No...I hate guns.......Oh wait,

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Odysseus ~

I've been collecting quotes since I was a little kid. Used to keep 'em in a looseleaf notebook, which transmogrified into a WordStar file when I was in college and now is over 450 pages of 12-point font in MS Word. Most of the quotes were captured "in the wild" from my reading, but some have been picked up from collections.


The next best thing to being clever is being able to quote someone who is. -- Mary Pettibone Poole
Pax: "A completely unarmed world is safe only for large, competent adult males who possess the physical skills to defend themselves ..."

Well, that pretty much rules me out, so I'll keep my guns.
Gee, I Wonder Who Rhonda Voted For...

... in the last election?

Beyond that, I wonder if she'll still be fooled by the next wave of '08 political candidates who "Don't Want To Take The Guns Away From Sportsmen For Legitimate Sporting Purposes?"

And, beyond that, do ya think we'll ever see candidates from a certain party (sucking up to the Rhonda Soccer Mom vote) doing campaign photo-ops with HANDGUNS... instead of shotguns (held upside-down/like a proctoscope/etcetera) like a certain senator from Massachussetts?

As they say: a Conservative is a Liberal who's been mugged.

Mommy-Rhonda here just came face-to-face with a very real world she's ducked for a loooong time. Traumatic as it was (for her and a ton of other folks down there), I suspect the Survival Lessons may take a while to sink-in.

OTOH, Radicalizing Experiences like this can be life-changing... with deep cultural and political impact.

How do you feel about "Common-Sense Gun Control" now, Rhonda?
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