Joining the "new" Armslist-how short a time period is possible?

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Sep 15, 2007
The Mid-South.
We can't even contact a local seller, unless we join by either of two methods.

* --> For how many Months must a person now join <-- , in order to be able to ask a few questions. The majority of sellers' items don't list a phone number (we know why).

** All of this---just to ask a single, local seller whether his/her USP "LE" trigger is a true "LEM" trigger.
This new process (despite the need to filter out scammers and other troublemakers)--simply to solicit an answer or two-- seems quite ludicrous.

Has anybody been able to join for just a month or two?
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Many people are just adding their phone number and email address to the listing. This changed less than a month ago IIRC.

I think something happened that they can't talk about and they don't want people using their system anymore. Probably wrong.
My Armslist noted, Posters For Sale items were getting ridiculous Offers for their items so, they were trying to stop scammers with messing with their items and their Prices.
Barman54: We knew that from the Armslist website. They published plausible reasons (to save face, or not) for the big change.

I'm just curious whether they allow us to join for say 1-2 months if desired.
"Armslist hasn't implemented any "reasonable measures" to prevent guns from being sold to people likely to use them in violent crimes, the lawsuit says."

I sure don't understand how charging a fee to use the site will , in any way or to any degree , insure that people with bad intent will be prevented from doing bad things ...
But I will not beleaguer the point as I know it is off topic to the OP inquiry.
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