New Shooting- At the Facility Where My Son Goes to Daycare!

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May 25, 2005
Colorado Front Range
Hi Folks,

We got the reverse 911 last night at 2:30 am about a shooting and the suspect on the loose. Our 1 year old attends daycare on the same church campus, just across the parking lot from this training center.

This is a summary of how I feel this morning-


Please comment on what you think we should do.



2 Dead In Colo. Missionary Center Shooting
Police Seek Gunman Who Wounded 2 Others

DENVER -- Arvada Police say two people are dead and two others are wounded after a lone gunman opened fire at a training center for Christian missionaries early Sunday.

Police said the shooting happened at about 12:30 a.m. Sunday at the Youth With a Mission Center in the Denver suburb of Arvada, Colo. The extent of the injuries was not clear, and the gunman was still at large Sunday morning.

Witnesses told police that the gunman was a 20-year-old white male, wearing a dark jacket and skull cap. He may have glasses or a beard.

Police searched through the night with several dogs and nearby houses were notified via 911 to be on the lookout.

According to its Web site, Youth With a Mission has about 1,000 locations worldwide and trains people to become missionaries. About 50 people were inside the Arvada site when the gunman opened fire.
There's not much you can do? Start a collection to have a security guard there 24/7? Teach your son the wonders of gun safety at an incredibly early age? IWB? (Only kidding).

I'm sorry, I have nothing good to add.

I know you must be worried sick. Remember though that this type of thing usually doesn't happen twice in the same place.
yeah, but wouldn't you feel like an ******* if it did? That's a pretty creepy situation. I don't have kids myself, but I've been thinkin about em a lot and what I'd do when weird stuff happens..

I guess all it really comes down to is that hell is other people.. Get away from em, or risk one going crazy and doing something like this.

What's more in-line with keeping everyone alive? Getting away.. What's easier? Staying there.
Please comment on what you think we should do.

You could do like we did and have one parent stay home to raise the children. A lot of people say that is nuts. It is not easy, but it sure was worth it. You will have to give up some things, like eating out a lot of the time, new cars, a big house with a big mortgage, etc, but again, it is worth it. The time will go faster than you think. Two of ours are out the door, with the third not far behind.

We raised three children. We got to spend a lot of time with them, have a lot of fun with them, teach them, guide and support them and instilled our values in them rather than have someone else instill their values in them. If you are interested in hearing more, PM me.

Oh yeah, if you home school them, then going to the range counts as either physical education or an extra curricular activity for the portfolio. We turn in pictures to the school district with our records for the year showing our daughter handling guns of all sorts, especially EBRs and pistols. :evil:

Pennysplinker said:
Oh yeah, if you home school them, then going to the range counts as either physical education or an extra curricular activity for the portfolio. We turn in pictures to the school district with our records for the year showing our daughter handling guns of all sorts, especially EBRs and pistols.
I like your style!
My wife and I made the decision to have opposing work schedules just to avoid daycare. It has meant a whole bunch of nights in bed by myself (not even close to my first choice).

Your children are THE MOST IMPORTANT AND CRUCIAL JOB YOU HAVE AS A HUMAN. Everyone says what can we do to combat those that would subjugate us? The song says teach your children well.

If we as parents do our job. Our children will know Right from wrong. Good from evil. They will have the ability to reason out problems. They will understand that with Freedom comes Responsibility. That Success requires hard work, dedication and sacrifice on their part. That they will have to be vigilant on their watch because Evil never sleeps.

Hug them and tell them you love them everyday, sometimes more than once a day.
PennsyPlinker: You could do like we did and have one parent stay home to raise the children.
This is the path we chose. The material things we gave up didn’t begin to compare to having a full time parent available for our son.

PennsyPlinker: We turn in pictures to the school district with our records for the year showing our daughter handling guns of all sorts, especially EBRs and pistols.
I would pay a great deal of money to see the expressions on the school officials faces while viewing these pictures! (I wonder how many of them wet their pants the first time they saw these pictures. :evil: )
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