Left-liberal...can shoot, too

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Went to photograph artwork for a lady today. Judging by her bumper stickers and my conversation with her, she is very left-liberal. She also mentioned learning to shoot and winding up doing the hot brass dance -- and her friends got it on video. Yet another Democrat who isn't anti gun...nice to run into them every once in a while.

I suspect that our best bet would be to make gun control as dead a topic in politics as Irish immigration...and people like her are our allies. Their job is convincing their own party to lay off gun control -- and they are much better positioned to influence DFL than those outside of it.
I know quite a few Democrats here in Texas. Only one of them is pro gun control, the rest are fervent supporters of the second amendment.
I know LOTS of pro gun Democrats, "liberals" and "progressives" ... unfortunately the candidates they support and the upper power structures of their political parties are still rabidly anti gun.
No offense guys, but being a Democrat or Republican has little to do with someone being our enemy or ally.

Everyone is entitled to their own views.

I'm a moderate-liberal, identify myself as a Democrat, and have been defined as a libertarian-socialist in the past.

Enjoying shooting, taking the responsibility of one's own safety into one's own hands, and recognizing the power of a firearm has absolutely no bearing with one's political affiliation or orientation.
No offense Oleg, but there are lots of liberals, (both Democrat and republican) and probably conservatives too, who may enjoy shooting guns as a fun activity, but would have no problem with a complete ban on guns. Just like there are people who take vacations to Vegas for gambling and prostitutes, but have no problem with laws against gambling or prostitution. There are people who take vacations to Mexico for prostitutes and drugs, yet they have no problems outlawing those things. Many many people enjoy participating in activities they believe should be illegal.

Absent other information, you obviously did not post your entire conversation with this lady, we don't know how she stands legislatively. She may not be anti-gun, she may have just been enjoying participation in a "taboo" activity. But you talked with her and I didn't.
I think its foolish to think the Democrats will lay off gun control for any other reason than to stop losing elections. Once back in power, the same old, same old.

Sorry but there aren't enough of those Democrat shooters to make a difference. Time would be better spent trying to convert them to parties that don't support gun control.

There's also a reason why most 2nd amendment supporters aren't Democrats other than the obvious gun control. Many of their other agendas conflict with the gun owners other beliefs.

20 years of working gun shows talking to gun owners kinda lets you in on a few things.
Individual—and inconsistent—statists may enjoy shooting; the very nature of statism, however, is necessarily opposed to the very idea of individual rights.

Trusting statists to support individual rights is like expecting coyotes to guard the hen house.
Yet another Democrat who isn't anti gun...nice to run into them every once in a while.

There are more of us than you might imagine, and Independents too. I don't consider myself a liberal, but I am such on some issues, conservative on others. I love that I bug my liberal friends and family by being a shooting enthusiast. :neener:
No offense guys, but being a Democrat or Republican has little to do with someone being our enemy or ally.

Everyone is entitled to their own views.

I'm a moderate-liberal, identify myself as a Democrat, and have been defined as a libertarian-socialist in the past.

Enjoying shooting, taking the responsibility of one's own safety into one's own hands, and recognizing the power of a firearm has absolutely no bearing with one's political affiliation or orientation.

The thing is...very few Republicans propose or support anti-RKBA legislation. Very many Democrats DO propose and support anti-RKBA legislation.

When Democrats return to their pro-Constitution and Bill of Rights roots, the discussion will change.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on CBS "60 Minutes":

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in -- I would have done it....Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in."

These words were uttered by a Left-liberal.

Like it of not. It IS reality.
I seem to remember a particular conservative Republican telling us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

It doesn't mean all conservative Republicans are the same.
This is happening more and more, and it's a good thing for the gun rights crowd. But this also means that more gunnies are going to have to accept liberals who join you, without trying to make them change the rest of their views. Gun forums can be a pretty hostile place if you're a liberal, although THR is better than most.

I am a Democrat and everyone I know in this vastly Rep state who is a Dem is not anti. I have been thinking about this from time to time and since even Sebelius our Gov has guns, she is a Dem, it must be those few who want to take away our rights that need voting out.
Another pro-gun Democrat liberal here.

Who has temporarily registered as Republican to vote in their primaries.
even Sebelius our Gov has guns, she is a Dem, it must be those few who want to take away our rights that need voting out.
The only reason Kansas has CCW now is because the (R)s overrode her veto of concealed carry legislation.

Sebelius may have guns herself, but she's also an elitist that doesn't believe that average Kansans should have them. Tto be fair, her RINO predecessor vetoed CCW twice himself ... but Kansas is an odd place politically ... thats a big part of the reason I left the state of my birth for Colorado (well that and the mountains)
Heh, I checked out the gun forum on democraticunderground and the very first thread is titled "I Demand the Reinstatement of The Assault Weapons Ban"

Nice gun forum.

SaMx, like where?

I don't post anywhere where 2A rights discussions are common aside from here and APS.

This should be my new signature: I'm a liberal Democrat. :)
The problem with the whole Democrat / Republican dichotomy is that there are (supposedly) only two kinds of politician to choose from. At Wal-Mart I can buy 100 different kinds of toothpaste, but we can only choose (or buy as the case may be) two kinds of politician?

Where I live in northern New Mexico, most elected official are Democrats. Very very few are anti-rkba. This is a heavily armed area, and, I think, fairly proud of it. Open carry is uncommon, but you do see it. I know, and have seen, people hitchike with rifles. In areas of low population density, it is not uncommon to hear people shooting in the front yards. The majority of homes, and perhaps the majority of cars, have a gun in them.

Yet, somehow, all Democrats = anti-gun to many people here.

Consider this... the US has (unfortunately I think) a two-party system. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, it is Democrats and Republicans. If you force the assumption that Democrats are anti-rkba, then either half of all politicians are to be considered anti-rkba, or we end up as an unbalanced one-party system, and those never seem to work very well. Simply put, if we want our (s)elected officials to overwhelmingly support the rkba then we must allow and encourage Democrats to do so, not just Republicans.
I seem to remember a particular conservative Republican telling us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

And that has exactly what to do with supporting the 2A?

Back to the actual topic, it really doesn't matter what individual Democrats think about shooting until they start voting for candidate that aren't antis. But they keep voting for the Feinsteins, Clintons, Schumers and Obamas of the world.

THR Dems, I'm real glad you are some of the more logical of your party. But until you can reel your party in and have them stop being the party that is overwhelmingly more statist and corrosive to individual rights, talking about your individual stances on RKBA on a forum doesn't mean a whole lot. A lot more meaningful gesture would be to refuse to vote for Hillary, Obama, or Edwards, as well as refusing to vote for any anti Dem congressperson, governor, or other official. Your votes speak much louder than words.
Yep 500+ Mustard Gas and Nerve Gas shells plus CBW experimentation on human subjects right under the UN's nose doesn't count.
Attempts to buy No Dong missiles from North Korea were just to be used in a high tech fish dynamiting expedition I suppose.

Now Back to Topic.
In Tennessee as in most of the South Democrats out number Republicans, but these are often "Blue Dog" Democrats who are conservative and will often stray from the Liberal lockstep of the DNC party line.

If not for Blue Dog Democrats our active duty military might have no Democrats in it at all instead of around 16%, the lowest percentage of any major Political affiliation. Liberals of any party account for about 2% last I heard.
Funny, in that DU thread there are indeed a lot of pro-RKBA posts, but I can't find one of them mentioning a pro-RKBA Democratic Presidential candidate.

Some day they'll wake up and realize they're Republicans.
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