My son "busted" for saying "gun" on bus.

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Well folks, this "new guy" isn't going to get to be an "old guy" around here. You've just demonstrated how you handle an unpopular opinion (which WAS, BTW on topic).

Oh for heaven's sake.

This is about the MOST diverse bunch of people you will ever find. In truth, about the ONLY thing some of us can possibly agree on is RKBA. But we have been allowed to be here in Oleg's house and have conversations, and enjoy one another, and yes, frequently argue...sometimes passionately. We just have to do it without insulting people. And that post about women was insulting to half the population. Therefore you got called on it. Then you snarked at the moderator who called you on it, at which point you got Moderated On. A generally unpleasant event for the One Who Was Moderated, but we usually deserve it when it happens to us (and many of us have been Ones Who Were Moderated before, including me).

If you want to be able to say whatever you want in whatever manner you want, you are correct...this is not the place for you. If you want to stay and learn the ropes a bit, listen and get a feel for the place, you might do just fine here. You just have to recognize the boundaries that are set by the owner.

Not a big deal, really, and this is a nice place to hang out with other gun folk. But you have to choose what's right for you.

There is a lot of irony in this thread if you look at the main discussion and the several dramas that are playing out. I like irony. ;)
He received a three-day suspension from the bus due to the egregious nature of his violation.

Egregious violations back when the world made more sense were things like physical fighting, endangering others' safety, setting the bus on fire, stuff like that.

Intune, I think you have to run for a school board seat. it's the only way. :)
Does anyone know how cheaply one can buy small pocket tape recorders these days? (That's not a rhetorical question -- I don't know. Haven't bought one for many years.)

What I'm thinking is that there's apparently a rule prohibiting speaking the word "gun." What if some studious student were to surruptitiously bring onto the bus a small recorder with a tape of some famous speech (or even not-so-famous speech) in which the 'G' word was uttered prominently numerous times. Set the tape up with lots of blank air at the start, find a way to let the tape player find its way onto the floor of the bus without anyone knowing the source -- and fifteen minutes later, at full (albeit tinny) volume will come the word "GUN!" And nobody will know who said it, or where it came from.

Tell your son to be sure to wear gloves when making the recording and placing the recorder. Fingerprints, don't ya know.

Do it randomly maybe once a week for a month or so. You'd lose the recorders, of course, which is why it's of interest how cheaply they can be bought ...
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(Skipping the entire thread...)

My Canadian niece won't say the word "gun". Somebody taught her it's a "bad word".
Aguila Blanca, while I don't think it's a wise idea to go stirring up the hive...
Dollar store.
i got taken to the officve and yalled at for talkigng to a friend about going to the range the next weekend freshman year

but i believe there had been a school shooting like 2 days before that and the sro (student resource officer) heard me talking about shooting

they just told me to lay off the gun talk for a week or so till things calm down
In the end, what is the lesson that we would want the children on the bus to learn from this?
That, if their parents don't stand up for idiotic no-tolerance policies, kids will be expelled for chewing gum in about 10 years.

About five years ago I got detention for chewing gum... Not spitting it on the floor, or smearing it under a desk, or blowing/popping bubbles, just chewing...

Oh, and to keep this post gun-related, I was pretty much the "gun crazy" in high school.

Conspiracy, perhaps? :scrutiny: :p
He received a three-day suspension from the bus due to the egregious nature of his violation.
Egregious violations back when the world made more sense were things like physical fighting, endangering others' safety, setting the bus on fire, stuff like that.

Intune, I think you have to run for a school board seat. it's the only way.
Ha! It was said kinda tongue-in-cheek. Mons M, it's either that or become a bus driver. Then I would be the one in trouble for having them chant, (at least half of the bus ;) ) "this is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting... Yea, though I walk through the valley of death... Hey, Johnny, I heard you shot a nice ten-point..." *GASP*

The Principal is back on Monday. All of this has occurred with her gone.
Intune, Hope all this works out as best possible, given all the obstacles. Hang tough.
About five years ago I got detention for chewing gum... Not spitting it on the floor, or smearing it under a desk, or blowing/popping bubbles, just chewing...

