most dubious excuse for buying a new firearm

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Sep 15, 2007
people come out with all sorts of reasons to buy a new shiny toy.
but as an excuse /ustification this will take some beating.
back in the 80s when you could still buy handguns in the UK a certain LT used a sea kayak crossing of the Irish sea as an excuse to buy a 6inch stainless steel .375 magnum smith & wesson sorry don't remember the model.
his excuse was pira might be waiting to ambush as we landed :uhoh:as we actually planned to kayak into a marina this was slightly beyond the realms of believability also he already had over a dozen stainless steel wheelguns plus automatics (had managed to wrangle a part V firearms dealers licence) rarer than rocking horse droppings but did then and still allows the holding of machine guns etc. so had a vast collection of weapons.
Well, I have all this <insert caliber here> ammo and no gun in that particular caliber...would be a shame for it to go to waste!
nice try but being able to engage terrorists from a sea kayak is going to take a lot of beating :D
probably ok shooting at targets in front but from the side I'd imagine your likely
to capsize :uhoh:
never got to see if you could shoot from a kayak as he britsh army does'nt have any kayak ranges :neener: and the training major put a stop to his plan to put targets on oil drums in the sea
Just like people who rescue dogs and cats from being euthanized...

I'm a gun rights activist and I'm trying to save as many of them as possible from being destroyed!
If you're upping caliber:

Criminals are wearing body armor more often these days..

If you're dropping caliber:

[my current big gun] is too big to fire inside [car, closet, shoebox]

Bigger gun: Less recoil, more comfort
Smaller gun: More concealable, comfortable to wear all day.
Same gun, same caliber: Backup in case of failure :D

See also: Fashion! You need at least an EDC, a dress gun, a hard-use gun for the woods, a house gun, a target gun, a plinking gun..

Now, for the OP, just tell them you're reenacting Dunkirk in reverse? heh, or you have to rewind it to the beginning of the battle!
I don't know how dubious this is, but I just bought a 2nd Kel-tec PF-9 because it was OD green. Who knew it would look so cool in person?!

The black one I bought 2 months ago is now for sale.
I have to diversify my investment portfolio.
what ever the senerio, tell the story , then at the end say " and then I found five dollars" .It makes all stories sound interesting.
Fashion! You need at least an EDC, a dress gun, a hard-use gun for the woods, a house gun, a target gun, a plinking gun..

And a BBQ gun, and a truck gun, and a boat gun...
I was told by a friend that guns are the best investment in the US (well...used ones at least). They don't drop a lot in value as they are used and because of the constant laws they keep on applying they grow in value readily. So...I just say it's a new investment opportunity.
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