Legal carry in Illinois

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I have a four letter word for you, M-O-V-E. I know it is not always possible,
Yeah this suggestion comes up often :banghead: . It is not a possiblity for me at the time. My wife goes to SIUE on a scholarship if we move she will lose it. Also the job I have will always require IL travel and the money is too good and the work too easy to give up at the moment. Where I live isnt bad, just the areas I work in.

How much protection do you think carrying an unloaded handgun in a case with a loaded magazine next to it really will give you?

Think about this for a minute. How many self defense situations might you find yourself in where you woud reasonably have time to unzip a pistol rug, insert a magazine, chamber a round and bring the weapon to bear on your assailant?

A gun unloaded in a case none really. But to be totaly honest it wouldnt be in the case all night. Some stops where I get out the gun will be going in my waistband. I know not legal but I would sooner break the law than get backed into a corner and knifed, or shot by some crackhead wanting the $20.00 in my wallet. The two clerks who were shot cooperated and were shot buy the robbers on their way out the door. That is what I am dealing with so at this point I have to say to hell with the law. I dont worry about being hasseled by LEO's in town as I know most of them by a first name basis and they never do more than drive by and wave when they see me. I am worried about being stopped by a county sheriff or state trooper while in transit. That is why I am looking for a pratical way to carry a pistol and loaded magazine legally within quick easy reach.
A holster is not a case. As far as the backpack or laptop case, follow the definition above.
The holster was really just superfluous information. While I don't see a situation where I give anyone cause to look inside my backpack, it sounds like the gun in the zipped pocket of it might not be the safest of ways to travel. Odd to think its different if I zip it into the pocket of my range bag its more kosher despite being effectively the same thing.
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