• You are using the old High Contrast theme. We have installed a new dark theme for you, called UI.X. This will work better with the new upgrade of our software. You can select it at the bottom of any page.

Interesting response...

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Dec 23, 2002
My newest copy of PSM Playstation Magazine came in the mail a couple days ago, and on the front cover it showed a picture from the new Matrix game. It shows a man with sunglasses holding a pistol gripped shotgun. I was examining the sights and other aspects of the gun when I noticed something.
The guy was right in the middle of racking the slide, which isn't out of the ordinary, but there was smoke coming out of the magazine tube, which is out of the ordinary.
So I decided to email the magazine to let them know of this flagrant error. Here is how it went.

My Comment:

There is something terrible wrong with the shotgun on the cover of your March 2003 magazine. Why is there smoke coming out of the magazine tube? *Best Simpsons impression* "Boy I hope someone got fired for that." Just thought you might like to know.


His reply:

Hey Nate,
Oops! As the one guy on the staff who shoots regularly, I should have noticed that! Of course, I don't own a shotgun, just pistols and rifles, but I should have noticed that. By the way, that's how the art was delivered to us from the game's designer. Guess that just goes to show that most artists wouldn't know the business end of a gun unless it shot 'em! By the way, do you post at RKBA often? Your username looks familiar...
Bill Donohue
Managing Editor, PSM
[email protected]
"If you ain't got fun, you ain't got sh*t!"

My comment to his reply:

That's ok everyone makes mistakes now and then. That is weird that it was delivered like that. I have to agree with you about the artist thing. No, I don't post on RKBA, but I do post a lot on www.thehighroad.org as Kcustom45. You should drop by and see if you like it, and for heaven sakes get yourself a shotgun. :) Keep up the good work.


To be honest I was really expecting a "YOU'RE A GUN FREAK!" response, and am very pleased with the response I got. By the way Oleg did you notice that I plugged THR. :D
Edited because I can't spell
Needs to be told to start taking his coworkers out shooting more often, I think.
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