Need to know how good a deal this is on N frame

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Dec 13, 2004
Basically, $600.00 for a 6.5 inch 29-2 in really good shape. Pinned and recessed and beautiful stock target grips. How good a deal is this? Jump on it now or pass or somewhere in between.


Hmmm, M29-2 .... well being P&R does IMO up value, and if it's maybe a 98% .... just perhaps, if ''want factor'' severe. Overall tho I'd say this price might much better reflect an early four screw.

1961 thru 1979 was the production of dash 2, before they dropped the 6 1/2 bbl. This is gonna be a three screw and S&W book lists $500 as NIB value. This could have risen a bit.

If I were buying, and I am a sucker for nice Smiths, maybe I'd go up to $550 if I was in that ''must have'' mood, tho I'd want a box and all trivia too.

I think being coldly practical about it - I'd buy at $450.
Problem is I've got the fever

I've not found any 6 or 6.5 inch .44 smiths around here. And since a dealer has this one I may be able to trade in a couple of mine to soften the fiscal impact.

Like I said, it's the first one I've found locally and I've really wanted a pinned and recessed 6.5 29. Maybe I'll sleep on it.

Maybe I'll sleep on it.
Don't tho lie on the cylinder - it'll give ya backache!! :p

OK, sensible mode now!! ............ I do agree this is a very desirable piece - for sure, one I'd like to aquire. It will also almost certainly appreciate in value. However, I'd hope perhaps you could, if doing some trading, effectively get that price down quite a bit.

I am well aware of ''want factor'' ... I paid $465 early last year for my 8 3/8 M27-2 ... which was a tad painful but hey - ''had to have''! Even had wife with me that time and she said ''go for it'' .... so, I mean, what else is a guy to do?! ;)

Do hope you manage to get it because that is one very fine N frame ... if you are lucky (and weak willed!) ... let's see a pic later eh. :p
I'd try to talk them down a bit on it, but if you really want it, talk 'em down as far as you can and take it.
I'm looking for a 6 1/2 myself but around here $600 would be 98-99% with the wood case, accessories and papers. I do know the feeling though. If you have the money and it's not a stretch or you can live with some kind of trade it might be worth it.
That would have to be considered a steal in some parts of the country, the People's Republic of California, for example. In most of the country, it would probably be a somewhat high price, although I've seen worse.
A couple weeks ago I saved a link from this board that had all the smith and wesson data on the dash numbers and when the various changes took place. Anybody know this site? I can't find it now. At the least can anyone tell me when the 6.5 inch changed to 6 inch and when the pinned and recessed came to an end?

can anyone tell me when the 6.5 inch changed to 6 inch and when the pinned and recessed came to an end?
Tim, not sure what the site would have been but - as I wrote earlier ... ref material suggests the 6 1/2 was discontinued 1979.

P&R was discontinued with the M29-3 in 1982.
All sounds great but.....

Yeah $450.00 sounds great but the thing is I never can seem to find these deals. I don't want to buy blindly off the internet and I've hit many shops and local gun shows and I'm not finding them. As a matter of fact around here all I see is skyrocketing S&W prices.

I agree sounds a little on the high side but this is the only 6.5 inch 29 I've found in a year of looking. Maybe I'll trade and then it won't seem like such a bad deal.

I'm glad you guys are evidently finding these $400.00 N frames but all I'm finding is $600.00 to $800.00 ones myself. I just found a 6 inch model 27 for $725.00. That's the kind of deals I'm running into.

Maybe just a regional thing but seems to me like the prices are steadily climbing. I just bought a 6 inch 79 colt python for Christmas for $585.00 and in the few months since I first saw the gun, I've seen those get higher.

For the real 'skinny' on S&W guns, go to

and register there to ask your question in the "S&W Revolvers Since 1945" section. There are many similar queries daily. The site often works painfully slowly, but the info is worth the wait.

For myself, if I really wanted a beautiful gun like the 29-2 in question, I would BUY IT and not let a measly $50 or even $100 "too much" deter me very much. I've passed-up too many fine guns too many danged times for similar reasons, and regretted it at leisure. Ten years from now, what would that $50 have bought me that I could point to and say, "Look at this!" Spending that little bit "too much", on the other hand, would have given me ten years of shooting memories and the pride of owning a truly classic and beautiful gun. All this for a mere $5 per year "too much" average, pro-rated??? I'd try to get his price down as much as possible, but I'd also keep the ultimate goal in mind. He might consider you a 'fish' if you pay a bit more than market price, but YOU end up with the gun.

