there with 10 guns. Rambo I am not.
My Neighbors? probably not. i don't know them that well.

My friends? some of my closest friends, yes. One of my closest friends taught me to shoot, my first firearm a shotgun.
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