Made a lot of headway with an anti friend with this

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Hey everybody

That guy "Erebus" sounds like one of those "Friends of Oleg" I've been hearing about.
I think he bears watching.

He's probably sitting in his basement reloading oversized film canisters right now.
on atypical forms, such as at doctor's offices, insurance forms, etc., There will be questions such as , do you own a camera, what do you do with the camera, how many cameras do you own?
during national emergencies, severe stoms, hurricanes, etc., police can , by force, confiscate your cameras, destroy your cameras, and not have to give you any reason for it, nor do they have to give you a receipt.

You will be compared , by the media, as to how cameras are used in other countries, as opposed to how in America, we have a glut of cameras, don't really need them, and how much evil we do with said cameras.

you will be told , by almost every group against personal camera ownership, that camera ownership is not an individual right, and you must be a part of a statewide government camera militia, with proper government approved training, to use the cameras, and then it will only be when you are activated by said state, and then issued your field camera out of said state camera Armory.
This is the real meaning of what the true and most enlightened Camera Founding Fathers wanted , and said.
I'm borrowing this!

Awesome write-up. It makes a ton of sense although a few don't or atleast I don't fully agree with it.

I do believe, as gun owners with children, we do need to take extra percautions to prevent a child from tinkering or playing into a human trait of curiosity. But I don't think the government should be making it maditory for us to completly disable a gun from use.

I think about it like this: you have a 16 year old teen-ager. They could EASILY take the car keys and kill a couple people on the road. As parents, you must be able to keep that from easily happening, but there is no way to totally prevent it realistically (except taking a cap and rotor off or unpluging an ECU....etc) and you can't just lock your keys up so it's our responsibilities. Not the Governments. We shouldn't be required to all buy the "Club" because it seems to work.


Here's the link to the thread in another forum.
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used to work (supervisor) in a photolab. One of the other employees was a freak about baby pictures. EVERY (and I emphasize EVERY) single picture of babies or small children that came through the machines she analyzed and came up with several different senarios as to why the picture could be child porn and wanted to call the cops.

I got on her case about it one day finally saying something like parents take pictures of their new babies and babies by default are going to be naked A LOT.

She relented, but then came up with the excuse..."well what if the pictures are stolen and posted on the internet on a child porn site!"

Ah jeez...

It is illegal for anyone to possess child pornography. Those parents should be prosecuted, tried, and sentenced to long prison terms. When they are released--they really should be buried under the prison--they should be required to register as sex offenders.

Parents who take photographs of their naked babies are sexually abusing their children. The only reason for taking those photographs is so that the parents can share them with friends and family, and so they can look at those photographs in later years.

The practice is detestable. Parents who examine their babies' sex organs are criminals. Arrest them all. Every parent should be arrested. We want a perfect society: focus on how perfection begins. Zero tolerance is the way to become perfect.

Rolls of film should be limited to five pictures, high capacity rolls should be banned.

Small, cheap cameras (Saturday Night Specials) should be banned.

Also, no camera phones unless you get a state permit. Open carry may be permitted in some locations, but if you're caught concealing (putting it in your pocket or purse) you're busted.

Colour film and/or autowinders will require a paying a special $200 tax and getting a permit from BATFEP.

No home developing labs unless you have a FDL (Federal Developers Licence).
"thats hilarious. i love reading that stuff. its as good as when someone gets killed with a hammer and they start threads saying how we need to register hammers, and its for the children. thats great, keep up the good work"

Actually, I believe it was in the state of Massachusetts that a lawmaker proposed just such an ordinance. It seems there were a number of mototcyclists who carried claw-hammers since guns were effectively outlawed. If I remember correctly, a purchaser of such a devastating weapon would have to prove a "need" for it before a store could sell it.
So, requiring permits for ordinary tools may seem far-fetched now, but wait a few years...:banghead:
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