New neighbor a felon

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What's with all this "be vigil" stuff? So if a felon doesn't move into your neighborhood you can just be a bliss ninny? Nothing should change. You should always be on the look out for suspicious activity no matter who you live next to. If all of the sudden a new neighbor makes you want to make security changes, then those changes are long overdue anyway.
If I saw lions in my neighborhood, that would cause me to react differently than to squirrels or even to pitbulls.

Remember, the Army sees a difference between "contact with the enemy unlikely", "contact with the enemy possible but unlikely", and "contact with the enemy highly likely".
I find that ignoring people and not talking to them at all works best. Odds are, they've got nothing to say I want to hear anyway...
You'd think that would work! In at least one case, though, I knew some neighbors who were so nebby that they obsessed over our doings. Their lack of information became the basis of all sorts of amazing fantasies. Eventually, because of all the sick, twisted things we were doing nowhere but in their minds, they developed an active dislike of us. Finally, hating us became their religion.

But I guess you can't win when you have psychos for neighbors.

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