"Just Give Me A 2nd" slogan design

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Sep 3, 2008
I've been a fan of www.a-human-right.com for many years, and find the various captioned images very compelling in themselves for the movement of open-minded discussion of firearm rights.

One such slogan that just popped into mind when looking at some of these images -- especially those with a young woman or mother faced with an attacker or home invasion -- that I feel would be fitting to use.

"Just give me a 2nd."
(as she reaches for her equalizer)

I think it speaks for itself.
Um... I also doubt that any of the cheerleaders on the sidelines need T's, O's, U's, C's, H's, D's, O's, W's, or N's when they ask people to give them one, but the sentiment is probably the same.
2nd around here normally refers to the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Any other questions? :rolleyes:
He's using the play on words for the "Gimme a second." phrase tied to the 2A (to belabor the obvious).

It's a great idea and something that Oleg should be able to do wonders with.
I guess if THAT many people don't get it, it's a bust of an idea.

Perhaps it requires a small sub-caption about exercising the 2nd amendment in smaller print. Just to make sure everyone "gets it".

I also like your slogan, hso, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away". Perhaps a hybrid of the two could work out.

Still curious why this thread was moved to a random off-beat forum, and not Activism where it belongs. In fact, I've seen at least 4 very very strong and amazingly useful Activism resources (lists of contacts, etc) that have been moved to random ass forums on here.
fuel for Oleg ????


here ya go.....

Dirt bag looking guy (facing camera in background) approaches attractive, soccer mom (foreground w/ back quarter to camera).

cartoon bubble on BG states "hey baby, how about a little squeeze"

SM right hand rests on belt mounted holster and her cartoon bubble states "give me a second"

Picture caption at bottom of page says something to the affect of....

"The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed........will you give her a second"
Don't second guess the second amendment.

When seconds count, the second amendment guarantees her safety.

To protect her family, the right to keep and bear arms comes second to none.

(there is a fine line between catchy and pushing a pun. i'm sure these concepts can be refined with more potency)
You can't ask a rapist to "gimme a second" when you're denied your second amendment rights.
Freedom of Conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, freedom to gripe: To assure all These the right to keep and bear arms comes second to one.
Holy cow - I can't believe that here, of all places, there are so many people who didn't "get it" right off the bat. Great wordplay - I'll buy one.
Actually, Oleg, I think that right now, given the state of current events, you need a photo of a hockey mom..

so take my origonal idea and add a 9year old girl wearing her hockey uniform (sans skates and helmet, carrying bag and stick) looking up at BG with bewilderment. Lot's of kids show up for practice dressed to go, as hockey arena locker rooms are notoriously scummy (and are great places to pick up a life long case of some uber potent athletes foot fungus.........don't ask me how I know)
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