Just got my NRA ballot

I’m guessing the names on the ballot. Not the process of filling it out.

Typed this response as the Colonel posted his.
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I'm not bothering to return the ballot. Voting for NRA Directors hasn't done any good in the past, and it won't do any good in the future. This organization is in the iron grip of an insider cabal. They have nothing but contempt for the rank and file members.
I went by what Jeff Knox (Neal Knox's som) recommended: https://firearmscoalition.org/author/jeff/
I generally trash the ballot but since WLP has been spanked, decided to vote. I don't go by who the board recommends. So vote only for the four recommended by Jeff.
The members need to fix the board it is a disaster, they allowed the mismanagement to happen. It's has way to many people on it too.
This is probably one of the most respected gun forums out there. At least to me anyway. I belong to a few gun forums. The gun forums have been absolutely brutal against the NRA. Maybe justifiably so. But in doing so I have ruled out gun forums as my source for NRA voting advice because they are prejudiced and not the wisest choice for me. I will get my voting recommendations from the GOA and Buckeye Firearms Association.
It all happened on the current board's watch, so if I vote for all or don't vote, I am supporting the status quo. I plan to vote for Jeffrey A Knox, Dennis Fusaro, Rocky Marshall and Phillip B Journey. In addition, I will vote for Kim Rhode because I don't think she is part of the problem. Those are the only ones that I have what I regard as good information on.

I have not voted in the recent past because I have been disgusted with the leadership. If I don't do what I can to turn things around, I will be complicit and part of the problem.

That is just my take on it.

The Bylaw change to add a compliance officer is too little too late. A complete overhaul is needed, so I am voting against the proposed bylaw change, but you may disagree.
Until the WLP issues are completely resolved and the bylaws get rewritten there is zero reason to vote. Save the dieing organization the postage and throw the ballot away.
That is just my take on it.

The Bylaw change to add a compliance officer is too little too late. A complete overhaul is needed, so I am voting against the proposed bylaw change, but you may disagree.
It's one that concurs with my own. That Bylaw change is a sop, it scans like all the weasel-worded Referenda or Stat Constitution Amendments see on mid-term elections. To where the title is actually 180° opposite the result.
At least vote for all the women.. Sounds stupid but they need to be represented to attract other women, who are 50% of the population. Sorry for the sexist remark but I am only able to recognize 2 genders at this time. Joe
If they are/were on the board when Wayne stole millions, I am not voting on them simply due to their sex. Have known a lot of evil, corrupt women over the years.

I am leaning towards taking Knox's suggestions with the addition of Kim Rhodes as I have respect for her.

Not sure if it makes a difference but would be good if the existing board members are gone along with their nominations.
Back in the early 70s, I was working full time in High School and made the investment of a lifetime NRA membership. Gave up the magazines a few years back and have since given up on them. I'm convinced the rot runs deep.