NJ One Gun per Month (A339)

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Dec 5, 2007
NJ One Gun per Month (A339)
A339 Prohibits individuals from purchasing more than one handgun in a calendar month.

The committee votes Monday, March 3rd.



Johnson, Gordon M. - Chair
(201) 541-1118 (Englewood)
(201) 928-0100 (Teaneck)

Albano, Nelson T. - Vice-Chair
(609) 465-0700 (Cape May Court House)
(609) 926-3779 (Somers Point)
(856) 293-8353 (Millville)
(856) 696-7109 (Vineland)

Bramnick, Jon M.
(908) 232-3673 (Westfield)
(908) 918-0414 (Summit)

Rible, David P.

Spencer, L. Grace
Doesn't list a number for the Assemblywoman, here's her njleg link.
Remember, this is the state that you have to get a permit to buy a Daisy "Red Rider" BB gun. :rolleyes:

If they can't be trusted with a BB gun, you sure they can be trusted with more than one gun per month? :D
Well it wasn't a vote to pass the bill as law, it was a vote to release the bill to go to vote by the senate. We lost 4-1. You can listen to the meeting here. Fast forward to about the 1 hour mark. The Jersey City Police Chief was asked some rational questions by Assemblyman Nelson Albano that required some real information, statistics and facts as answers. The PC responded with, "I don't know," and "I don't have the information." :cuss::banghead::fire:

There is hope though, last year the committee released the bill to be voted on by Senate and it wasn't passed into law. So now we just have more people to call.
I emailed my reps today asking them to oppose the bill. It just seems like 1/10 of a step forward and 2 steps back in this state
New Jersey

I suspect that alot of New Jersy politics is influenced by New York City.

Let's face it, the northeastern counties of New Jersey are effectively subburbs of New York City.

New York and New Jersey have been playing social experiments since the 1960's and those social programs have backfired.

Rather than admit and fix problems, the politicians have to find scapegoats.

I grew up in New York, so I feel your pain.

Even though I am in California, I feel you have it way worse than me.

I tell people in California that if you want to see things really bad, look at you guys. Please don't take offense.

New Jersey has a reputation of being corrupt all across the board.

We at least have a intiative process where we can bypass our government.

Granted, we as gun owners haven't used it yet, but we have hope.

I have a great idea!

How about Virginia just gives NJ our stupid one gun per month law! That way no voting is necessary and it's out of virginia!

But I'd hate to do that to the gun owners of NJ...so I say fight it as best as you can because once you get it it's stuck real good (just look at VA...I've never heard of a bill that would repeal it sadly :( )
I spent the time emailing my reps also.

Does anyone ever get a response from them? I wonder if there is an auto delete button on anything related to guns.
I get responses from some, but not all.

I even had a 15 minute intelligent conversation with one chief of staff to discuss this bill, it's not much but at least you feel your voice isn't completely ignored. In fact this particular CoS was sort of on the fence about the issue, and by the end of the conversation he was more understanding of my position.
You might want to point out that South Carolina was the first state to have such a law and repealed it after thirty years of experience with it.

The South Carolina legislature determined that the one-gun-a-month restriction did nothing to discourage criminals and served only to harm honest people.
"I spent the time emailing my reps also.

Does anyone ever get a response from them? I wonder if there is an auto delete button on anything related to guns."

I've sent about a dozen emails to Lautenburg, and never got a response. I would have thought that the state reps would be more responsive, but I guess not.

I think NJ is pretty hopeless at this point.
Please contact your state Senator using the link below and finding your district on the map. We recommend that you do so PROMPTLY starting TODAY, because much of this kind of legislation is pushed through very fast before our community can respond, so that the politicians have the excuse that they never heard from us.


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Thanks to one and all who contacted your legislators about this horrid legislation. The team at NCSD sent out this email to notify us that the bill was pulled from the 2008 agenda. We're not out of the woods yet, but take a moment to savor the victory....


Ok, done? There's plenty more to do. Keep your eyes peeled and your voices primed and ready for the next piece of garbage headed our way.


The NJCSD Management Team said:
For those who have not yet received the NRA-ILA alert, it seems that we have a victory in defeating S-1774, the 1-Gun-A-Month bill.

As we suspected and mentioned in our Email of late last week, the legislature attempted to sneak this through - almost literally - in the "dead of night" while nobody was looking. Or so they thought.

Your efforts in contacting your legislators turned this bill around and handed a significant defeat to the likes of Bryan Miller and the gun grabbers at CeaseFire.

We congratulate all of you who made liberty your PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY by contacting your legislator to register your opposition. You have proved that WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE when we each do our own little part to fight back.

However, as the saying goes, all victory is fleeting. The bill will remain active for the rest of 2009 which means it can make its way back to the floor of the Senate at any time. It would not surprise us to learn after the fact that it was cued and voted on without any forewarning, because that's the underhanded way things are done here in New Jersey.

Therefore we must be vigilant, and ask those of you who have not contacted your legislators yet to please do so. This is how we lose ground - we have a temporary victory in pushing back tyrrany and then become complacent, assuming we're safe and that the monster is defeated. Even if you have contacted your legislator, a second (third, fourth) reminder that you won't tolerate this kind of encroachment is never a meaningless gesture.

Congratulations to you all. We won one today. Enjoy your victory.

Yours in Liberty,
The NJCSD Management Team
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The NRA-ILA Alert


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In a surprise move last night, the New Jersey State Senate declined to take up scheduled action on S1774, so-called "one-gun-a-month" legislation.

After months of high profile lobbying by anti-gun organizations and bill proponents, and on the heels of last Monday's victory by anti-gunners in the Senate Committee on Law and Public Safety, S1774 was abruptly pulled.

While this legislation will remain in a position to be posted for a vote by the full Senate for the rest of the 13 months remaining in the term, this development can only indicate a softening of support for this dangerous bill. Overwhelming effort on the part of the grassroots networks of a variety of gun rights groups in New Jersey must be credited with this apparent reversal of fortune for the anti-gun crowd.

This bill will remain alive for all of 2009 and must remain at the top of the agenda for all New Jersey gun owners. Please continue to stay in touch with your legislators about the dangers of this legislation and watch closely for any developments. Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for any updates. You can find contact information for your State Legislators by clicking here.
". . . the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Except that we're going to infringe on their purchase. Why is this not a Constitutional issue?
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