Oh, and to keep this post gun-related, I was pretty much the "gun crazy" in high school.

Conspiracy, perhaps?

Historically, gum chewing was forbidden in schools. When I was in Catholic school back in the 1960's, the Sisters of Mercy were fond of making a student caught chewing gum wear that gum on his nose for the balance of the day. Would you have preferred that?
Well, in his honor, I'll make sure to say "School bus!!!" every time I go to the gun range.
Yeah in 2004 I got suspended because we had to journal for five minuted every day and i journaled about when me and my dad went to the pistol range the week before.

What got me in trouble was i said " the .45 acp was so powerful it seemed to shake the plywood dividers." only the teacher read "the .45 is powerful" and thought i was a derranged homicidal freak and had me suspended as well as bringing my parents in and telling them what i had done. They also searched my backpack and locker the same day.

People today have gotten a little overboard with trying to stop school shooters I was in 9th grade at the time and did not have access to any sort of firearm and if they read my journals they would have noticed i never metioned or implied harming anyone.

OH NO a kid who enjoys guns and shooting sports is a lot more dangerous than a kid who like cars or football ect.I know football involves a lot more aggression that shooting plates at a local range, but no one wants to take the time to understand.
One problem is that Mumsy and Dad-da don't seem to have a problem with giving a sixteen year old the keys to a two-ton death machine, but mention organized and internationally sanctioned target shooting to them, and they completely freak out.
Funny...when I was in high school I took my Winchester Model 12 ON THE BUS for our trap team after school. In Nebraska where I grew up, most trucks in the school parking lot had rifles and/or shotguns in the back window rack in the school parking lot. We never had a firearms incident...:eek:
There is still hope. Here in the rural heartland we still have a trap shooting tournement sponsored by an area high school FFA (Future Farmers of America). I was proud to be the chaparone/coach last year for the team from our high school.:D
It has nothing to do with the word gun... and EVERYTHING to do with copyright violations :)
No more singing copyrighted songs outloud!

I spoke with the Principal today for quite a while. She is not a happy camper. The bus driver overreacted and the word “gun” is not forbidden. Context is the key. She is going to speak to the driver in no uncertain terms tomorrow after my son goes to the office to report on the seating arrangements during the morning ride. You see, the bus driver let everyone sit wherever they wanted on Thursday & Friday while the Firearm Five & Gonorrhea Guy were suspended. This "open seating" has never happened before on this bus and seems to be some kind of “victory” celebration. We don’t know if it also occurred today (find out tonight) but she wants Ad to come in tomorrow morning and speak with her. She is very unhappy with the driver and called the twisting of her “gun talk” & the seating party, “unacceptable.”

She is also going to speak to the VP, seeking an explanation for the coercion and intimidation displayed by her in regards to the signed statements. This seemed to concern her much more than the bus incident.

She is going to speak to the five kids & let them know that they got in trouble for arguing with the driver and that if the driver tells them to be quiet they should do so. Then she is going to tell them that if they are following the rules but are being treated unfairly that they should come to her and SHE would stand up for them. Against ANYONE who is mistreating them. I believe her. Those boys may have made a strong ally if they straighten up just a hair. The three day suspension from the bus meted out by the Vice-Principal is not how she would have handled it. She can’t undo the suspensions but said that none would go into any kind of record.

Some folks are calling for lawsuits, jobs & blood but I think this is how it should be handled. I have faith in this lady. She seems tough but fair, which is what I want for my child’s Principal.

I ask that none of this appear in blogs or the press. At least not with the name of the school or persons involved. It would serve no purpose at this point but to embarrass & destroy. The matter has been resolved.

P.S. During the discussion she mentioned the CO church shooting (she had been in Denver for the funeral of her BIL during all this bus stuff) and I told her that a lady with a CCW killed the gunman. “Good job,” was all she said. Yep, I like this Principal.
Intune ~


Good work on perservering and going to bat for your son. He'll remember it all his life.

Hope things go well from this point on.

As a former Assistant Principal I knew that this would be taken care of as it was by a competent administrator. Please have faith in our schools.
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