It will only take 1 VOTE to defeat Chipman

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Dec 31, 2002
Please click the link below and let your senators hear from you regarding this very important nomination. It only takes a minute.

It will only take 1 VOTE to defeat him.


The 50-50 Senate will soon vote on Joe Biden’s nominee for ATF Director, David Chipman -- A REGISTERED ANTI-GUN LOBBYIST.

Chipman would be the most radical anti-gunner to ever lead the ATF. He was working for the ATF at the Ruby Ridge standoff AND Waco massacre. He even LIED about Waco, falsely claiming that the Branch Davidian members shot down helicopters.

So long as no “pro-gun” Republicans betray us, it will only take 1 VOTE to torpedo Chipman’s nomination. That’s it.

Your action right now could save the Second Amendment.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to YOUR Senators DEMANDING that they VOTE NO on David Chipman’s confirmation.


Here is a young David Chipman POSING in the tragic aftermath of the Waco massacre where 76 Branch Davidian members died during the ATF’s raid:


This is who Biden and Kamala picked to lead the ATF.

But, it gets even worse…

As Tucker Carlson uncovered, David Chipman stated that U.S. citizens who fail background checks to purchase guns would establish the “perfect opportunity to arrest people BEFORE committing crimes.”

Chipman’s confirmation as ATF Director would not just be a “slippery slope” for gun rights. It would be a straight nose-dive into tyranny.

That’s why I’m urging you to pressure your Senators to torpedo his confirmation or we can say goodbye to America as we know it.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to YOUR Senators DEMANDING that they VOTE NO on David Chipman’s confirmation.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

8001 Forbes Pl., Suite 202 Springfield, VA 22151
Wouldn't hurt to join GOA as well. Not to start a stuff stir, but I joined them IN ADDITION to my NRA membership. Regardless of your position on NRA [NOT a subject of this post], another $25 to GOA (no affiliation other than member, yada yada) or whatever might help "spread the weight" around. I doubt the lobbies can discern whether an NRA member is different or the same as a GOA member. It's called leveraging ;)

-jb, spreading limited money around to confound
Considering the current senators from "Obamaland", trying to change the minds of "Tricky Dicky" Durbin and Tammy Duckworth(less) is like spitting into the wind. They "drank the Flavor-Ade" a long time ago.
You may be right about Toomey. And Sinema could be more pro 2A than most Democrats.

But Manchin and Tester are both politically vulnerable in states that are getting more red (unlike Arizona) and both have broken ranks with the Party on gun issues. Manchin is arguably more vulnerable and has a better history of breaking with the Party on gun issues than Tester does.
You may be right about Toomey. And Sinema could be more pro 2A than most Democrats.

But Manchin and Tester are both politically vulnerable in states that are getting more red (unlike Arizona) and both have broken ranks with the Party on gun issues. Manchin is arguably more vulnerable and has a better history of breaking with the Party on gun issues than Tester does.
I sure hope so about Manchin. There are a lot of very poor people from West Virginia who count on taking game just so they can survive.

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is urging members and supporters to contact their U.S. Senators and oppose the nomination of David Chipman to become head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121.

“When a nominee for the top post at the agency responsible for enforcing the nation’s firearms regulations can’t define what he believes an ‘assault weapon’ is, that raises alarms,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “By the time he actually provided some semblance of an answer, he was merely quoting a policy that essentially applies to every semiautomatic centerfire rifle on the planet. Nobody who subscribes to such a catch-all definition of a firearm that really doesn’t exist should lead the ATF.

“It is equally alarming,” he continued, “that Mr. Chipman has been employed for the past few years by Giffords, one of the nation’s leading gun prohibition lobbying organizations, as a senior policy advisor. There is absolutely no appearance of fairness or objectivity in this nomination, and his performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee leaves serious doubts about his perspective on gun rights and the Second Amendment, and how he would approach the job if confirmed.

“Chipman’s nomination has the appearance of political patronage to an organization that steadfastly supports the president’s gun control agenda,” Gottlieb said. “Out of all the potential candidates to lead the agency, Joe Biden has picked the one individual whose nomination was guaranteed to ignite a political firestorm. At this point, it is fair to question why the president has done this. It looks like the president wants to put the gun prohibition lobby in charge of firearms regulation and enforcement.

“Throughout his political career,” the CCRKBA chief recalled, “Joe Biden has portrayed himself as a tough guy, and here he is deliberately provoking a fight with tens of millions of law-abiding American citizens by nominating a man who seems eager to step on their rights, for no other reason than to show he can get away with it. That’s not the characteristic of a national leader who pledged to bring the country together. That’s something a bully does for an ego boost.

“This is a bad nomination,” Gottlieb concluded. “It’s bad for the cause of unity, it’s bad for the Constitution and it’s bad for the country.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to [email protected].

Remember the rules for Activism and stay focused on what we can do to stop David Chipman from becoming the Director of BATFE.

Side bars, complaining, and discussions outside of the scope of practical ways (we already have that) of derailing his appointment are for General, not Activism.
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