I yam a hopeless N-frame junky, and I too NEED a blue M-29.....
It's definatly not a steal. But, then again I havent seen too many of these in the shops around here. If it's in truly great shape and its something you really want and may not be able to find again then try to talk him down but, if it's worth it to YOU thats all that really matters. These do pop up on the auction sites for a less from time to time though. With transfer fees and shipping you could probably save about $50. To me its worth that much to handle the gun first. Just make sure it is TIP TOP, otherwise it is a ripoff.
i saw a beatiful 6" 29-3 in nickle yesterday, for 450.... it really was in great shape, and i would have probally bought it except that damn 1911 bug bit again... :eek:
I'm with you Tim71, All these guys on the internet talking about cheap prices on classic Smith and Wessons..problem is, I never see them in my area and I'm surrounded by some pretty decent gun shops. A word of advise here, If I listened to some of the prices these guys talk about I wouldn't have any Smith and Wessons except the newer stainless crap. I'd buy the gun if you want it, and the heck with all this advise to the contrary. I just bought a 'limited edition' new M29 with a 6-1/2" barrel and Arends conversion grips for....$650!! And you won't even need the conversion grips, cuz the 29-2 comes with the real ones! Do what you want, but I wouldn't let this advise keep me from something you very rarely see. Only you know the condition it's in, but if I wanted it, I'd buy it!
He didn't want to trade anyway

The guy only wanted to trade for other smiths and that pretty well left me out. I just bought a python so I can't buy it out right but when I recover from that I'll look him up.

As for the condition, to me it looked in good condition although obviously not NIB. Which is fine with me because I wanted one to be 95 to 98% but not so pristine that I wouldn't want to shoot it.

I'm sure you know what it's like to hold/feel a gun and get a bad fever only to not come home with it. Ughh!

Is it just me or is the older blued smiths got much more character than the new stainless ones? Also, I feel like an oddball sometimes but I actually like how the wood grips feel.

I've not given up though.

44 S&W Magnum

Good luck:
Whatever you decide to do!
My background: I have been shooting magnum revolvers for 45 years.
I owned one of those pin and recessed 29 Models the Dirty Harry version years ago:
I shot the gun ,reloaded for it and couldn't use it!. I "bit and cut" my R hand web every time I used it despite whatever handload I put through it. So I sold it when the 629's came out and I have been using the 629 6.5 inch barrel ever since ie 100 rounds of factory equivalent every Saturday. If you are just going to "admire the gun" buy it. If you plan to shoot more than 10 rounds per session buy something else ie a 629. IMHO Ruger trigger absolutely sucks.
Tim - no, don't give up. There are in theory a goodly number of very nice Smiths out there .. and hopefully one will come along again.
Is it just me or is the older blued smiths got much more character than the new stainless ones?
Not you - no - same here. I have a new type 629 and 625 ... like em both a lot but - when I handle (fondle!!) my older N frames, instance this delight of mine below, the 5" M27-2 .... I revel in the depth of finish, plus appreciating the P&R characteristics.

I also happen to agree re the wooden grips ... they look good to me and handle just sweet.

To determine if the price is "right", you must correlate your age to price. If you are well down the road, buy what you want if you can afford it and enjoy it. You could run out of "wait" before buyng what you could enjoy now.
If you check out gunbroker auction #28396744 you see an identical gun that's already up to $555.00 so I'm thinking my deal isn't a bad one at all.

I sure wished I could run into some of the deals I hear about.

Those deals don't come around too often. I've run into a couple, and I've fortunately been able to take advantage of them. One such deal allowed me to purchase a 6" Python AND a 629-1 for $650. The Python was LNIB, the 629-1 less so. I ended up selling the 629-1, but, I later found another one in better shape for a very good price, and I bought it.

I haven't bought any N frame Smiths for going on 8 years now, and I must admit that I'm a bit astonished to see what the prices are getting to be...almost twice what I paid then. I guess that's good for me, since I'm not planning on buying any more! :D

P95, that's a great looking model 27. I like your photography...what kind of camera and lighting do you use? It doesn't look like you use any fill flash, I like the shadows and contrast.
Good deal that was larry, on the Smith and Python but if as you suggest 8 or so years ago - maybe not so surprising. I get the impression that more and more folks have realised what the earlier Smiths really are - and so this has in part driven prices up.
P95, that's a great looking model 27. I like your photography...what kind of camera and lighting do you use? It doesn't look like you use any fill flash, I like the shadows and contrast.
Thx for compliment.... tho not IMO up to Don's (DHart) standard ... different approach partly.

Basic set up is ... Minolta A1 DiMAGE on tripod. I drape a white sheet over the area (very basic!) - to act as ''light tent'', diffuser. Light sources are actually not ideal for position - more a case of bookshelves they'll clip to! Main is to upper left and secondary is to right and a bit rear. These are cheapo clip ons but I run those internally reflective 90 or 150 W flood lamps in them, 150 for 1º and 90 for 2º ... still tungsten of course.... and they are only on for shortish spells whilst shooting. I prefer to not use flash.

I set white balance manually to allow for these and the ceiling fluorescents. Exposures are generally in range of .6 to 1 second at f11 .. smallest stop I have and use that for max depth of field. Usually zoom in a bit and set focus manually too.

Final stage, like Don - is ''tidying up'' in my equivalent of PhotoShop ... always lint and stuff to spot out ... and maybe sl gamma corrections etc. Always aware - could do better! :)
The auction ended

See the auction ended for the 29-2 with no box or papers and the final bid was $805.00! I think maybe you guys should prepare for some higher prices.

Maybe I should get while the getting is good.

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